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Posts posted by Brannicus

  1. I just had two straight matches where my group has mostly level 30's and the opposing group was mostly level 50's. We were trounced, obviously. The fact that it's possible for the groups to form with that much of a difference is preposterous. As it stands, a level 31 or 34 or whatever has zero chance of taking on a level 59 character. The way it scales right now just doesn't close the gap. Either create more tiers and lower the minimum amount of players necessary for a match to start (so long as teams are balanced) or work in some kind of filter that splits the levels of the characters up evenly between the teams.


    It's a joke that we could have 6 characters in their 30's, 1 in the 40's and 1 in the 50's while the other team had 6 in their 50's. That's not just bad luck, it's a broken system. I like PvPing, but mid-tier PvP is making me want to ignore it until end game.


    Agreed. I used to love PVP in this game now it is UNPLAYABLE.


    What clown thought it was a smart idea to restructure the skill trees, and THEN to push everyone into the same bracket? Probably one of the worst ideas in the history of MMO's. Right now I am canceling because this crap is unplayable junk.

  2. I came back to check, and I am horrified to find utterly broken pvp.


    People stacking overpowered classes is worse now than before. But what is really bad is playing low level people into high level warzones and expecting bolster to make up the difference of having utterly no useful skills/powers? What idiot came up with this idea? Restructuring the class/skill system AND removing the correct pvp bracket ranges at the same time without any testing?


    It's very nearly unplayable now.

  3. Well I come back after nearly 9 months off, and I find the PVP fun, balanced, and survivable. Not like the horror of this game when it launched.


    Then 3.0 hits, and the horrors of launch return.. Bursty PVP, people of too low level being pushed into Warzones with people far better geared, and higher level. My team getting 2, 3, or 4 shot in most cases, and with my heals significantly nerfed this patch and unable to keep anyone up and fighting.


    I guess it's time to cancel, and take another 9 month break while this fail company fixes this mess.

  4. Your fundamental point seems to be "If you choose not to buy a Cather because you don't like them, be aware that if too many others do the same, we may not get any other new races, including the race you might be looking forward to" which seems a bit more reasonable than "Buy them even if you don't like them!"


    This is the most ridiculous statement I have read in a long time..


    So keep buying bad quality GM cars, so one day they make a good car? Give me a break.. What you do is buy a HONDA so the GM people wake up and make better cars.. Your logic is incredibly flawed.. Rewarding them won't bring about more, it will only make them lazier.


    It is people like you that are to blame for the problems we have in this world.

  5. I plan to buy all the specieses.Even if I don't end up using all of them, it's nice to have the options.


    What does this prove, or what purpose does it serve?


    You are rewarding laziness, and this is exactly why we get what we get, because people like you buy it all anyway.. They can keep shoveling out rubbish and folks like you still fork over cash, never learning.


    You mess it up for us all.

  6. So I thought I kept seeing that changing your species would cost 800CC.


    I just went to the vendor, and according to it changing my species with a 34% subscriber discount costs 782 CC.


    So changing a species is how much now?


    Yup. My first thought was ... RIP OFF.


    I would absolutely NEVER spend that kind of cash on something like that, and think BW is really showing their greed with these prices.. 500CC - maybe.. 800?? Give me a break! 1200? You have to be kidding.

  7. I cancelled about a week ago. Subscribers paying for haircuts, facial hair, tattoos, etc. is just beyond anything remotely reasonable. I know, i get 500 CC for my $15, that somehow justifies making subscribers pay for everything. You can spray perfume on crap, but it's still crap.


    I actually agree.. Also they PROMISED 1 free name change for subscribers and guess what? That's not what was provided.


    I am incredibly disappointed, and likely will cancel.

  8. RP means absolutely NOTHING in this game. If anything the community on Bastion is much better, and more into Roleplay. It's a placebo to claim a server is RP then not enforce anything about the RP, even names.


    Queues are ridiculous - period. Nobody can deny it. Half my guild sits around ************ about queues every night, and never getting pops.. Last night nearly 30 min for a level 55 PVP Warzone.. That's unacceptable.


    It is good news transfers are coming. It is bad news they are paid.. <sigh> But at least I can migrate to a server that doesn't have TWO HOUR FP queues. They better allow me to transfer to any server i want, I do not want to be pigeonholed into another empty server.

  9. With Fleet down to as low as 70-80 on JungMa.. Queue times for FP's can exceed 2-3 HOURS. Queues for Warzones in some cases can exceed ONE HOUR. JungMA is no longer fun, and the current population is not sufficient to yield quality play.


    I am close to canceling my subscription until server transfers or a merge is done - either way, or cross-server queues. Why should I bother to login when it takes HOURS in some cases to get any pops? I can go log in to World of Tanks and get queues instantly, it's far far more productive, and fun.


    Something has to be done - very very soon.

  10. Server transfers are CRUCIAL right now.


    Let me state: I am on Jung-MA which routinely sits at 'Standard' population, even during peak gaming. Queue times for Flashpoints (at any level) can range between 30-90 minutes! Yes, 2 hours is quite possible. PVP queue times can exceed 30 minutes, regardless of the level.


    This is not sustainable, it's a severe drain on the quality of the game and has me considering unsubscribing/quitting until they turn on character transfers. Several of my friends, and guild mates want to transfer as soon as possible as well. Generally to populated servers.


    Alternatively- making FP/WZ queues cross server would solve most of the issues as well. Whatever needs to be done, needs to be done fast.. Populations are declining terribly on the last PVP servers - no point in having pvp servers any longer.

