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Posts posted by AnisaBadgett

  1. I confess, I did not read EVERY SINGLE THING about 7.0, but I read a lot. Both official and fan content. I think I was more prepared for some of the shocks than a lot of folks, given the complaints I keep seeing here, in chat and on social media. But I never read a thing about "auto-tagging" which, I'm told by old school/Founder-era guildies, was implemented with 7.0.




    This apparently is the reason why everybody and their Wookiee jumps into your fights now. Before, it wasn't that common for someone to horn in on your fights -- I mean, there would always be that ONE dude, but mostly, they'd steal the objective you were fighting for. But now, apparently other players you aren't grouped with can get credit even if you have done most of the damage (more on that in a second).


    I hate this. I can deal with crappy green gear on my L80 toons and all the numerous other glitches. But this was supposedly an improvement? If I wanted to play like this, I'd go to a PVP instance because at least then I could damage annoying players.


    It really came to a head just now on Yavin with my Operative healer. I have her healing and Vector L50 on tank. It takes a bit longer for me to do these fights than it does on my Marauder or Jedi Sage. But my healer can survive most things unless I start pulling stupid. She was doing the mission where you have to "download data from the terminal" and then fight three rounds of droids. I started it twice, and twice, the same player jumped into my fights. This was at least 5 mins apart, too. He horned in on a different mission fight, too, in a different place. Just an allaround nice guy!


    Both times, I did not get credit for the mission completing. Because supposedly, it was MY responsibility to tag him so I could complete the fight? THAT IS FREAKING INSANE. It shouldn't be on me to support other people on MY missions, MY fights. [the third time was the charm, as nobody decided to "help."]


    I first noticed this happening right after 7.0 launched, on Onderon, when someone kept following me around, getting into my fights. At one point, he aggro'd a second mob, DIED and left my Sage and Lana to hammer down like 10 goons. Which we did.


    Yavin used to be my favorite thing to do. I could handle the occasional griefer jerkwad. But now, it's every time. This was the first time I've had the "you shoulda tagged the other person to get credit for your own fight" issue, even though it's happened to my damage toons, too.


    Honestly, of all the changes, both those BioWare inflicted on us and the inevitable glitches, this is the one making me hate the game the most. I really can't believe this is an improvement. My guildies are trying to convince me, but I'm just not seeing it.


    Rant done. Helpful comments, links and observations appreciated.

  2. My biggest dislike is that, with the reduction in the number of heroics/daily areas up for conquest in a week, there are more players concentrated in those places. I don't know if it's because there are so many old returning players or the botching of this release has everybody just HANGRY all the time, but I'm getting sick of people butting into my fights.


    One douchebag on Onderon kept following me, waiting for me to start a fight, then jumping in and fighting with me. I didn't think there was "kill stealing" per se in this game, and my characters are perfectly able of taking down a trash mob quickly without losing very much health (even with the obvious nerfing of our companions, but that's a vent for another day). This genius on Onderon wasn't even really *helping* me; the last fight, he aggro'd a second mob then DIED, leaving me and Lana to take down like 10 randos. I left the planet after that.


    But EVERYWHERE I am playing now, Imp or Pubside, I can't get through a fight without griefers. I'm considering only playing in PVP instances. At least I'll get a few rage-releasing hits on a jerk and if they kill me, hey, they can get the credit for it. :mad:

  3. You got lucky. He does an ability that is supposed to pull you to the middle. For me and many others, it sends you into the floor, and you die with fall damage. Repeatedly.


    Yep. I mean, did we really need more proof you hate marauders, Bioware?


    Vulkk recommends hiding behind a pillar and setting Darth Useless to tank. Gonna try it now because at least it's free to die 15 times in a row.


    Must say, though, Malgus's other attack, where he runs around the arena like my cat at 4 am is the best. :rak_03:

  4. I have both LS Jaesa (as I should) AND was giving the alliance alert to get DS Jaesa, who I jailed just because. I want to keep LS Jaesa only. Several people in my guild were having the same experience at the same time I was last night.


    I have Broonmark and Pierce as both available and unavailable, like others.

  5. Just tried to log in (noon EDT) and got "log-in service unavailable" so I relogged, and it took a minute but it got through. But when I got to the character selection screen, it told me the game wasn't finished downloading and I could only play a low-level toon.
  6. I want LS Jasea too but I think she'll get there, The poor Devs have said over and over, that we don't know everything, nor can they tell us. Honestly the amount of vitriol the poor Devs go through is terrible! And I'm not one to gush over everything they do. In fact I'm a little peeved with them ATM. But they are people human beings who deal with the worst manners humanity can offer.


    I'm not calling them out as human beings. They are doing a job and we are consumers who can have our say ... otherwise, why would they open a forum? Be on Twitter? Have "influencers"??


    I personally want nothing to do with the cult of personality that follows the devs. AFAIC, they get to go home at night and forget all about us but when it comes to the product and the work day, they have stakeholders to answer to.


    And this isn't about Demanding To Know Things. IT WAS THE DEVS who told us DS Jaesa is coming back in this, The Year of the Returning Companions.

