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Posts posted by Nutluck

  1. I am fairly new to the game only been playing a few months. Right now what I most love about the game are the stories especially the class stories and companion iterations. Makeb isn't bad but it isn't great either. As the OP said, it is fun to do once on both imp and rep side but thats it. While the rest of the game I found fun to run at least once for each of the main 8 classes. Giving a lot of replayability, which for me is key to keep me playing a game. I hope they decided to in the next expansion do another chapter for each classes story arc. Even if they only did one a year that would be enough to keep my around for years to come and spending money on the game.
  2. The dye system is horrible it is the worst dye system I have ever seen in a game and that is saying something.


    The part that boggles my mind is they had the perfect way to make a fantastic dye system. Use the character changer they just added but let you pick each color on each armor piece and change it to what you want and charge for it. Simple, effective and it used code they just wrote. Just boggles my mind how they could screw something up so bad.

  3. I was ok with the character changer, I thought it was very well done and exactly what was needed. Then we get the craptastic armor dye system... i mean all they had to do is the exact same thing with the character changer but for armor colors. So we can change each color on each armor piece how we want, and charge a reasonable fee to do so.


    I am honestly stunned at how right they could get one thing and then how messed up they could make something else that calls for the same type feature and get it so wrong. Truly just stunned.:confused:

  4. More options to customize your character is always a plus. I often wonder if companies truly understand how much being able to make your character look exactly the way you want matters to a lot of people. Or that those people would be willing to pay extra for the service.
  5. I am a recent subscriber that started as Free-2-Play and as weird as it sounds I miss the reduced experience gain. I level too fast now compared to how I like to level. I like to do a couple WZs and a FP each day (for dailies) as well as all the planet quests. As F2P I was able to do this and stay in the recommended level range for the planet I'm on. Now my WZs and FP get me near a whole level each time and I am quickly outpacing the planetary quest and my Class Quest levels. I got to Taris at level 20 and it's a 16-20 planet. I am now level 23 and I'm only half way through Taris :-/.


    Same here, I started f2p then subscribed and i am actually unhappy with how fast I am leveling. I find it mildly annoying to out level missions so that they are easy to do.

  6. I don't mind pvp area's or pvp events. Sadly what I don't like are pvper's not all of them but enough of them make it not fun.


    I am new to the game and this is a example that has already turned me completely off from doing pvp. I was on tat and pvp tagged at the time. Was waiting for the jawa balloon to go get the datacrons. There was like 8 people there about half flagged, one of them was a level 50 sith. I was 30 something I forget exact level now jedi. While waiting he kills me. Ok fine, someone who was not pvp tagged rezed me. Then he kills us both, keep in mind their was another 50 there pvp flagged who left us alone.


    At that point the other level 50 pvper told him to knock it off. So he stops for a bit, then the balloon arrives and this guy then attacked and kill everyone pvp flagged, that was lower level than him. None of us could then make it on the balloon in time.


    Other than him and the other 50 both imps, we was all rep and all almost 20 levels lower. I honestly don't know to well how pvp works in this game, but I do know i was two hits for him and it wasn't even a fight.


    This wasn't the only time this happened but it was the last time. I have since turned pvp off and avoid pvp zones. At this point I have zero desire to get involved in pvp because their is enough people like him running around to ruin it.


    I play pvp on other games where people are not jerks and pvp can be fun. One of my top other game I play is World of Tanks which is a exclusive pvp game and I enjoy it.


    My point to this post is to show some of the pvper's why some people have such strong negative feelings for pvp.

  7. If they can't do a dye system, which honestly I have a hard time believing. Then selling each set of clothes in a wide range of color sets would be the next best thing. Especially if they added vanity slots. So you could put the clothes you want to look like in them and in the other slots the most effective ones. i know with orange gear you can slot them how you want but I would still likely to see vanity slots.
  8. As someone that started playing since it went f2p and like the game enough to buy a subscription. Mostly due to the stories and interactions with your companions. I consider SGR option a fairly high priority for exisiting and new companions myself. It is one of about a half dozen things they will need to do to keep me long term.


    Right now I am enjoying the game but variety is the spice of life and they will need to add more RP options to keep me paying at least. So I know they are adding them to the next expansion and I hope soon after we see them for old companions as well.

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