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Posts posted by JuryDuty

  1. No, but the companions in this game are very smart. I've found that they almost always act accordingly.


    That said, you can do some tweaks. Most companions have a couple stances and you can choose which one they're operating in. In their actions, just check the boxes you want them to be able to perform. So, for instance, you could make your healer unable to do anything but heal, or you could make them only offensive if you don't need their heals.


    Of course, you can also map their actions to keys--and your input will always override their own decisions.

  2. Hey guys does anyone else want to play every class but really not have the time? Or really not want to grind out the quests 4 times?


    I have 3 level 50's and a level 40 and I feel like all that leveling should give me some kind of xp increase. If it were at all possible to be able to level to 50 just by doing the class quests and planet main quests that would be awsome. Im just tired of doing all the quests over and over.


    Like if by doing all quests on a planet would unlock a legacy option to gain 200% xp on that planet or something? How do you guys feel about that?


    For me I want the unlocks and to enjoy the storylines of having played all the classes, but I really don't enjoy playing the same minor storylines time and again. I'd LOVE a permanent double-XP situation on each side (Light/Dark) once you've completed that side once.

  3. Just thought I'd add to this thread which helped me immensely as a Jedi Shadow.


    First, yes, Theron's your best bet here. I tried almost every companion--and had only used Theron once or twice before (so he wasn't even armored up)--but he's the right answer for this one.


    Instead of running around trying to break line-of-sight, I just stood in one place and let Theron heal me. If I saw the blue circle form under me indicating a big attack, I moved of course, but that's about it.


    Then don't break any of Stark's attacks--just break his Benevolence heal (it's green) with Mind Snap.


    When fighting him, I almost exclusively used Project, Telekinetic Throw and Force Breach. It kept me a little distance from him and able to move.


    Finally, if Theron mezzes him, use Mind Crush to end the mezz while hurting Stark strongly.

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