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Posts posted by Dorendalin

  1. I know this is frustrating for players, especially if we do indeed need redo our keybinds and preferences. However, this is fairly funny. To wit, the game launcher or whatever broke so bad that if you hit the play button at login you now have to reinstall the entire game. And their short comment on the topic is simply "problem fixed but you probably have to download the entire game again."


    In a different Star Wars universe I feel like this alone could have put Anakin on enough of a tilt to submit to the dark side.


    God I really hope our binds were saved server side...


    The really funny thing is that I was playing this morning and my saved UI was somehow corrupted and I spent 40 minutes getting everything put back together before work. I came home, tried to log in and instead ended up in this infinite download hell. When I finally get back in, I get to look forward to fixing the UI that I just fixed.


    That is some quality game play I am subscribing to. :rolleyes:

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