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Posts posted by Purgamentorum

  1. Please do not come here and talk stuff you cannot prove. If I said something like that, it was surely a joke! I am sure its missinterpretation.

    Like the bots were a joke? Like going on the PTS to complain about classes that aren't your mains was a joke? Sounds like classic Mero rather than a joke.

  2. Ok, so now in detail.


    Round 1, was fine, no issues the dps jugg just used taunts, we won the round. Round 2 went bad for us due to overconfidence and bad focus. Also no "dps guard" issues. In Round 3 it happened. We didnt even plan this, no one in the team said the tactic, but they started to tt our tank, so we did the same. The problem was that there was noone to guard our tank, but their tank got guard! So I would say the last round is a good example.


    More to the point why do all 3 rounds say defeat? your just making it up now.


    Please read points above to solve your breakdown issues. PVE rotations are best used in PVE.

  3. So how about this one?


    That proves that you were out dpsed again. Your teams healing was more than the other teams protection. And it also proves your on about taunt not guard again. If your guard theory is correct and it granked 3 players alternating guard that well deserves to win. If you playing solo ranking your proving everything that's wrong with solo ranked ie que fixing, luck of the draw in the queue as to whether you win or not, not balancing the classes in matchmaker.


    If it is taunt then your dps did more healing than their guard protected, so it would be more fair to say take healing off dps.


    By the numbers it looks more like they focused down targets, switching when a dcd was used. Again they were better players. They pressured your team reacted. You hit 4/5ths of their mara damage so obviously wasn't a strong link either kept your dps busy healing you or was so bad they didn't burn you first.

  4. Its there a video of the match? or does anyone as a video of the match they can post..


    So far we can only go by what you said;

    there's always two side to the story..


    I have one of my taunt set on my ability bar; every time that ability is off cd is gonna cast automatically.

    Don't get offend but seen to me the opposing team was more organize and slightly skillful..

    And any good player allow to do his thing without been challenge is always bad news..


    Someone mention that your marauder/s were over confident/your sorc didn't cast properly .. not using Ruthless Aggressor on the part of the maras..


    See what happens went most of the time you're Sparring against lesser teams?? you always go down went facing an equal or greater force..


    Macros? Aren't they against terms and conditions?

  5. I’m sorry, but it’s pretty clear what happened here. Their healer ran rampant, keeping the guarding dps up for the entire fight. That Sin was able to crit to his heart’s content, doing a mountain of dps, despite his damage being cut in half. The nerf did exactly what it was supposed to do, because I’m sure that if it weren’t for the halved dps, that Sin would’ve murdered people twice as fast. This isn’t a matter of a feature needing a nerf. It’s about a skilled team that outplayed you. You want to make the point that guard needs a better nerf? Fine. Roll a dps spec with guard, go into a ranked wz, and pull those protection numbers on a consistent basis yourself. Show us that screenshot, and then you’ve got an argument.


    You missed the fact that the dps on the losing team went dot spec and fluffed their numbers while the other team had a burst damage that hit the target hard. Balance between dots and burst in a team is a great thing. So it's better composition, better players, an all round better team beat number fluffers that can't play unless the target is stationary and can get a pve rotation off.

  6. Now that is silly and way off subject. The other players had stealth for example and my character didnt have that, so why didnt I blame that?? Thats the same discussion people had long ago about sentinels not having a pushback where Guardian had Force Push. I dont want or need that so I really do not get what you are saying here.


    I am fine with the classes as they are, they all have pros and cons. Like it was said sorcs have selfheal, pw etc, but they also have light armor and stuff. This is not about that. I did mention taunt, but its impact is not as big as guard, which is the main topic in this thread.

    No stealth? You have the nest stealth button in the game. It's called phase walk. Instantly stealth out of scanner range undetectable, out of combat, a safe predesignated space. And to top it all the best defensive in god bubble.


    You said Taunts and guard win matches. So if it isn't guard because they out dpsed you so you were either really terrible and the 50% damage would just ridicule you as a player if they were all guarding, it must be taunt. Or a team that used their defenses a lot better than you did. Force sprint is the best speed escape, phase walk is the best single movement escape ( compared to roll, propulsion round etc), god bubble is the best shield (you could make a sandwich in the time it lasts), force wave is the second best push, the self heals are the easiest and best, the dps is top tier. Face it your ego is writing cheques you can't cash. You aren't very good. The point still stands if you want to mash a pve rotation go play pve. (and win everytime against bots).

  7. This went downhill fast..


    So the title of this thread is a viable opinion to bring up. But what's also true is that the screenshot isn't meaningful, it doesn't prove anything, it doesn't support the argument. Bashing Mero for his illegitimate title (that he still has for whatever reason) is generally a proper thing to do, but in his defense: it has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion.


