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Posts posted by Soleris

  1. I feel like with the cartel market (and all the new stuff in it) the game is feeling a little fluffier. Fireworks, decorative speeders, just fun little things (that are overpriced), the game has some FLUFF added to it.


    All MMO's need fluff. More fluff we need is:


    • Chat bubbles
    • Being able to sit down with other players
    • Casual games like Pazaak/Space Chess
    • Weather events


    But the cartel market and all the unnecessary things there are GOOD because fluff is good.


    I've always enjoyed the "fluff" side of games, and I agree it's a good thing for most MMO's ... but the delivery of the fluff is just as important as the fluff itself. Making the now majority of fluff in the game available via the Cartel Market only, especially for a holiday event such as Life Day, is not a good thing. It adds no content and provides no joy for many, at a time when it's sorely needed.

  2. I was more thinking that anyone who loiters around fleet for more then 30 minutes gets automatically blown out an airlock. :p


    You know you want to. :p:p:p:p


    Lol, love that idea even if it'll never happen. :)


    I do wish though that they had made the fleet a little different. it feels so crowded and enclosed, which I think adds to the feeling of being bored there when you have to be there for whatever reason. They really should have opened it up a bit in some way or another, or made it bigger and at least a little different in each section. It's the central hub of a social game, these places need attention and various forms of entertainment in any given game.

  3. Soleris when do you guys run ops? And /bump!


    Hey To-le! Right now it's usually Friday, Saturday or Sunday starting between 3-7pm CST, but it's been a bit difficult lately getting everyone together on the same night due to real life schedules, but when we do, it's pretty fun. Interested in seeing if we can schedule together sometimes with Red Five or something? :D


    Hey G'edeon, catch you in game!



    We are Patriots of Benevolence (PATS) and we are looking for more members! Our numbers have dwindled over the last few months and we would like to open our recruitment and invite players to join us and give our guild a try.


    Guild Website: http://www.pats.swtorhost.com

    In Game Contacts: Solleris/Kuuipo/Yippee, Jonser/Fraction, Ror/Gillgamesh, Daryan/Rubens


    ABOUT US: PATS is a small and casual guild of friends, old and new, hanging out together in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Founded many years ago by Bosske, Rorschach and others in Star Wars Galaxies on a server called Corbantis, we are for the most part a friendly, helpful and fun-loving group of mature players. Most of our members are working and family-oriented, the majority of which are 30+ years old with a few possibly in their 20s and two under 18 years old. Most are in the CST and EST time zones, with a few PST members as well.


    GUILD TYPE: We are a casual, Republic guild on the Jedi Covenant server, PVE-oriented with some static PVP activity. We are solo'ers, duo-playing, group-oriented at times, gamers. We are not a raiding guild, but we do try to run 8-man OPS on a weekly basis, but that is dependent on real life schedules. We would love to run more group activities and OPS and look forward to doing so, once our recruitment efforts get under way.


    LOOKING FOR: We are a friendly, helpful and mature group of casual players looking for the same. We look for maturity in our members, disguised by a whole lot of fun. That is to say we want you to conduct yourself in a way that would make others enjoy their time with you. Silliness and a sense of humor are awesome traits, geeky-cool is a plus. Male or female, married or single, football-loving, AMC/HBO/Netflix/Sci-Fi addicts and more are great as well . . . but as long as you're respectful of others and enjoy your game time spent with us, then that's what we're looking for in a member.


    We are accepting all classes and levels at this time, but our main goal is to build up our level 50 member-base in order to have flexibility on running group activities on a more spontaneous, as well as regular, basis. If you think you would be a good fit with our guild at 50, please feel free to give us a try while you're leveling up. We are knowledgeable about the game and helpful to most everyone, so if we sound like what you're looking for, feel free to check us out.


    We are also open to having other small guilds join us in PATS. We welcome individuals or groups that seem like a good fit and are looking for the same.



    1) Please go to our guild website and review the Recruitment News and Guild Guidelines located in the News and General section of the forums

    2) Contact any of the following in game: Solleris/Kuuipo/Yippee, Jonser/Fraction, Ror/Gillgamesh, Daryan/Rubens. Upon application, we will chat with you a little in game before inviting you to join us.


    RECRUITMENT PERIOD: Approximately 2 weeks. During this period we will be trying you out as much as you are trying us out. Enjoy your time. Get to know everyone and get a feel for the guild. We want you to feel comfortable with your new friends and we look forward to seeing how it works out.


    Thanks for looking into this, hope to hear from you soon!

  5. Hey everyone! Soleris of Corbantis stopping by to say hello. There's a handful of PATS members playing as Republic on the Keller's Void server and we're looking for former guildies, SWG'ers and friends to join us. If you've "been there, done that" with us in SWG ... come join us now in SWTOR on Keller's Void, or just pop-in and say hello!
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