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Posts posted by UnluckySceptre

  1. Shadow walkers of Oricon is recruiting, we are an all around RP guild (you can get as heavy or as light as you want) We have a few people that do PVP (I assume you mean warzones) I personally haven't done warzones in a long time but our Huntmaster usually does them fairly often. We are a very friendly and welcoming. I'm usually on every day along with several others. if you would like to join the family feel free to whisper me in game.


    IGN P'lissken (if you cant reach p'lissken try) Æbrams (alt code 9874) I will get you set up with an interview.

  2. If you haven't found an RP guild yet please consider taking a look into the Shadow walkers of Oricon. We do a pretty decent amount of RP and we are a very friendly group many of us are college age some older. We are constanly looking for new players to join our family. If you are interested send me a message on here or message me in game on P'lissken, If you cannot reach me there Æbrams (alt code 9874) is my alt in the guild I can set you up with an interview if you like. I hope you find a place to call home.
  3. Oriconshadowwalkers is recruiting. Feel free to message me in game I can do an interview for you and get you set up.


    IGN P'lissken or Æbrams (alt code 9874) We have a pretty friendly group pretty good amount of RP goes on if thats what you're looking for like i said feel free to message me.


    I'll be on around 6:30 pm EST (I have parent night at my school)

  4. I agree with Kezza here. Another ship, such as a hammerhead cruiser for the republic, would be a wonderful addition to the stronghold lineup. It wouldn't cost many resources to design because it can re-use many of the designs and artwork of the guild capital ship, but the interior should be much smaller than the valor-class capital ship. Additionally, these individual player capital ships can be added into the guild ship mechanics, by adding your personal ships into your guilds fleet, perhaps offering some sort of incentive for doing so.


    Ideally, this could be integrated with a new mode of galactic starfighter somehow, but this likely crosses the line from feasible into fantasy.


    This sounds awesome possibly increasing the gains you receive during conquest depending on how big your guilds fleet is. I could see that working in a similar way to how you have a guild xp boost based on the number of members your guild has.

  5. So I'm in a guild here and IC I am pursuing one of the women in my guild. We are going on a date (not ERP related so keep your minds out of the gutter) Looking for a place to take her for a decent first date spot. Anyone know of anywhere good to go?
  6. For those that think it's IMPOSSIBLE to finish SoR and not be level 60, you obviously didn't complete the forged alliances quest line before you the expansion.


    If your toon had already done the 4 tactical quests that made up the forged alliances quest line, it is VERY easy to finish SoR at 58.5. My first toon, a Guardian (NO STEALTH), had to go back to Oricon and Makeb to get to 60, as she was also only 58.5 when she finished SoR (albeit, Revan was broken back then...but that one extra fight wouldn't have accounted for enough xp).


    I just finished Makeb on my sniper and I'm 56 I'm not entirely sure what comes next but I didn't even touch Illum with my Sniper. Idk how OP can be such a stooge and not be level 60. I even try to skip as much combat as possible; like *** is he even doing to be that low leveled?

  7. well I might try this out because I did a few pen and papers 2 semesters ago but apparently I'm not very good at it so if i can get some practice here then maybe I'll be tolerable Irl.
  8. Ok next and final question, If I am a sub on one server and create a character on another server I am still subbed on the new one right? I have only ever been on one server so I'm unsure.
  9. Wow this thread got bigger than I thought. I'm at a professional development thing for robotics and figured nobody would respond.


    So basically you create a character which is you. You then play as Lord Hamsandwich or whatever i name myself and talking gen chat as though I were a sith or how I would act if I were a sith. Is that about the size of it?


    So instead of "my toon is a sorc blah blah blah..." it would be more "I am a Lord of the sith and you should give the respect I deserve blah blah lah sith ramblings..."

  10. What do people do on an RP server? I know it stands for role playing but this is already an rpg, what do you do on the server? Is it lets all talk like we are actual sith/jedi in chat? refer to each other as "my lord" and "master jedi"? can someone that frequents an RP server shed some light? I would appreciate it.
  11. same. which is why Xalek is the ONLY one I still give a doublesaber too..it fits him. I hate them on all the rest and I can't bring myself to keep a shadow/assassin due to it...just don't care for them at all.


    It would be super cool if Bioware would change it up so that there was animations for both types of sabers for all classes. Just make the DPS output on the double blade slightly higher for those that still want to use them. THat way the lightsabers aren't solely an aesthetic weapon.

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