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Posts posted by DatDudeJoc

  1. So I've been playing this game on and off since it came out. I just came back to the game recently and would like to get caught up on all the story and lore. I have done most of the flashpoints and questlines except for the forged alliances but I have only done the first couple operations in the game (EV, KP) so i was looking around youtube and google to try and find the cutscenes to the operations which I have yet to complete so that I could get the story without going back and playing through them all. I was able to find the cutscenes for all the operations except for Dread Fortress and Dread Palace. So I have come here in hopes that one of you knows where I can find these. Thanks in advance!
  2. So what it seemed like to me from reading your OP was that your are trying to target your teammates by clicking on their actual characters, if this is the case then I highly suggest you stop that immediately. The easiest way to target a teammate is to just click on their name in the group frame. I would also suggest going into your preferences and selecting the option to use raid frames for groups, and then going into your UI customization and selecting the Option to show health point numbers and percentages. This will make knowing who to heal and how big of a heal is needed much easier, and using the raid frames makes targeting your teammates much easier as well.
  3. I don't think the SWG style of bounty could really work here in SWTOR I do, however, believe player bounties could succeed in this game. I think it could work similar to what SWG did after everyone could be a Jedi at the click of a button. When player's engaged in PVP you had the option to place bounties on players who killed you.


    I think that basic concept could work in this game. If players engage in open world PVP or participate in warzones, you could make it so a player who is killed in combat could place a bounty on whoever landed the deathblow on them. The player would have to put up their own money and there would be a minimum and maximum amount of credits you were allowed to place. Other player's could then purchase these bounty contracts and hunt their target. The cost of buying the bounty contract should be tied to the amount of the bounty. So for instance if the bounty was for 1 million credits, it may cost 150 thousand credits to purchase it.


    It definitely couldn't be as in depth as SWG was. This is not an open world sandbox type game. There aren't really many places where players can congregate in the open world that isn't surrounded by mobs of enemies. Players typically just gather on the fleet unless running story missions in the open world. Because of this bounties would most likely have to only be able to be purchased if they are on same faction players as it would be impossible for an imp to hunt a rebel or vice versa if the hunted just stayed on their fleet or home planets.


    As for the actual engagement of the players, I think it would have to be set up in a way that wasn't just a player buying a contract and finding and ganking the person. This leads to a lot of grief and as a lot of people in this thread seem to be against the idea of forced PVP on PVE servers. I think the fights would have to be set up sort of like duels. Player A buys contract, finds Player B on the fleet. Player A targets Player B and initiates the bounty. Player B is then notified that a bounty hunter has come to claim the price on their head. He/She has say 1 minute or so to click a popup to start a countdown and then begin a duel between the two players. If Player B did not click the pop-up in time, Player A would be free to attack and claim the bounty. If Player A is victorious in the fight he is awarded the amount of the bounty and Player B's contract is then removed from the database. If Player B wins his contract will return to the database and players will be able to purchase his contract again. If Player B successfully wins, say, 3 fights against bounty hunters he is then awarded the full amount of the contract and it is removed from the database.


    I don't think bounties should be class restricted as some have proposed in this thread. I think the best way for Bioware to handle it would be to tie the bounties into the Hutt cartel or something along those lines and introduce it with some sort of little story to go along with it. From there it would take off on its own.


    These are just some ideas I came up with real quickly. I honestly believe a bounty system could be successful with this game and would go a long way in improving overall player happiness as it would provide us all with another activity to engage in and have fun with in game.


    Hope to hear what everyone else thinks as well.

  4. never let your heat get above 40. if your next attack will put you above 40 heat use rapid shots (your basic attack). There is no heat neutral rotation for Mercs that do optimal dps like there are for other classes. There are always going to be times when you have to use rapid shots or risk screwing yourself over heat wise.
  5. Can't comment on the healing part as I've been leveling a Sorc and using Treek in tank stance, but I have noticed a significant drop in her ability to pull aggro ever since got to makeb. Its not a gear issue as she is better equipped than me atm (all level 53 blues). I have found myself cursing at her and contemplating switching companions, now that I read that others are having similar issues, the stealth nerf does seem plausible.
  6. I have a 55 Marauder that I flat refuse to PVP for this very reason...I even created a JC Sage so I could enjoy some of this healing glory. With that said, the damage I receive as a healer is far greater than any damage that I could hope to inflict...also, the greatest heal abilities require a sage to remain immobile during the cast and 2.4 seconds seems like an eternity while a Jugg or Marauder are whipping you like a red headed step-child. Some of this is due to missing tree skills. 1-on-1 with Marauder is nearly a stalemate because I can keep healing until they wear down...but then they sneak off.


    No no no, you're doing it wrong, you don't just simply keep healing till they wear down, you HEAL TO FULL and then make them pay for attacking you.