  11. Someone here posted footage of Alpha Black Talon, it looked amazingly bad compared to the game now. But I cannot find this link any longer, and my youtube searches are coming up empty.


    Anyone have the alpha black talon video, or any other good alpha videos that really show how far things have come?

  12. You guys present some good ideas. I think the overall top solution would be to allow you to store roles, then switch with a keypress. Rift has a 'soul' system where you store 5-6 different builds, then switch between them. It is quite remarkable this game doesn't have that. They are too busy charging cartel coins for respec then to put something in like this which would increase quality of life DRAMATICALLY.


    Second.. Something interesting happened last night. I was in a HM FP on my sniper, the tank left for some unknown reason. Then a DPS left. I decided to pull out a 146+ geared Ensign Temple to replace the DPS, and the sorc pulled out Xalec to tank. Later I switched to a 150 geared HK.. Nevertheless we finished on schedule with no issues.


    Solution here is - allow people to queue with companions factored as part of the group!


    Not only does this make companions more useful, it fills out the roles that aren't filled in the group finder, and allows people to continue to play the game. Quality of life improve would be amazing. For example I could easily use a 146+ geared Doctor Lokin to heal a HM-FP without much issue, so why can't I queue with him? The easiest way to implement this would be to do a gear-check on companions, then allow them to be queued up with the person to fill out a group. PLAYERS would take precedence over companions when filling groups. But when players cannot be found a companion will be shifted into the role provided the person selects this option. Anyone remember doing missions in Guild Wars with hired hands? Same thing.


    Now all of that gearing we do on companions would have a purpose...

  13. I hate to consider calling anyone out, especially you. But seriously. You said you would look into it, and i'm holding your word. It's been 2 months with not so much as a "Still looking into it" Silence is all we have. Would it kill for just one update about this?


    WHO CARES about Revan.. Get over the guy..


    There are MUCH more important issues, like why we wait for 1-2 HOURS for a FP queue!


    You carebears make me want to vomit.

  14. cross server will not help this... its astounding how so many people are this dumb...


    there are very few tanks and healers on every server... all cross servers will do is flood the queue with more DPS.


    adding more of everything will not make anything faster... however being a moron i can understand how you think that.


    Speak for yourself, you really are dumb.


    Cross server works better simply because it increases the total number of players in the pool. Are you not paying attention? On the lower population servers there simply isn't ANYONE queuing up. Jung-Ma for example may have 4-5 people every hour queuing up. But some of the more populated carebear servers have 20,30, even 50+ queuing up every hour. THAT is the problem... But if you place everyone in a global queue the problem would go away for the most serious cases - which are the low pop servers.


    That's really what we are talking about here. Either they need to ditch the empty pvp servers, or give them cross server queues, or allow people suffering on the low pop servers to get the hell off them via Xfers.

  15. Ques suck because no one is running the 55 FP's in LFG, they're horrible, bugged, and offer illogical loot.


    GG Bioware


    I can't argue with this..


    I have 100% given up on 55HM FP's. The loot is nonsensical in some cases, and outright rubbish in others. The difficulty is over the top if you are trying to pug it. I have never successfully completed a pug one. Either the tank or healer is undergeared and we get trashed. If I tank one (150ish tank), my healer is usually undergeared and we fail. At the end all we have to show for it is a 55,000c repair cost.. They really need to go back to the drawing board on these things..


    That aside, the queues are atrocious. In 5 hours of playing last night I managed to get into ONE flashpoint on several characters. The rest were endlessly stuck in queues.



  16. The core mistake by Bioware was making PvP servers to begin with.


    It will have to get cleaned up with open transfers at some point.. like when they launch open server transfers (which has yet to be announced).


    Yeah big mistake.. PVP is a failure in SWTOR.


    Now they need to close the PVP servers, and roll the people of both pvp servers into one PVE. Or open Xfers so those of us stuck on CRAP servers like Jung-Ma can get the hell off of them. It's literally impossible to advance on Jung-Ma these days due to hideouslty long queues.


    I'm going to cancel my sub soon if they don't merge, or allow Xfers. Why bother playing?

  17. Jung-Ma is getting VERY sparse now.. Too sparse, please just merge it with the other pvp server, or give us the option to transfer off Jung-Ma.. Queues for FP's and WZ's can sometimes be an HOUR these days. It's the only server consistently in 'standard' along with the other pvp server. The other servers are always heavy. PVP in SWTOR has failed, nobody is rolling on the pvp servers anymore.


    I have given up on PVP in SWTOR, and I want to transfer off Jung-Ma. Please give me the option to transfer!!

  18. BTW, I'm always amused when I see peeps crying over the caretel packs. They still don't' get that you don't need to buy packs to get what you want.


    Amazing isn't it?


    The amount of retardation in this world never ceases to amaze me, day after day. It is amazing this world simply doesn't implode on itself with the level of intelligence out there in humans right now. How did we arrive at this point???


    I was discussing this with my wife, and saying that in the natural world, natural selection takes care of the morons. In the synthetic human world, natural selection is broken. Broken by medicine, by synthetic living conditions, and technological wonders. We essentially extracted ourselves from natural selection. So the net result is exactly what we have - legions of morons, trailer trash, and drains on society running around everywhere. In the natural world a really stupid Gazelle runs into lions and dies, in the synthetic man-made world, a really dumb guy crosses the street, gets hit by a car, then society pays 200K to heal him back up to go right out in a few weeks and continue to be a moron.

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