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Posts posted by Grieverheart

  1. While the grind to 300 isn't great, it isn't the worst thing in an MMO ever either and they're constantly making even that easier.


    The fact that we can play whatever we want and get good gear is awesome. Now, with the best gear being 248 (at least I think so) at the moment, maybe we satisfy the "elitists" and give them 250 or 252 gear in Nightmare raids. IN addition to rare decos and such, that would give them a slight edge in gear while keeping everyone happy-ish.


    However, in PVP, I would have their 250/252 gear be nerfed to 248 to keep things balanced. After all, you shouldn't have to raid to get good PVP gear. This keeps balance while giving those who want a greater challenge something to work for.

  2. If you don’t get banned, let us know. And if you do get banned, please post something on reddit.


    Based on the time it takes for the arbitration process etc, it would make it difficult to deal with PayPal anyway. Too much time away from initial purchase for a viable claim. Also, if I cancel my claim with PayPal, I can't file a claim again, meaning EA literally has to do nothing. This way, I am guaranteed my money back and I can move on. Resident Evil 7 is call my name. xD


    Also, I don't have a Reddit account or even know where to post.

  3. You can't be serious.


    I am serious. Apparently since I received a token for being subscribed for KoTeT, I am not allowed another, despite nothing like that being stated on the United Forces pack page. It simply states one token per subscribed account. Naturally, most would assume one token per subscriber from that pack. Either way, the leadership of this game is a **** show.


    PayPal will see to it that I get my money back.

  4. So APAC stands for Asia Pacific eh? I don't recall there ever being servers in or for Asia. I'm not really sure why all the complaints are coming all of a sudden. You guys (and gals) get far more games than Americans do. I don't see the majority of us complaining.


    Why all the noise now?

  5. This game is utter horse manure. Can't play more than 5 minutes now without being booted from the servers. Yes, my internet is fine. Yes, I've tried resetting my router/modem. And yes, I run the game in admin mode. Hard to even attempt a grind when I can't play for long. Eff this crap. Gonna head on over to Final Fantasy 14. They fix the bugs, balance classes, and have stable servers. Oh, and they don't make people recycle old content either.
  6. Gearing up in PVP could be faster, but shouldn't be too much faster. In PVP, even when you lose, you get a crap ton of command points (so more crates) and still get some unassembled components from what I understand. If you enter a raid and don't kill a boss, you get nothing from that boss (except ever higher repair bills from subsequent pulls). No command points and no unassembled gear pieces.


    We also haven't received a full new operation in over two and a half years, so...yeah.

  7. Because you can't have the best of every world at the same time by the very definition of balance.

    And like I already said, Assassin base class and Utilities offer more than enough to survive key points in nearly every fight. It's not a bad thing that you might be forced to play Deception for one or two bosses just so you won't die.


    AoE reduction similar to what is already in place for other Disciplines is fine. Other than that, we don't need it.

    Anyone that thinks we do doesn't know how to be mindful of their own ability/cooldown usage.


    Every dps discipline should be able to average about the same numbers (assuming equal gear and skill of player). The blatant imbalance between say, Lightning Sorc and Arsenal Merc is beyond ridiculous. Try taking 4 lightning sorcs into hard mode (or NiM) raids.

  8. Well, you can, but you will have to choose.


    For example:


    Let us say that you romanced Vette as a Sith Warrior, but after your rescue by Lana, you decide to try human. Well, when Vette comes back into the story in chapter 13 of KotFE, you will be forced to chose. If you decide to renew your romance with Vette, you will be forced into a conversation with Lana in which she will end your relationship.

  9. I re-subbed for this event just to see if I could get geared, God help me and God curse me for being a fool.


    Same. However, even at the rate I have gained command levels, I still get **** in crates, or if I do get a set piece, it's one I already have. I think I have 3-4 230 belts now. Yay me.


    Unless things change, this is my last month as a subscriber. Maybe I'll finally get cracking on my steam library.

  10. 1 and 3 have been reported previously. If you search for 'companions' and 'blood hunt' you should see previous threads about the issues. I don;t recall any acknowledgement for either of the issues though.


    I knew 3 had been an issue for some time, but I wanted to list it again since they seem to ignore it. The companion bug has been there since 5.0. It needs to be at least acknowledged.

  11. I see you have started a list of 5.0 bugs, but I have a few others:


    1) Companions lag behind you while moving and become "stuck" in some flash points/uprisings, meaning they are out of range and won't heal resulting in player death.


    2) I've asked other players and it would seem that more often than not, many people are getting que'd into False Emperor and Blood Hunt a vast majority of the time for story fp's. Given how many fp's there are, getting these two over and over again is highly improbable.


    3) Speaking of Blood Hunt, the Valk and Jos fight on story mode needs a look at. It feels like it isn't balanced right.




    Hi Eric


    Unless I missed it somewhere in your notes, you didn't mention there would also be a 250% XP boost as well as a 250% CXP boost.

    This XP boost is not needed for a lot of people. I dare say it is going to turn me off resubscribing again (which I considered doing). I only lvl in pvp and enjoy playing all brackets, I'm currently lvling up about 20 Alts. When you add boosted XP I have to stop playing them or I can max them out in a few days.

    With the way gearing is and will be till about April, the only saving grace for me to not worry about RNG gearing is pre70 pvp. It's the only reason I was going to resub (which runs out 5th Feb). If you add this 250% XP you will remove the last bastion of enjoyable pvp for myself and many others..

    For us pvp should be skill vs skill and at the moment it's gear vs gear.


    Please give us the option to turn off the 250% XP boost.


    Help me Eric, you're my only hope 🙏


    It said so here: http://www.swtor.com/info/in-game-events


    It clearly stated XP and CXP. We all know Bioware won't include an option to turn of the additional XP, they will just take it away. But since you're nothing but a troll, I suppose that is what you want. If you really don't like it, just don't level during the event.

  13. I completely agree. Special Snowflake Syndrome at its finest. And its not like this type of content is difficult to get, you pay a subscription for a month or two at the right time and its given to you. People who got this stuff didn't "achieve" anything, you're not showing off an in-game accomplishment with a fancy title, you were just there at the right time. Allowing this stuff to be acquirable again, for a price, doesn't hurt anyone.


    And I think this whole issue of subscriber rewards could be easily solved for everyone if they just adopted a new subscriber rewards program that rewards everyone on an individual basis (like some other games). So instead of granting rewards to people subscribed by a certain date, it would grant rewards individually based on how many months you are subscribed in total (not consecutively). "Subscribe for X months and unlock companion Y!" The rewards would work very similarly to those of the current referral program.


    And I think that people getting worked up over what boils down to another bland companion "skin" is stupid. Those rewards were earned. I can't get certain things that I missed, but you never see me complaining about it. You want an HK unit? Go get HK-51. You want Nico or Shae? Then you should have been here.

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