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Posts posted by SchiffaX

  1. And she's still a better player and knows the class better than 99,9% of sin players out there. Your point ? Oh yeah, you're just whining and throwing thinly veiled accusations.


    Whining? I was just saying she quit as the above posters may not have known. Man, every time I say something neutral about her, the fans come out in droves to berate me. It's amusing.

  2. Kitru for sure. I don't know why people are bothering with anyone else. If you haven't realized by now, Kitru is the best rep for -any- class, let alone Shadow/Assassin. There is 0 competition.


    There really SHOULD be a pvp and a pve rep, so all the pve'rs dont come in like this guy and hail someone as a god/goddess that has never pvp'd.

  3. I personally stack Shield/Absorb, as do most Juggs in the competitive scene. My defense is minimized as much as i could possibly make it. Shield since 2.0 is very good because of the amount of attacks it affects now. Add this with Enraged Defense and you can heal yourself for a quite a good bit. Defense rating doesn't flow with our abilities.


    Edit#1 To show you why Juggs gear in these stats


    Expertise > Endurance > Shield > Defense >/= Absorb > Power > Accuracy



    1. Melee/Ranged attacks that deal Kinetic/Energy damage - Both defense and shield/absorb do work


    2. Melee/Ranged attacks that deal Internal/Elemental damage - These types of attacks don't exist


    3. Force/Tech attacks that deal Kinetic/Energy damage - Shield/absorb does work, but defense does not.


    4. Force/Tech attacks that deal Internal/Elemental damage - All your tanking stats are useless against these

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