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Posts posted by denajii

  1. Having heard the agent's new voice I dont see the change as a negative, genuinely don't see why so many are up in arms about this

    You also have to consider that it's very possible he chose not to return to the role as it has been over a decade of voicing this character, and the Male agent's voice actor is a prominent actor in actual television shows, what was BroadSword supposed to do in this case? Not hire a new VA and have Male agents be mute? Use AI? That would have caused even worse backlash 

    • Like 2
  2. 32 minutes ago, supertimtaf said:

    You're welcome 😕 
    Sadly we'll never know why they replaced him. If they start replacing everyone I'll assume that it's due to contracts being too expensive. This is worrying, game may be much further deep into maintenance mode than we all expected. I mean, it kinda is already, has been for a while. But that's concerning.

    Severely doubting this is the reason otherwise they probably wouldn't have bothered recasting the role in the first place

  3. Until broadsword actually confirms it or not it seems that the mission npcs are literally there to stay for no good reason

    for me that takes out any will to attempt to decorate the stronghold which sucks since it's really pretty 

  4. 3 hours ago, Yeebo said:

    I can't imagine why you would do this on any class save Agent.  It's not like you actually need him (or any other particular companion) for anything, though I will admit I've never tested him as a tank.

    In any case, I get Shae Vizla so the mandos being in your base makes sense, get my original crew back, and then call it a day on these quests.  I sure as heck am bot going to wait on an event, do a crap ton of PvP, fight in a tournament, or do any of the other pita ones on most characters.

    He's not the best tank anymore(I'm not even sure he ever was, maybe he's vastly different at influence level 50 but his abilities didn't seem any different from others, just uniquely animated), H2-WF is

    why you'd need him? the only reasons are if you're a completionist, you like him, or if you're immersed in the story and have an rp perspective on how useful he'd be as part of your alliance... aka no real gameplay benefit except for filling your companion list more

  5. Alternatives to the operations would be perfect for players who don't or can't do them, like they did with Yavin

    I've had that one story mission from iokath on my list for years but I'm not confident in my skills as a healer to ever try joining a group for the operation lol.. and I never see anyone recruiting for it anyway

    Star fortresses technically are soloable but it's such a slog that it's not worth it unless you have no help at all and really want the companions

  6. Absolutely agree, saberstaves being on your back is sooo stupid and they actually managed to ruin the nightlife event dualsaber last year by changing its sheathe position from the hip to the back

    Had to spend time looking for an alternative for my assassin's outfit thanks to this and it was just so disappointing all around because I really like the design of the staff, but I hate the godawful placement when it's not in use

    I didn't know most of the galactic seasons dualsabers were the same way but that's just bad lol

    • Like 2
  7. This could also be because they changed eye textures in an update years ago because a prior update messed up the old textures and made them literally glow, the "fix" was to permantely alter every single eye color, making some look a little better but most worse, and this includes the dark side corrupted eyes

  8. 3 hours ago, Randigz said:

    I've been trying to figure out what they want me to put in as far as decos.  In one of his dialogue options Vagol says he'd like something to communicate with others outside Copero (or something along those lines) so I've been trying every comms/mail/screen deco I can find trying to see if that's what he wants.  The other two also want certain types of items but I forget what they are right now.  And they could just be nothing dialogue choices and do nothing and mean nothing which is also highly probable.

    Edit: maybe old decos from those old flashpoints or other old content since that's the theme?

    What they want is completely irrelevant and doesn't affect your mission progress at all, since the stronghold is still effectively yours and you're able to decorate it as you see fit

  9. Why are these people still in the stronghold after finishing all of the missions? The abrupt ending alone is already baffling enough but being stuck with 3 unwelcome house guests who kind of treat you like a common foot soldier is rather sad

    • Like 1
  10. On 5/3/2024 at 10:57 AM, ThanderSnB said:

    I'm thinking she will eventually become a companion. She could have a Dark and Light version depending on the choices the player makes.

    None of the "recent" story characters starting with jedi under siege have become permanent companions

  11. KOTET Chapter II is difficult enough on Veteran only because of the first fight with all of those mobs, in my experience it's impossible to not die at least once so I can't imagine how bad it is on Master


  12. I definitely want Zeltrons, but were Pantorans even around during the old republic? Or at least, known? Not only that but they'd basically just be Chiss with facial tattoos and normal eyes

    Other colors for races I'd love, like purple for Twi'leks.. but if they're that hard to code and add without breaking the other races and character models i'm fine without things getting immediately broken

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