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Posts posted by Sorelus

  1. In the absence of action by Bioware there is one thing that COULD help: Social sanctions


    As GSF community organize and put those people who leech and suicide on your ignore list and make sure they are properly cut off from Ops and FPs.


    In any other game mode people who justify anti-social behaviour with "I am forced to because of the rewards" would simply be kicked from the group. Let it be so: Kick them from FPs if you see them kick them from OPs if you see them.


    While GSF playes in and of themselves may be a minority I am still fairly confident that the majority of players still are sensible enough that ruining other people's game by sabotaging team effort must not be tolerated and might thus be willing help weeding out the anti-social ones.

  2. And they don’t even do that, the last (and only) update or rather mention was 2 days ago now… nothing since and no reassurance that all rewards will be grantedf


    I assure you there is method to this madness: Why not give assurances on such an important topic ? Because you dont want to.:


    Why wouldnt they want to ?


    The most likely answer is that they have ABSOLUTELY no idea how to fix this and expect to be forced to hand out significant amounts of cartel coins "for free" . That's the only reasonable explanation bar pure malice, Trandoshans/Lizards or Russian hackers.

  3. Still no communication ? Bioware speak up. Tomorrow I CAN'T EVEN LOG IN without the risk of losing yet ANOTHER season reward .



    Is it realy THAT hard to give SOME form of guarantuee that players will NOT lose out rewards they have PAID FOR ?

  4. 0-10 with zero damage is not "trying to play it" its NOT a hard game mode and there is plenty of advice out there but many players simply refuse to put even a minimum of effort into it. In virtually every competetive game you would be kicked for such behaviour. People fail to work with the team in raids get kicked, people who sabotage the team in FPs get kicked but in GSF such behaviour is sadly ignored or tolerated.
  5. keep pvp rewards separate from ops, which are separate from fps, which are separate from gsf, and so on...


    That simply doesnt work. While there are some rewards specific to PvP, GSF and Operations players want to progress their character and the ideal way to allow that while giving them the freedom to play whatever mode they want is homogenizing rewards with time invested and difficulty beeing the most important factors in determining what one gets.

  6. While it is good that Star Fighter opens up more frequently the number of leechers is woyying.

    If your problem is that you don't want to play a certain game mode don't play it. Rewards are not Human rights. If you join a team based game it is your responsiblity to give your best to contribute ina posiitive manner to your teams efforts regardless of wether it is an FP an OP or any kind of PvP

  7. Um "das Beste" daraus zu machen müsste ich Bioware Geld in den gierigen Rachen schaufeln. Ich bezahl doch keine 13 Euro für einen leeren Server auf dem selbst bei vernünftiger Spielerorganisation immernoch fast alles brach liegt. Und ich werde Bioware auch nicht mit dem Geld das einen Servertransfer kostet dafür belohnen das die einen Server sterben lassen und die Dekos und das Gildenschiff fürn Arsch waren.


    Das einzig tatsächlich konstruktive was man machen könnte wäre ein konsequenter Boykott. Unverschämtheit gehört bestraft und nicht mit Abo-Gebühren belohnt. Aus genau diesem Grund habe ich seit gut einem Jahr kein Abbo mehr.


    Es gibt gottseidank noch Spiele wo Service und Kundenrespekt noch etwas bedeuten und bis sich hier was ändert spiele ich lieber WoW und das ganze kostenlos dank Tokensystem.


    Seit wie vielen Jahren packen es die Entwickler nicht Serverübegreifende Warteschlangen und Auktionshäuser hinzukriegen ?



    Eure Mühen in allen Ehren aber ich bin davon überzeugt das solange ihr Abbo Gebühren bezahlt sich nichts ändern wird und ich bin ebenso davon überzeugt das Bioware diese Gebühren aktuell nicht verdient hat.


    Passend dazu Community Support -> Letzte Aktivität: 28.03.2013 03:33

  8. I can't fault them for devoting significant time and energy to the cartel market but if things stay this way the development cycle will keep lagging behind.


