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Posts posted by TheSiobhan

  1. So I've reported this issue several times, and nothing is done, I have 2 characters which are UNPLAYABLE because of this ****. They had to pop back to fleet to apply their damn skill/mastery/whatever points, and I can't get back to Kotfe mission because they stupidly require one of the **** new companions, and decided not to have a check that either stops you from leaving or forces the companion into your party so you can start the missions again. Either way, Can't play 2 characters... since 4.0 pretty *********** pissed since there have been 2 patches to fix bugs and they still haven't fixed this one. Majorly game breaking.
  2. 1 less thing to do? You mean farming lowbies? Yeah after the bracket is in you will have to work for your wins against other 50s.


    I feel so bad for you *sadface*


    another idiot. Sigh THERE ARE NO 50s... Seriously there are about 30 lvl 50 players on republic side and 100 on imp side. THAT'S IT. too stupid to figure out math? that # of people can't support queues. pvp will be dead.

  3. Why can't you pvp @50?

    Oh you are mad that you have to play against people your level. Gotcha


    No idiot, no 50s on our server. There's already something like 6:1 empire:republic now it's going to be ALL huttball ALL the time. By all the time of course I mean once every 2 hours.

  4. I like to camp alliance graveyard on my warrior in wow. Me and a pocket healer routinely wipe the entire team, and that pvp system has been out or years and levels are equal. The difference is mainly gear and just better players. But gear makes a big difference in pvp less alone a bracket less warzone with a stat only available at level 50.



    Patch out tomorrow you will feel much better about pvp then.


    Well there are still bugs and lag but that's another thread..


    **** the patch tomorrow, killing pvp, yay. Do we really need 1 less thing to do @ 50?

  5. so, this isn't a QQ so much as an honest question...


    I consider myself pretty capable at PVP. I've been playing MMOs since DAoC and have always PVPd.


    Today, I queued up for some PVP and came across a level 50 Bounty Hunter named Xurge. I had seen her before and, while hard to kill at level 50, it was manageable with a little back up.


    Today, however, not only did she 3 shot me from full health (with my force shield up) but proceeded to take out THE ENTIRE REPUBLIC TEAM in quick succession. Ended the match with about triple the damage output as anyone else in the entire battleground.


    Now I'm sure a lot of that is that he/she's a good player and knows her class. But ANYONE able to 3 shot people in PVP (including stuns thrown in for insult, I assume) and to chain those abilities to take out an entire team repeatedly is clearly a broken mechanic, yes?


    She basically tore us apart while the other 6 imps just sorta jumped around and /danced.


    So I guess my question is: is this a widespread issue? an exploit? bad balancing? Because if this is "intended" I'm clearly not oging to be partaking in PVP. No point. :confused:


    To be fair, We've been undefeated on our mains killing people about as effectively since level 10. Now, we weren't killing entire teams by ourselves then, but in a 3 man group, we are undefeated. This isn't so much an issue of any one mechanic so much as it is... people are bad. He has been rolling people before he had tracer missile. I don't think it's any more broken now than it was then. Also take a look at IAs and Smugglers, their stealthers can kill anybody in 3 shots, including Xurge. so I don't think it's too broken.

  6. Sure. But since it's one day per week that i pay for, and that sums up to a grand total of 14% of the service time i pay for in one month. So instead of us Europeans paying 15 E/month, we should be paying 12.85 E/month.


    While that doesn't sound that much, i'm pretty sure a reduction of 14% in the European income won't feel that nice for them, huh?


    Before you come and say "suck it up, it's not prime time"or whatever, consider that more than 75% of the Europeans were unable to access the service they payed for (and they payed more than our American... erm... friends) up until 22:00. Add the infinite ques after that since people tried to log in all at once, evidently.


    Highest quality of service, right?


    I'd like some of that reduced price, we all can't access the game equally, time is irrelevant.

  7. Yes 8 hours over a tiny patch we in the EU have to pay for with our gaming time while the players in the US is asleep and can wake up to servers ready to play.


    Dude it hits during the middle of my prime play time... Don't even get all "oh americans can wake up and play" First off, anybody who can play in the morning has no job/school, and in that case, they're not waking up til noon anyways. And if they have a job/school... that's where they are.

  8. There was a discussion about it on the beta boards (curse you BioWare for removing those threads before I could copy them).


    The last comments on it were, they are looking to add dual spec at some point in the future but they are NOT looking to be adding AC switching.


    Actually AC switching was in the game in beta. And the final word I heard about it was that it was still in, an interview discussing how they were going to make it switchable until about lvl 20 but after that essentially impossible. The Idea being if you hate your AC you switch once, and then you're locked in.

  9. Hey so this feature has been talked about as late as an interview last week. It's super controversial and whatnot, I'm just wondering if it was removed. It doesn't seem like people are using it, and I haven't found any magical AC switcher NPC.
  10. Why? PvP is too hard in general. There are too many skills to click on your bar. My mouse is kind of slow though. There needs to be a better way of activating them.


    *sigh* ok folks nothing to see here, just a troll. Let's all move along.


    Pvp is only hard based on individual, skill, obviously you're bad.

  11. I understand what you are saying but if it were to happen you would have to be put into a seperate queue for pre-mades which would make that queue terribly long.


    Forcing puggers to fight premades is something only a poor pvper who doesn't enjoy a challange would want.


    they already do... the fact is there shouldn't be any puggers. make some damn friends. I pugged a bunch at the beginning, I've since just invited people who weren't idiots. Ta-da pre-form of people that don't suck.

  12. 4 works fine in the warzones, learn to communicate when the other people in the party.


