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Posts posted by ThatGuyAnon

  1. Real world pvp for me is going to tatooine finding some lowbies killing them over and over, finding their base camp... Killing them over and over till they call in their 55 then when the 55 gets there they find out I have a pocket stealthy and he gets graped.




    Thats my world pvp and I love it.

  2. Gear gaps exist for a reason, you don't like it? Stop playing a MMORPG and go play Call of Duty where everyone is equal or Guild Wars 2...




    I had to deal with recruit gear and did not cry about it


    I played the objective learned my class and eventually got my WH gear, I found every moment enjoyable.

  3. Me and my guild activly go to lowbie areas to kills lowbies, itll be my whole objective for the day sometimes.


    Ill find a group of lowbies kill them over and over till they leave the planet or log.



    Now hate on me


    Oh I also go into the Alderann pub city and kill every single person trying to get in our out and when they bring their 50s/55s i kill them too

  4. Gear has nothing to do with the persons knowledge of class, teamwork, or ability to play it... if you think it does, you're the worst kind of baddie. The mind of the elitist blows me away some times. Let me guess, you think topping damage charts makes you good don't you?


    This babbling is getting ridiculous, Yes I still use teamwork I actively pvp with my guild and even without ANY pvp gear on we still dominate this isnt a problem with us pvpers getting our asses kicked it a problem of there is now no longer a INCENTIVE to grind for the gear besides world pvp (which is the sole reason why im grinding comms in my PVE gear when I got almost a full set of partisan).


    If you don't like the gear gap, get better, play as a team, get those comms, and buy the gear...

  5. Bolster is BW excuse for baddies to be bad


    Seriously if you don't like the gear gap it only takes a few rounds of playing correctly to get a few pieces. Get a guild and run with them instead of pugging. This bolster crap is ridiculous and it only promotes people bad at pvp to not get any better.


    Yes because if he isn't bad at pvp he will que again, learn to play, get the gear, and not suck.


    Maybe this is projection and you are just bad at pvp and want everyone to be even.


    The gear gap is necessary to make pvp gear a incentive, if im only getting a SLIGHT advantage in my conquer of full min maxed partisan to a raider then **** why did i spend all of that time to get it?


    The gear isn't the problem its the people who are bad at the game and don't understand pvp regardless of all of that pvp is as of now OBJECTIVE oriented and you don't need 1.6k expertise to be useful.



    This is NOT call of duty this is a MMO and gear gaps are essential to make getting better gear a incentive.

  7. Bolster I think was their solution to not having to give out pvp gear for free. This way PVE people can play without having to have two sets of gear. And if you only need one set of gear, that means the other set is worthless.



    The gear gap in my opinion is a excuse for baddies to be bad


    If should be a incentive to get better gear and beat others. If I worked hard for my conqueror I want to be able to show my dominance someone who freshly came into pvp, Sure give them some recruit gear we dont have to make it as "bad" as it was pre 2.0 although imo it wasnt all that bad. Lets just make it clear that gear STILL MATTERS because if it doesnt then **** the pvp gear ill just roll in with my ultimate gear.

  8. In my opinion the reward should be the prestige of better looking gear, not an advantage in the fight.

    But then I don't PvP for the rewards either. If that was the only reason to PvP then why bother once you have the gear?


    Fine with your logic PVE gear should only give you better looks, I should get bolstered and be able to do HM SV with my elite gear because grinding is too hard for me.


    If you don't like the advantage pvp gear gives other then get that gear. When I started pvping before 2.0 and had recruit gear I didn't whine that the others had a advantage I BUCKED up got better and got my EWH.


    this whole gear gap thing is a excuse for baddies to be bad

  9. If gear doesn't matter why is it the reward?



    gear=doesn't matter

    reward=doesn't matter


    This over and over and over


    I understand we need a "fair and competitive" Warzone, but you guys forget this is not a first person shooter this is a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and gear grinding and getting the best loot to dominate is PART OF ROLEPLAYING GAMES.


    Now we don't need to make it so fresh 55s hit like a butterfly, but seriously if you have pvp gear YOU SHOULD HAVE A SLIGHT ADVANTAGE.


    Don't like it? Well suck it up and get the gear.

  10. Lets make this thread explode, I think we can all agree to just REMOVE bolster from 55 pvp and give everyone "free" (or fairly priced) pvp gear that has lower stats then partisan, but doesn't have the gear gap as "bad" as recruit was.



