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Posts posted by XDAndroid

  1. Had they notified us players about the price increase, and maybe even given us a reasoning behind it, I wouldn't be as mad about it as I am. But they didn't, they just bumped the price and [tinfoil-hat] probably in the hopes people wouldn't notice before they had bought some [/tinfoil-hat].

    This shipment (8) has been quite a rollercoaster experience, with lots of downs and not so many ups.


    BioWare, you're screwing with something that will have a direct impact on you bottomline, I suggest you be more careful with changes like this, I for one won't be supporting you

  2. What is there to blow 2.1 billion on?

    That's the thing, there's nothing to spend that much money on...


    It would make me VERY happy within this game. Being able to buy every single CM outfit or mount for my alts that I desire would make me jump around with glee in fact.:D


    That happiness is very shortlived. The only thing I can somewhat look forward to anymore is the stuff in collections from the not-yet-released packs that is messing up my 100% collection. And that too will be shortlived, since I can just buy all the new stuff as soon as it hits GTN. I know, first worlds problems and all that, but it is really taking a lot of the joy out of the game

  3. Server: Tomb of Freedon Nadd


    Affected Items:

    Hypercrate: Strategy Alliance Packs

    Level 60 Character Token

    Augmentation Kit MK-8

    Advanced Critical Augment 40

    Nexu Handler License

    Galactic Trade Network: 10 Sale Slots

    Galactic Trade Network: 10 Sale Slots (Account)

    Weekly Pass: Space Missions

    Longspur Pacer

    Mandalore the Ultimate's Helmet

    Ajunta Pall's Gloves

    MSM JT-9 Jetpack

    Advanced Anodyne Versatile Stim

    Advanced Anodyne Fortitude Stim


    Lucien Draay's Gloves

    Energetic Champion Chestguard

    Juhani's Chestguard

    Sabertooth Skarkla

    Model GSS-4Y Jurgoran

  4. Been playing since January 7th, 2013


    I have loads of low-lvl alts on different servers, but for the purpose of not wasting hours logging in to all of them, I'll just count the playtime of all characters on my main server (ToFN), my operative on Jung Ma and my Merc on POT5.


    Here we go:

    ToFN IMP

    Spirol - 69d 5h 46m

    Corpi - 58d 14h 19m

    Kinzy: - 21d 11h 47m

    Technia - 9d 10h 38m

    Techne - 2d 19h 44m

    Cyanic - 4d 2h 13m

    Cynin - 9d 20h 49m

    Rikki'Sixx - 0d 14h 4m

    ToFN REP

    K'inzy - 29d 12h 28m

    Copri - 23d 7h 56m

    Misalli - 2d 1h 16m

    Spïrol - 6d 1h 44m

    Shrek - 2d 19h 37m

    Laggylady - 3d 2h 32m

    Techni - 0d 14h 48m


    ToFN total:

    243 Days, 15 hours, 41 minutes

    (5847 hours, 41 minutes)


    Jung Ma IMP/POT5 IMP

    Cyanic - 5d 2h 27m

    Phreeky - 4d 21h 2m


    Jung Ma/POT5 total

    9 Days, 23 hours, 29 minutes



    253 Days, 15 hours, 10 minutes

    OR 6087 hours :D


    I probably have about 20 days extra spread over low-lvls across the Galaxy and probably about 10 days of deleted characters.

  5. Your lack of patience is disturbing.


    It has been stated numerous times that the rate the new map will pop, will be reduced to normal in 2.7.1.

    They didn't increase the rate because they were oh so proud of themselves, but to make players more familiar to map.

  6. The Fortitude and Resolve augments 28 (blue&purple) sell relly well on my server, so if you have a(nother) character with slicing 450 to provide you with thermal regulators, you can make quite a bit of profit on those aswell
  7. As a long time player I've gathered quite a lot of stuff, and I like to categorize it in the different bays. For example, I use Bay 1 on all my characters for crafting materials and Bay 5 for consumables. But otherwise it differs a lot from character to character what bays 2-4 are getting used for.


    I think it would make it much more intuitive, if you could rename the storage tabs to something else than the default Bay 1, Bay 2 etc.

    It seems like there would be room enough for 3 extra tabs along the bottom, but we can't utilize that extra space as the max number of tabs is 5. I guess there could be enough space to have a set character limit of 10 characters for each bay, so they could be renamed to "craft mats", "old gear" or whatever you have put away.


    I have no idea about how big or small such an addition would be, but I can't imagine it would be excessively hard or ressource demanding to make this happen.

  8. I'm pissed that I now need to re-buy all the Obroan gear that I sold the shells of because they were taking up space in my inventory... I was 2 pieces shy of full 67's (which they are not called anymore) so now I get to grind out comms forever to buy gear I don't even need just do trade it in for the gear I do need.... De'fibulator managed to get most of the ranked PVP gifts tier 2, no mount :(, but will likely retire from PVP altogether now because who really wants to buy gear that is no better than what I am wearing @ 1000 comms a pop just to have them to trade in @ 2500 ranked comms a pop?


    I would say that you should have seen that one comming, as you had to do exactly the same with conq-->obroan...

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