    In my defence he went from blaming guard to blaming a team full of taunts as I quoted. It's not just bashing mero for cheating his ways to titles it's a fair and valid point that the devs go by. Suggestions made on the PTS he is one of these players. So while most players live in the real world and have learned over the years how to dps in an arena the devs are basing the future of this game on his and his cronies opinions. They lack developed skill as they wintraded titles, because of this he can't decide whether it's guard or taunt that needs to be nerfed.


    If you take taunts off dps then take heals off dps and dps off healers. It would make a terrible game and everyone can go outside and do something constructive. He's crying because he hasn't got a taunt on his main yet has one of the highest dps potential outputs (lightening sorc) with healing abilities and every escape under the sun. He sole arguement is take taunt and guard out the game because it's the only thing my char hasn't got and it must be the reason I can't win titles without using bots

  8. If you count it, they did 830k on protection. Part of it ofc is taunting. The increased healing is due to aoe heals and yes, probably a bit more cc on our healer. There are bits and bits to everything but overall a big part of the problem was guard. Without being guarded the healer woud have done less heals and the guardian would probably die.


    This match also shows the imbalance between a team where 3 of the players could taunt and a team where no one could. Simple put its a good example of how taunt and mainly guard turns the tide of a match. In the end if the enemy was so good, why bother with guarding at all then, hmm?


    So your problem is with taunt not guard? Just because you used a few bots to win titles in previous seasons (by your own admission) Now you actually have to L2P it becomes an issue. The rest of us who played this game properly and won titles already know how to beat these mechanics. Maybe they should remove dcds as well, and movement, and attacking back, then you could pound your pve rotation to hell. Oh wait that mode already exists it's called pve.

  9. The number of times I've asked people politely not to guard where a sap cap is so easy but they do not listen and guard next to the node anyway and get sap capped. Sometimes you can't follow up because you'd only lose it through frustration.
  10. Your playing tank?


    Use your push/pulls, it's and aoe dynamic. Watch for immunity.


    flag your healer and practise being close but not to close. See above for buying the healer time.


    look up. Sounds simple but if you are getting tunnel visioned, stop, look up, and just take in the scene what would help the most? A delay and the right action is better than the wrong action quickly. You'll get faster in time.


    Customise your UI. Make it easy to see friendly health bars. Your tanking they are your most important information.

    Increase the size of the buffs/debuffs. No point guarding a player reflecting damage when another is about to die.


    Stay in the middle of the pack. Lone players die easily. When you recognise the dynamic then you know when to pull players off node etc. Before you understand the dynamics you are hindering your team. Is more than one player following? Do you have plenty of dcds? can you push the player to create more distance stun and speed back?


    But most of all learn you don't have to kill to attain the objective. Group stuns and pushes win matches. can you hold the enemy off someone planting/capping with a mez? is that op about to throw a stun grenade into the group your thinking about smashing?


    Most importantly though and you have this bit nailed, have fun. Enjoy it and you get better with time.



    PS when you want to really get good learn focus target and target of my target. This can be applied to the healer if he is free casting and you can guard the player he is healing or not as the situation demands. Or applied to an enemy who is that sniper targeting who needs the preemptive guard. PVP is about decisions and having more information gives you the chance to make the right one.

  11. Truth is it probably isn't your fault. Too many people blame the healer because they don't look up from the keybinds. They probably aren't cleansing themselves as needed, standing in the AOE and not pulling the area apart, not mezzing the other healer, or generally playing re-actively to the opposition.


    But remember as a sorc you have 2 stun breaks so you shouldn't be mezzed for long. It's one of the many big advantages to being a sorc. If they are a dot team use your bubble, they must single target you then, not good for an aoe team. You have more than enough defences to make up for it. When your targeted they should be on the sniper, and you should be bubble stunning. Just one differing tacitc to try. The reasons sorcs are the go to healer in pvp is because they have so many options. Out of mez and roaming mend is a life saver.

  12. I think this is a L2P issue. Effective use of DCD's means you have to use a nerf thread on cool down. If you don't start a new thread every few seconds then they will not dominate the forum lead page. Remember by spamming useless and poorly informed replies you can gain the argument buff that will make a nerf thread last up to 4 weeks. This allows you to use another nerf thread while the first is still active.


    I found the self perpetuation utility to be a must take. If you focus on one or 2 classes you can upset nearly everyone in the game with your cries, this allows others to use their nerf threads on cool down. Once you gain 4 stacks it "becomes the truth", and even after the devs step in the nerf thread becomes non cleanseable. At this point you gain FotM buff. remember this is very different to the OP buff. The OP buff can only be achieved through stealth buff threading where you turn a nerf thread into a feel sorry for this class must buff thread.