  7. This is nothing more than a strawman argument.


    The point still stands for ALL ranged DPS classes. Yet, nobody ever discusses them. It's like the smasher exists in its own little bubble, and you all come up with a billion little exceptions to suit your "smasher is OP needs nerf" argument but when you add them all up there are so many internal contradictions it doesn't make sense. Example:


    "You can smash 4 targets for 9k each every 8 seconds!"

    -but you can't in practice unless they just stand there...

    "But no other class has that kind of AOE!"

    -but then other classes have AOE that they can toss from a safe distance

    "But other melee classes don't have that AOE!"

    -we were just talking about ranged...but anyway, targets don't stand in groups anyway so...

    "but you guys have massive defensive CDs!"

    -and we have no utility...just a pure DPS class...


    See how quickly you guys change your argument without ever discussing anything other than throwing out claims?


    The problem with your argument is you're assuming everyone is playing ranked or against coordinated skilled players, when that just isn't the case. The vast majority of players never touch ranked and just solo que or play casually with some friends, and the majority of players aren't on the forums researching strategy and optimal rotations etc... They are just playing to have fun. In reg warzones you'll find people clumped together all the time, and the vast majority of the time there aren't tanks guard swapping and taunting.


    In my experience just about every warzone map has certain spots where teams tend to cluster up, leaving themselves vulnerable to being smashed. For example, in novare coast, the majority of players tend to cluster up at the southern node. The ranged dps and healers with tend to sit behind the little barricades on each side of the node, while the melee dps all fight it out in the center. This provides ample opportunity for a smash to hit 3+ targets.


    In the voidstar, the majority of players tend to focus on one side while stealthers head to the other. Again in my experience there are a few spots where players cluster. The ranged and heals tend to sit by the pillars so they can avoid attention and los if necessary, while the melee dps and tanks are fighting right around the door. This again provides plenty of opportunity for a smasher to find 3+ targets clumped together. This is especially true on the offensive end, as most people stay right around that pillar at the bottom of the spawn door, which provides ample opportunity to not only hit the ranged and heals clustered there but also people who are respawning and rushing out of the spawn gate.


    In ancient hypergate most players are focusing their attention in the middle, this area is pretty small and again provides a ton of opportunity for a smasher to find 3+ people to hit at once. Civil war is more of the same, majority of players are going to be focusing the middle node. However I will say its a bit more difficult in civil war as there is a bit more room to spread out, with ranged going up to the second floor or hanging back close to the spawn drop or just hiding underneath platform or sitting behind pillars. But there are always groups of people fighting right around the node giving you the chance to hit multiple targets with a smash.


    The only warzone where It is difficult to hit groups of opponents with a smash is Huttball, as this is a very mobile game and players are constantly moving. Every other warzone is pretty stationary which makes smashing multiple people fairly simple.


    To your point that other classes have aoe as well and can toss it from a safe distance, this is true, however those aoes are typically much easier to spot. For example the sniper/gunslingers orbital strike/freighter fly-by, this is a very strong aoe however it puts a giant fiery green cirlce on the floor which even the most casual of players will know not to stand in and get out of dodge when its dropped on top of them. Smash isn't as easily detected, it only takes a second for a smasher to leap to you or a nearby ally and by that time there isn't much time to avoid it. Granted a skilled player would know to CC or knockback as soon as the smash leaps in, but as i stated previously, the majority of players aren't of that skill level and are just casual.


    So in summation, the "ideal" circumstances you speak of, are not all the uncommon at all. We are not all playing against or with skilled and/or coordinated players. The majority of the community are casual and just looking for a good time. Now i'm sure you or someone will point out that that is the players faults and they should L2P. I can't really argue with that, but the reality is that it just isn't going to happen and players are going to continue to cluster together and do what they do.


    I am in no means crying for a nerf, I do believe smash is a little to strong, but I personally don't have an issue with it as I don't have to much trouble avoiding being smashed or just shutting them down with CC and kiting. I also have a guardian and marauder and occasionally enjoy smashing the casuals into oblivion myself :p I just wanted to point out that smashing multiple targets for full damage is not at all as rare or difficult as you are making it out to be.

  8. Ok well sorry for putting anime in the title, was just using it as shorthand for animation or animated. Didn't mean to confuse people with thinking it was going to be the Japanese esque anime style.


    As for the the poster who said it would be based between episodes III and IV, thats possible but i doubt it since most casual star wars fans are more interested in seeing force users and that time period is famous for having almost none outside of Vader and Sidious. Still a possibility I suppose.

  9. So i was reading an article on the new york times website about Disney making a new star wars anime series. It basically said they were ending the clone wars and making a new series set in a timeline previously untouched by the films or tv series. That immediately got me hoping that this untouched timeline would be the Old republic Era, and needless to say i got pretty excited. This seems to make the most sense to me, as more people are familiar with the Old Republic era than the era depicted in the EU novels. But who knows, guess we'll find out soon but for now we can all hope and pray for it.