    This bolster crap is ridiculous and this is a easy fix.


    Bolster has NO place in 55 PVP.

  11. Ok, so, you never had a problem killing them so that meant they were balanced. Think of that from the healer point of view...I always die, so this must be balanced. If you NEVER had a problem w/ healers they WEREN'T balanced...


    You didn't read my post correctly, I thought they were balanced because if they were godly i knew they worked for their gear, but bolster is getting fixed so if it truley does i can care less about this issue now.

  12. Well, the cap on Expertise is 2018, and that is only attainable in full pvp gear. Someone in pve gear will not come to that. Right now bolster is not working correctly, because it is weighing pvp gear less than pve, but that will be fixed tomorrow, which will bring pvp > pve. As a result, pve will not get nearly as much expertise as they are getting currently.


    The whole purpose of 55 bolster is to eliminate the massive gear gap that was there pre-2.0. So now someone who is a fresh 55 can immediately jump into pvp and be competitive, not just a smear on the WZ floor. The pvp players in pvp gear will still be doing better than the pve people as far as expertise goes.


    I believe that the devs said that someone is full UW pve gear will get around 1332 expertise from bolster.


    I hope this becomes the case truly because as it is now WZs are a complete mess

  13. what about those just dinging 55 that have no pvp gear? you cant get pvp gear till you hit 55 ..


    this is what everyone was QQ'ing about pre 2.0 .. the gear gap ..


    this is why bolster is in place at 55 .. too lessen the gear gap ..


    what say you?


    You had recruit gear pre 2.0 and it was good enough because I used it and dealt with it.


    Deal with the gear gap thats all I can say thats why there is PVP gear and honestly even with ****** pvp gear you can still be 100% useful by playing the objective. I was still able to get 6-9 medals in recruit gear by being useful not running into a grp of players expecting to kill 2 of them.


    The gear gap is necessary to make progression worthwhile for pvp players!

  14. I am sure most of us agree to this, but I wanted to make another thread about this over me and my guildmates lul worthy time last night.


    We are pvp veterans I pvped in WoW in vanilla to Cata and as soon as I got into this game I loved the pvp, I thought it was balanced and the gear grind wasnt half bad it clearly rewarded player who thought out their strategies and tactics and the gear gap wasnt so bad (recruit was kind of ******, but deal with it in pve don't expect to raid effectively tionese)


    Ran into so many healers who just rocked our team all the while them having 100% no pvp gear all using pve gear getting their free expertise. I understand healers should be able to survive 1 or 2 dps if they are good, but at this point any healer can lul into a WZ with their pve gear and laugh at your team as you try to dps them. Yes we can kill them, but when there is 2-4 of them it is a complete mess.


    I understand a healer should win or at least survive in a 1v1 pre 2.0 I never expected to actually kill a healer solo just distract if I needed to. Although the difference between now and pre 2.0 is that those godly healers who rocked everyone had to WORK FOR THEIR EXPERTISE. They couldn't just run into a WZ with Ultimate gear and rock the charts like they do on a regular basis now.


    So bioware ill ask you in pve can I get a bolster? I should be able to do HM S&V in 156s or 148 with this logic.


    This is literally breaking pvp, people with full pve gear getting 1.5k expertise and if you even try to put on Partisan you actually get GIMPED! Now I havent tried full partisan yet, but just putting on 2-3 pieces so far I saw a complete drop in my effectiveness compared to my 162 Black Market gear.


    I have NO problem with the way healing is now if there wasnt a bolster to "even the playing ground" which actually means "make pvp gear useless untill conqueror and reward people for doing nothing".


    Every WZ is the same now there is no variety everyone has god mode expertise and every WZ has god mode healers, yes I understand through teamwork you can always win, but seriously the bolster just makes me feel like this is all pointless because I see no clear progression getting my pvp gear. It's all the same and now I'm better off grinding pve gear for pvp untill I get conqueror if that will even help.

  15. Completely agree. I have been pretty outspoken against bolster because its unfair to pvp. I have no problem working for PVP gear, I had a set pre 2.0. I already have 6 pieces of partisan gear, I also have full black market.


    I actually cant tell if Im doing better in partisan gear or black market (that is a problem, pvp > pve).