  13. Well it is delicate thing here. Question is whether its skill of the 1 guy or incompetence of the 4 people. He still has to avoid the aoe to unstealth him, avoid damage done once he is unstealthed etc so its kinda questionable.


    You forget that operatives have the biggest reflect shield in the game.

  14. You do all realise this is a classic Jeezee troll don't you? Anyone who knows that much English knows that there are no accented letters. The spelling of certain words, the phrases, all used by Jeezee. And so many people taking such ridiculous statements seriously.
  15. If I recognize them correctly that's a certain groups A team w/ skanks.

    Which apparently (according to discord) queue dodges everyone elses A team at 2am on saturdays.



    The fundamental problem with skanks is that they simply can't afford to fight against internal damage and as they are melee based (with mobility nerf that jugg suffered with removal of root immunity from EP on utility spec) , can be rendered harmless for large duration of time.


    They are relying on double taunt , but this can be countered through prolific use of soft stuns by snipers if so desired, along with they hefty arsenal of diversions and other fun stuff. Not to mention their dcd's like evasion protect them from the various CB's that may be thrown around. (Snipers really have tank tier dcd's even to this day, alongside mercs, meaning they are the equivalent of a ranged skank)


    Maybe there are better comp's than 3 eng snipers but personally from playing a tank, that's probably more aggravating than any other dots class I can think of. The only concern is with PH being fixed you might suffer from a bit of rare burst if they save their CB's for long enough. It shouldn't be too bad considering you can pop evasion from time to time once they approach close enough, then knock them back etc.


    I don't recognise them but I'll agree with the DOT spread tactics. As I've said before else where in the forum DOT is king right now, so any team with only melee dps is going to have an advantage as well. Could you imagine the cries of nerf madness sorc if these forum posters got their way and sorcs got dps and dcd buffs, even minor ones?

  16. They aren't going to hurt for starters. The sniper is probably engineering so don't group up. Mez the healer and hit a tank. If they are having to take 2 tanks they almost definitely don't know how to swap guard so you won't get tank guarding tank from it. Just in case be ready to burn that healer. Pretty poor team to be honest and probably really bad players. They are playing for an acid win if they are lucky.


    I've seen 3 sorc healer 1 tank teams before, beat them every time. Just wait till acid and know how to play acid tactics. Teams with troll compositions tend to be really bad players so nothing to worry about.

  17. Mara’s can kill snipers as well.


    The problem in an arena is resource management. Without being able to jump to target maras can't keep their resources up. In 8v8 there is always a convenient nearby target, not so in a well played arena. Although sniper mara combos are the kings of ranked dps, it's all about the dot now (and dot's make merc shields useless).


    In ranked mercs are not top dogs. They do not have enough stun breakers (1), they do not have enough movement, they are only useful because of the net and a lucky stealth scan.


    I do agree though that mercs have 2 utilities that are a bit much. They have a slow on a rotational attack, as well as explosive round, I personally think that all slows should be non optimal rotation but most classes have it and others have big roots as well. The other utility is the shield recharge. When they are hit it lowers the cool down of their basic shield. Again others have this utility and it should be taken from all. DCDs make the game interesting, and require a second level of thought and so more skill to operate effectively. They are however becoming too easy to manage through sheer amounts of them.

  18. Sorc healers are the go to PVP spec. That means that any sorc will get targeted just on the off chance in regs. Most people don't know what to look for to define between healer and dps and you'll probably be marked straight out of spawn. The problem is sorc healers were ridiculously OP for a long long time so no one is going to take the chance, they are still far and away the best and easiest to play.


    I'm afraid your a victim of psychology.

  19. I'm not going to defend Mercs here, thats a dead horse thats not coming back from the current double standard of nonsense and hypocrisy, but i wonder if any of you that continuously bellyache about them and other ranged classes have ever asked yourself why they have what they have?




    What they should have done was move back toward a more sustainable time on target model where ranged could kite more and play more like ranged classes. Take away some of the gap closers or grant immunities to same and balance the dps or actions per minute to match the time on target. I personally would have much preferred this option.


    Pretty much summed up.


    Now sadly everyone is just looking at the dcd arms race. They also forget that optimal dps per class must be taken into account.


    The thread pretty much summed up is we want mercs to be free kills again. They move really slowly and giving them rocket out was supposed to be a joke (it gets caught on tiny pieces of graphic). However to mask this we'll all defend PTs till something actually happens to them then we'll ask for the nerf. Give PTs lie on the floor escape.,

  20. Okay, has 2 hit to heal ( 1 can be clicked off and do the healing regardless of dmg really ) and 1 h2full without hitting which is even more OP so thats in Mercs favour ...


    nope. The H2F you are on about is heal to 60% I think. I can't remember after the nerf.

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