    The only solution would be to open up the game for player created content. Not only would it allow for a steady influx of new content (given the tools provided are powerfull enough) it would give the community the ability to actually shape their game experience in a way that they can't right now. While GSF seems to me to beto complicated for player created maps and scenarios it is well within our ability to design meaningfull ground missions, arenas and perhaps even story based campaigns. It would also help to turn this game into a MMORPG that deserves that name where the players can actually tell and create a story.


    New environments, models, skins and whatever could then be provided and sold on a regular basis gradually expanding tha array of tools available.

  9. Sorc/Sage is still far better and widely more desirable to bring in both PvP and PvE content then a Merc / Commando.


    While from my impressions at fighting Mercs that might be true in a context where they are pitted against the melee classes but in a strictly ranged duel they are equal to sorcs. It is also the result of a wider problem regarding the balance between the melee, stealth and ranged as a whole. It seems to me that they want ranged classes to avoid melee combat at all cost but to make that even possible they have to be given mobility advantages but that will just turn the former imbalance on its head. The design should instead to give ranged classes the advantage of a first one or two shots after which they will be forced to engage in a melee of sorts which should then balance out by the slightly (!) higher melee dps of devoted melee classes. As to mobility there should be no gap closers or radicallly movement impairing abilities just a slight speed advantage for melee classes so that they can engage without beeing stuck in a perpetual ranged combat (while still beeing forced to eat the first few shots a ranged class can fire).

  10. But the goals of PVP and PVE seem to run contradictory to one another, if not why do we need separate sets PVE and PVP gear and stats?


    Because the gear grind is a buisness strategy. Games which have been designed as F2P or better yet B2P from the get go usually don't have that distinction between PvP and PvE gear as they don't rely on players invisting as much time as possible to make a profit. GW2 beeing an excellent example where both PvE and PvP content can be done with one and the same equipment set although of course the player might still wish to maximize his potential in either environment by getting the right balance of offensive and defensive stats. World vs World mass PvP for example will often require you to invest more in your survivability than small scale PvP or PvE.


    If BW could balance PVP and PVE skills separately I think both communities would benefit, the PVP guys could get all of the tweaks they desire without impacting the PVE guys, and the PVE guys could run OPs with predictable skill sets without having the rug pulled out from under them every quarter when the PVP guys demand changes and they're patched in.


    In theory they could they just have been subpar at doing this. I can't speak for their reasons but to me it seems their greatest problem is managing a proper balance between melee and ranged classes. If I'd have to make the choices I would design ranged classes similar to stealth: Giving them a "first shot" advantage strong enough to make it even once they are engaged in melee. Mobility enhancing or restricting ablities including jumps should reduced to a bare minimum with melee classes enjoying only a minimal speed advantage allowing them to close in without suffering to much damage.


    Another alternative would be the rock-paper-scissors method applied to melee - range - stealth: ranged beats melee, stealth beats ranged and melee beats stealth regardless of specialization or class.


    Once this sort of equilibrium is reached they can easily balance PvE around it by giving bosses an even handed amount of ranged and melee damaging abilities so that neither class is disproportionally affected.


    Regarding designing encounters, are you talking about user level raid tactics or dev level design decisions?


    Level design and boss design by the developers as the tactics by the players are ultimately only the result of the former.

  11. That was my thought too, and PVP should never be the impetus for a nerf in a game that is overall PVE. In fact one would hope they could actually balance abilities in PVE and PVP seperately to prevent this kind of madness - rather like they can turn off relic effects in PVP.


    Quite to the contrary PvP should always be the center of balancing because ultimately due to its dynamic nature its the field where inter-class balance applies most. PvE problems can be fixed by designing the encounters properly without affecting the inter-class balance but any change to any of the classes will greatly affect PvP.

  12. My wrath is a cultist who revers ther emprah as a dark god, and wants all life in the galaxy to be wiped out. She is also plagued by a deep unshakable anger which prevents her from simple things like a quiet mind or a good night's sleep. The only time she even comes close is when meditating and focusing her anger through herself. : ' )


    So you ARE playing a mindwashed psychopath. Q.E.D.

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