    I would like to see a 8 person pre-made of course, reason they didn't do that cause people would cry even more than they already do dealing with pre-mades.


    You can't communicate with people who either can't or won't read...

  13. Honestly, allowing full premades into a warzone is what ruined rift pvp for me. I hate joining up solo or with a friend, to fight the same premades time after time after time. It's stupid, because you dont even have a chance. I like their system of allowing small groups to enter. If it is such an issue, just queue several groups and once and enter together. It's more exciting that way because if you get huttball, you may end up fighting your own guildmates.


    Not exciting, or even interesting, If I wanted to kill my friends we'd be playing a completely different game. An FPs most likely. We want to play this together not get seperated by the queue. and we often have 6 people, so if we end up with 4 v 2 essentially it's horrid for everybody.


    Also, here's the thing, there is no difference between 4 and 8 man pre-forms other than I can have more of my friends come. We have never lost a round, NEVER where we had a 4 man pre-form. so it's already "unfair" might as well be unfair and fun.

  14. The only problem I have with this is, I currently play republic...which is the "minority" on my server. The empire significantly outnumbers us and in the last 48 hours I have not been in a SINGLE warzone where empire didn't have a 4 person level 50 premade while only twice seeing level 50's on the republic side.


    Unfortunately the "bolstering" system does not compensate for expertise, so when 1 level 50 sith assassin goes 1 vs 4 against level 10-30's and wins only losing 50% of his hitpoints (yes, i've seen it multiple times)...and they have 4-5 level 50's as is the case right now, it completely degrades the fun of the warzone so letting possibly 8 level 50's vs 10-40's or whatever is just less fun. Currently the bolstering with a lack of bracketing system is going to kill this game because new players do not want to compete against level 50's who they absolutely stand no chance against because of expertise / abilities.


    It's like taking a 6 year old child, giving him a football helmet and telling him to go tackle the full grown grizzly bear, it's not even remotely equal terms.


    And for those that say, "It's fair because they have low levels too!" Unfortunately, a team with 4 level 50's in pvp gear (And yes, several level 50's have gotten nearly full level 50 epic pvp gear by now) and 4 level 10-49's while the other team simply has 8 level 10-49's is not "fair" in any way. The cooldowns/expertise/abilities make it this way. And since they lose 90% of the time, are leveling slower then the opposing side so the cycle just continues to repeat.


    to be fair... we were destroying people when we were lvl 10 as well. (currently lvl 40) Have no problems with 50s. I don't see a problem with the bolstering system as it is.

  15. Hey, so as a fan of pvp, I have a lot of friends who like to pvp. We all like to pvp together. However since which warzone you get into is random, and our server seems to favor our faction, 7/10 times we end up in huttball, often against our own faction. This means if we're lucky enough to get in the same warzone with our 2 groups, we're often against eachother which is fun sometimes, but gets old real quick.


    What I'm asking for is this... LET US QUEUE as ops groups. Seriously the cap in a warzone is 8 people, let us queue 8 people up? It's really sad when I have to decide which friends to bring to pvp because I only have 3 slots but 6 friends who want to pvp.

  16. They don react logically? I can tell you that my companion has reacted with absolute horror and disgust with some of the things my Jedi has done, and those reactions are very justified and logical.


    I am often hired to kill people. It is a focal point of my story in fact. Instead of piping up with her inane drivel when we're considering taking jobs (since every damn quest has a cutscene she could pop into) she decides to wait til I have a gun in somebodies face to whine about it.

  17. I disagree with the OP. I rolled a Sage and for fun I am running full Dark side. There have been several occasions where I clearly had difficulties making dark side choices. I wond t mention which to avoid spoilers but really Bioware did a great job at making you go "oh crap why did I do that...I feel bad now" after several quests.


    that is not my point at all, you don't disagree with me, you say something completely unrelated to the discussion, it's different.

  18. Companions are like chaperones that give you points if you do what they would do.


    It's hilariously stupid.


    Get diplomacy, gift Mako until her eyes bleed. There's nothing like a good bribe to make someone look the other way.


    Also, here's a question: WHY DOESN'T SITH CORRUPTION STAY TURNED OFF. UGH. I have to disable it constantly.


    this too, also annoying.

  19. Sounds like this game, which is based off the game of the year rpg kotor, is not your cup of tea, we had companions in that game too, can't imagine not having them.


    That was a single player game, and it worked. Kotor was great, because for one, your companions actually reacted logically for the situations they were in. Here they basically completely ignore context and just randomly assign affection. It's idiotic. Also they add nothing to the game, another npc to drag around and spout annoying 1 liners, wheeeeee. Occasional bursts of exp, meh. additional combat acumen, nothing that couldn't be balanced out, crafting meh could just as easily be handled by faceless silent droids.

  20. Apparently you don't see the moral dilemma in NOT killing someone.


    If that is difficult to fathom, then you can't be helped.


    It's not Light Side -- It's Lighter side of the dark side.


    Like Light side has a darker side which is more like being a rebel.


    You are looking at it to literal.


    Not killing somebody does not make you good, it simply makes you nuetral. However you are punished in this game for not being either hitler or mother theresa. So yaknow basically you're stuck with picking **** based on ls/ds or being punished for your story choices. then if you pick stuff based off Ls/DS you get punished by your idiot companions. Seriously bioware, could you maybe have matched the damn companions a bit better with the stories? Vette with the vader archtype... pure stupidity, heeeey let's have a happy go lucky sunshine and rainbows airhead with the darkest evil in the galaxy... oh yeah, Mako, let's have a naive kid with no concept of what profesional bounty hunting is in the SW universe hang around with somebody on the great hunt...


    Do you see how maybe some of these dumb companions might have found other people to follow around?

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