    But that is a completely different issue, that hopefully they are trying to fix.


    I also have a few pieces of Partisan and ill assure you its useless, putting on one piece only gave me a litteral boost of 30 expertise (the chest piece) and with it gimping all of your other stats then it was obvious to me I am better off rolling into WZ with my PVE gear.


    Also doesnt help the Warrior gear looks like a giant ***** :eek:

  16. Their answer is No, working as intended. Healing is finally in a place where it can make a difference, even if it is one healer. If you and another DPS cannot kill a single healer, then you need to look at what you are doing wrong. Interrupt, force choke, force push, back hand, (just to mention what a single Juggernaut has) and a plethora of other tools are available to ACs to slow down and stop a healer. One on one, yeah, you are going to have a tough time killing a healer (especially if they are shielded and the tank is close by using their taunts), two or more, healer should be down if the DPSers do it properly, in short amount of time.


    You make a great point and if this was pre 2.0 bolster I would agree with you. ALTHOUGH when EVERY healer has 15k expertise and run into WZ with elite and ultimate gear they become OVERPOWERED and annoying bugger unless you have equally geared dps to focus them down. Of course I'll use all the abilities I can to decimate them pre 2.0 I would never take a healer on 1v1, but now even with 2-3 dps on a single healer it is MUCH harder then it should be to take them down. If they have another pocket healer or tank then forget about killing him unless you are in a COORDINATED TEAM. This make pug WZs more unbearable because good luck trying tying to get half the pugs you get into to mark and focus healers even if you shout it out to them.



    I'll remind you yet again if these healers got their expertise the REAL way through the gear grind I wouldnt have a problem being this OP because they WORKED FOR THE EXPERTISE, now they run in with the ez mode elite and ultimate gear and can lul at everyone unless of course you have conquerer.

  17. If DPS could kill healers 1 on 1, there would be no healing. A good healer shouldnt really be killed kiting a dps, if they could be, then everyone might as well roll a dps.


    Healing works both ways. If its overpowered for their team, its overpowered for your team. What is happening is that teams who are better coordinated and actually focusing are doing better than teams who just want to death match 1 on 1.


    After the warzone, check the damage received by healers. As a dps that should be your job. Its pretty hilarious when I check stats to find out that my team did half as much damage to their healers, yet were complaining about how they couldnt kill anyone.


    Or equally hilarious when I check the stats to find out that I didnt even receive 100k damage (I generally receive 400k+ if Im going against a good team), and the other team wonders why they couldnt kill anyone.


    If I cant win 1 on 1 against a dps, I might as well just dps, because my entire utility as a healer is saving others, which is impossible if I cant save myself first.



    When you run into 2-4 healers in one WZ all with elite and ultimate gear it gets pretty ridiculous. I have no problem with the way healing is now if there was NO bolster. They get free expertise so they can just run into WZ with whatever overpowered 162 169(w/e ultimate is) and get a free 15k expertise! Before if I ran into a good healer pre 2.0 it was the same deal I couldnt kill him 1v1 I had NO problem with that because I knew he worked for his gear, now everyone has free expertise so every healer is now a godly healer

  18. I 100% agree me and my guildmate pvp all day and night. Never had a problem pre 2.0 with healers they felt extremely balanced. Now even if me and my guildie leap onto the ****er interrupting everything we can and unloading on him he still runs away with 1/3 or 1/2 health healing himself luling at us. Not a gear problem since I have 29k hp speccing for power while using vengeance (good job bioware making vengece godly in pvp finally i'll give you that).


    It is the problem with bolster, another fatal flaw now healers don't have to worry about expertise since they get free expertise it makes them nearly invincible running into WZs with elite and ultimate gear effectively becoming invincible.


    So let me ask you Bioware did you not *********** think when you put in bolster? I see tanks with 36k HP soaking damage and god forbid there is another pve geared healer in the WZ with them then its GG if their team works together.



    Way to go Bioware make expertise useless by giving it out freely to people who don't even work for it.

  19. I know it's a long CD it's just annoys me that they can have that kind of damage setup before they even enter combat. I'm also not a huge fan of getting leaped to immediately hitting my KB seeing the Smash animation go off 10 meters away and still getting hit for 5k.


    That is latency problems, truth is you REALLY did get smashed when he leaped you, but the animation didn't go off until he was 5ft away.

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