  7. If they couldn't afford to bring both versions of Jaesa back they should have made a gray Jaesa as a compromise. If they make the alert for all warriors, then I don't see how they can bring back LS Jaesa at a later date.


    I hope they at least make the alert dropable. I don't want to have to acknowledge the wrong Jaesa on my warriors by doing the alert, but I don't want a triangle flashing at me for years either.


    I feel the same way. Gray Jaesa who's weary from all the galactic drama would be fantastic!

  8. My Sith Warrior is LS (although she killed Arcann). Her Jaesa was LS. I don't want DS Jaesa. I don't need some bizarro illogical "Force compensation" because I don't have Arcann.




    I know this is useless, the devs and writers won't listen, they'll blame story mechanics but they want feedback, they're getting it. Not all of us are forum/genchat/reddit Edgelords, guys.


    Again, come visit the fandoms elsewhere. You'll find a lot different environment, and a lot of LS Jaesa supporters

  9. Wow, I just got a warning for one of my previous posts. I used no foul language, like I've seen here. I didn't call anyone any names, like I've seen here. It wasn't even all that angry in tone, I was defending the 500 or so other people in this thread against the 2 people who have come on here and called the rest of us "whiners". I was told that it "wasn't constructive". I have reread my statement several times and have failed to find anything that is any more offensive than nearly ANY other post in this thread.


    Okay, here's constructive. I have 3 things that I enjoy about SWTOR.

    1. Conquest for the goals and the help it provides my guild.

    2. My guild, which I enjoy, as I've become close friends with several of the members.

    3. The Stories, I love the stories.


    You've ruined conquest. You've taken much of the fun out of it and turned it into a grind that, at least for me, isn't worth the pitiful reward at the end. Unless you fix it, all I have is finishing up my stories and my guild. Though I love my guild, it won't be enough to keep me here once I'm done with the stories and then I and my sons subs will go back to World of Warcraft.


    Sending me a warning about my comment, when it wasn't nearly as inflamatory as the one I was responding to, doesn't help improve my opinion. My DEEP love for SWTOR and the people that work on it has been sorely tested the past couple of days.


    I've been there with you, friend. Makes me wonder if there's an Influencer Program in the forums, too. :rolleyes:

  10. QUESTION: Who gets the romance alert and who doesn't? I mean for people who HAVE Arcann already as a companion?


    My LS Agent and my DS Inquisitor both have Arcann as companion (saved him and Senya, etc...) but only my agent got the alert. It stayed even though she had just rekindled her romance with Vector.


    My Inquisitor did not get the alert. She rekindled her romance with Andronikos at the last update.


    A little more info, under spoilers for KOTFE just in case.




    Both, iirc, did NOT save the people on Zakuul in KOTFE and my agent may have (can't remember) let Kaliyo do her naughty thing in Chapter X of KOTFE. Both lost Koth, although my agent attempted to make nice with him while my Inqui did not.


  11. tl;dr: More non-cookie cutter interaction.


    More -- or any -- class-specific missions beyond just 2-minute companion re-recruitment. I'm talking specific missions for a Jedi Knight Outlander, a Smuggler Outlander, an Agent Outlander, etc...


    The most consistent criticism of KOTFE/ET is that the one size fits all story simply did not. Especially for non-Force users.


    And though I hate to bring up The Most Accursed Slogan Ever, but ... make our choices matter? Don't have my companion

    call me Empress when I specifically did NOT choose that option at the end of KOTET.



    And more interaction with our love interests/spouses. Voiced, fully realized cutscenes and/or missions together. Not the KOTOR throwback abortions.


    Yeah, it's time and money but we're giving you both, BioWare. A little love of the class-specific, common sense variety back would be nice.

  12. I have all kinds of Quinn/f!SW stories -- lots of shorts, and an epic, almost-finished story if that's your thing -- on AO3. I have more planned after I finish the epic, including an AU where the f!SW and Quinn and team are all Imperial spies.


    I've posted some here and in the fanfiction forum, but as for legitimate reasons to bump, here's my list:


    AO3 for stellacadente


    The main fic, 185K words and counting, but we're on Rishi and just have Yavin and Ziost to go.


    KOTFE/ET will be a separate story (already started but subject to some changes).


    As a joke, I wrote a "what if KOTFE?ET was all a dream?"


    Anyway, I love kudos and comments and discussing things via comments or on Tumblr.

  13. No new development doesn't necessarily mean lights out ... they can keep SWTOR in maintenance mode for as long as folks keep spending money on it. And if Anthem tanks ...


    Still, I think some folks who may have since moved on did not feel the love for this game that was necessary or listen to the right group of players and we had all the KOTFE kock-ups that really started to line up the nails for the coffin.


    Totally unnecessary. And sad. And I guess I'm gonna record stuff like a madwoman from here on out, just in case. :(

  14. Hey folks,


    We know there has been interest in players being able to acquire Companions outside of these restrictions, such as through the Companion Locator Terminal. Although that is not something we can do quickly, the team is absolutely aware of the feedback.




    *slides you $20* Do it quickly, please.

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