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Posts posted by Greenify

  1. I do, I know just what you mean. I try to close it, do the common methods, alt f4, alt tabbing and trying to close it or even task manager. It's getting tougher and tougher each time I try and close it. I wake up in the middle of the night wondering what my characters are doing, I have to log in to check, only to become trapped. Seeing it's now 5AM I try and close the game only to see it stay there on the screen, laughing at me. I try and seek professional help to see if it's a problem with my laptop but they can't help either. They can't see the problem. I am sinking hours of my day into this game trying to close it but nothing I seem to do has any effect.

    Glad to know someone else has the same problem as me.

  2. Hi everyone,


    We've been monitoring these threads since Game Update 2.3.1 went live but refrained from posting until we had information to provide about the topic!


    In an upcoming patch, the Blood Red color crystal will be renamed to something that more accurately describes the appearance. Additionally, we see your feedback about the desire for a crystal that is "redder" and will be taking that into account.



    Um can we get a cartel market ocean blue too or something?

  3. Hi folks,


    I'm following your reports about Priority Mission Terminals not functioning properly. However, there does not seem to be any consistency regarding when this happens or which terminals it happens to!


    We'll be investigating and appreciate your detailed reports. If we have new information to share, I'll do it in this thread.




    The trooper/bounty hunter didn't work for me.

  4. Not Entirely.



    Jace Malcom's armor is very unique, along with his helmet, along with the dye color.


    Darth Malgnus's armor (with the hood) is not obtainable.


    Darth Vindican's Armor only exists as 2 moddable sets in the game (Revans and Investigators) one doesn't have a dye slot, the other a double hood. : /


    and Satele Shan's is still 100% unique.

    Im pretty sure investigator's was fixed.

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