    Here is the link to the article:




    Here is the quote I was referring to:

    Lucasfilm also said that it was “exploring a whole new ‘Star Wars’ series set in a time period previously untouched in ‘Star Wars’ films or TV programming.”


    *edit* I put anime for the title as a short version of animation, article doesn't say its anime but an animated series, sorry for the confusion.

  10. You do warzones for Valor points. Valor points are spent on itmes that are useful for PvP. You group and do Heroics FP's and Ops for Social points. Social points are spent on vanity items. If PvP gets social points for doing a WZ why can't PvE get Valor points for doing BoI HM? Because that is what you are asking for in all honesty.


    This makes absolutely no sense at all. You don't do flashpoints for vanity items, you do them for the commendations and gear tokens, to get better pve gear. You pvp for warzone comms which are spent on better pvp gear. The vanity items are not upgrades for pvp nor pve, they are just fluff. If people were asking to get black hole comms from warzones, your statement would be valid. But asking for social points is not taking anything away from pve'ers. Its just asking for the ability to grind for gear you find nice looking by doing something you enjoy doing, instead of being forced to do something you don't enjoy so much. Why do you feel only pve'ers should have access to the social gear, which offers no stats or anything relevant, just looks? Makes no sense to me.



  11. I heard from someone that your dots will no longer break CC in 2.0. Is this true? If so, does this only count for your CC or also the CC others in your group do? One of my biggest issues with lethality doing hardmodes on live is Corrosive Grenade breaking CC, for instance in a multi gold enemy stage where the gold mob we CC'd and the gold mob we are burning down are only a few meters apart, I'll toss my corrosive grenade and it will aoe the CC'd mob breaking the CC and preventing it from being CC'd until the dot wears off. This leads to angry group members lol. Will this still occur in 2.0? If so are there any tricks of the trade to avoid this?
  12. Just thought I'd pop in and say a few words.


    First, to the people pointing to the fact that people were forming lines during the gree event as evidence that the player base is uninterested in open world pvp, that is an invalid suggestion in my opinion. I believe that the main reason many people were forming lines, was because this was a 2 week long event and most players were trying to get every little rep point they could before it ended. They did not want to run the risk of coming up just a couple hundred rep points shy of champion or whichever rank they were seeking, and then have to wait who knows how long for the event to come back in order for them to finally get to that mark. Now many of you will probably say something along the lines of you didn't need to do the "pvp" dailys in order to reach the rep you sought, however most people weren't taking to time to do the math or weren't reading the forms, or just didn't have time to do the world bosses, so they felt they needed every possible rep point they could get to achieve their goal and/or make up for not being able to farm the world bosses or do xeno. Long story short if this wasn't just a limited time affair then you would have seen less of the lime forming and more pvp'ing IMO.


    Second, I would like to address the people stating that open world will not work or will be stale due to kill/win trading. I personally believe that this is pretty easily avoidable, with some creativity and effort by the devs. In my opinion, the rewards given for open world pvp should not be presented in the format of daily quests and/or kills of other players. There should be a small reward for killing others, maybe a slight valor boost, or small amount of comms, but nothing to make it an efficient way of gearing up or getting a higher valor rank, as that would lead to many people kill swapping with their opposing faction friends. The rewards should be given in another manner. For instance, perhaps there is a base in the pvp area, the two factions battle for control of that base constantly, whichever faction holds it has access to a vendor inside the base which gives out rewards. Those rewards should scale with how long that faction has held said base. So if you have just managed to take the base 10 minutes, there rewards would be slim to none. However if your faction has held the base for 12 hours there a slightly better rewards, after 24 hours they are even better. If your able to lock it down for a week you'd have access to some really amazing rewards. Some ideas for rewards could be improved adrenals, medpacs and stims that were usable in warzones, or valor boost consumables, or a daily allowance of comms based on how long you've held the base. There should be non pvp specific awards too, like some new cool looking gear, or other cosmetic things, as this would give pve players an incentive to want to get involved in the action.


    Thats just one simple idea which I came up with in less than 5 minutes. Its not perfect by any stretch but i believe it is a step in the right direction as opposed to the type of world pvp we've had so far. As a system similar to this makes kill trading useless and even detrimental to you and your faction. I'm sure someone out there will bash the idea and point out its flaws, but people asked for ideas to avoid kill trading in open world pvp and I presented one.


    I'm sure if the Devs put in the time and got their creative juices flowing, they could come up with a pretty fun and engaging open world pvp that people would enjoy without kill swapping. We as players just need to keep offering up ideas and be constructive, instead of constantly arguing and bickering with each other, or making blanket statements such as open world pvp is a fail and won't work. Where there is a will theres a way.

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