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Posts posted by TheAncientPast

  1. This is all just a bad joke. So i left work earlier today just to be able to use this rare CXP event week to get my twinks up to 300. Came home at 18:00. Took a small meal than switch the PC on and saw the desaster.


    Because of the lazy programing in the first place (pach 5.4) and the even more lazy bugfix today I lost the whole evening for CXP farming. About 6 hours lost. Now it' 23:58 in germany and I have to go to bed to be fit to go to work tomorrow.


    This evening would have given me about 70 - 80 CXP ranks: now lost.

    This evening would have given me abaut 70 - 80 command crates: now lost.

    A whole day of my sub lost.


    Why not using the night hours on USA servers for patching, then when the USA gamers come online they can go on gaming.

    And patching european servers half a day later (or half a day earlier) during night times in Europa? Avoid this "how to piss the playerbase of"?

    USA gamers have so many advantages ... be at from CC token cards from wallmart, amazon and other sources. In 2.xx , when galactic starfighters was released, a lot of USA companies offered CC code cards with starfighter pets not available anywhere else. Why did this not happen over Europa?


    And than the ridiculous "compensation" of 5 codes for 450 CC each and some pets no one actually needs ... while tausends of players cannot use this extremly valuable CXP event gaming time.


    This evening I did it ... I installed EVE online because i cannot stand this SWTOR mess any longer.


    - bug not beeing fixed, many since release

    - especially codex bugs / missing codizes on many planets

    - bugs brought into the game with major updates (e.g. Hero of Gorinth Canyon, previously available in Heroic 4: Mandalorian Terror, bugged since 4.0)

    - previous window bugged since ... 4.0 or 3.0?

    - hide button in operation window bugged and not working

    ... much more


    Obviously no one on dev's side cares of all of this ... or is it not important enough? Is the cartel market crap so much more important?


    If you bring in a patch like 5.4a and have bugs inside (massive CXP on dalies, possible exploits) than just don't mess around overhasty as long as an events are something similar is running. WAIT until it's end, and then start messing around with hotfixes and such.

    And accept that it's your fault if people find an exploit and use it. Your fault in creating in by bad coding, bad quality checks, etc.


    Well, of to bed now, to be fit tomorrow for work ... AND TO SEE OF WHAT KIND OF COMPANSATION WILL BE DELIVERED.


  2. Hopefully this is read by Musco and Devs ... otherwise I will give up on this game. Its not bearable any longer.


    Bringing in Galactic Command was a risky thing. They tried something new (even by coping those paragon levels from ESO) BUT FAILED so hard. How can they even thing that random generated gear would make anyone happy? Are they delusional imbeciles?


    Up to now I played 8 toons with following results:

    Vanguard tank : rang 60 - 1 token (Greaves)

    Guardian DD : rang 74 - 5 token (MH, Gloves, Greaves, Belt, Boots)

    Gunslinger : rang 30 - 0 token

    Shadow DD : rang 22 - 1 token (MH)

    Powertech DD : rang 7 - 0 token

    Operative : rang 14 - 2 token (Head, Belt)

    Jugger tank: rang 45 - 1 token (Gloves)

    Sorcerer dd: rang 15 - 0 token.



    I could accept the stupid command system if at least every second or third crate (YES, SECOND OR THIRD!!!) would deliver some 230 set bonus gear.

    But what do we get? USELESS CRAP!


    - green MK1 gear: crap not useable for HC raids -> only use: desintegration

    - blue MK2 gear: crap really useful für HC raids -> only use: desintegration

    - purple MK4 gear with stupid stats: crap not sendable via legacy system to toons - > only use: desintegration

    - mounts and pets: crap not useful for HC raids, galactic market is swarming with those -> only use: desintegration

    - companion gifts: better be bought by fleet vendor - > only use: desintegration

    - jawa scrap : cheaper to get via conquest rewards - > only use: desintegration

    - orange empty shells -> omg this sucks even more -> only use: desintegration

    - everything else not mentioned and not setbonus gear -> only use: desintegration


    EVERYTHING out of command crates NOT BEING MK3 GEAR is to be desintegrated because its just CRAP.


    Even worse: the promised "every hour 1 command crate" may be correct for hard core XCP farmers with no job and no other responsibilitis in life. I'm not one of those. And when I'm logged in I do some pvp, some GSF, some dailyes, or planetary missions, maybe for two or three hours in the evening. By this I don't get a new crate every hour.


    Now they promise a create every half hour. Even the drop rate is improved it won't change anything as long as we get only crap out of it.


    ATM I could break out in tears. Had real hopes for something better with 5.1 but looking at my (supposed to be) main char, my vanguard tank ... 60 command rang sand just one 230 set gear item. ***?


    Even worse are operations. I ran about 5 operations this week, restricted to EV and KP. 25 bosses laid to rest but only 16 tokens to be rolled among the raid members.

    Instead of 25 from those bosses as it was since release up to pre 5.0 (or 50 tokens concerning prio ops from 5.0). Even then I was lucky, sort of, to get 2 tokens.


    BUT 2 tokens out of 5 operations mean I ran 3 operations FOR NOTHING !!!

    This is not accepable.


    I completely stopped running operations from 5.0 to 5.1 because there was nothing to get from it. No gear at all. Only some stupid blueprints for 234 gear no one wants or uses (everyone goes directly for 240er and not some weaker crap).

    But as it is now, random gear in operations from bosses, makes it not better at all.


    If I come home in the evening, after a hard day at the company, and want to relaxe for an hour or two in this game by taking part in an HC operation (not some story mode thing) I expect this to be worthwhile with gear improvement and nothing less.


    Without this, without a secure gear reward for every raid member, I see no reason to run HC or NIM operations at all. And running e.g. KP like yesterday evening and only getting 2 relics on Karragga and NOTHING else from other boses is just a completely waste of my time.

    Even PVP I started for getting gear is useless because it neets more than 1500 rounds - as someone in the web calculated for getting at least tier 2 (236) gear - of pvp. Impossible for me with a full time job and other real life issues.


    Pre 5.0 it was no problem to equip each of my toons. I ran HC Operations and in at least 80% of each operations some token was aquired. From 1.0 to 2.0 or 2.0 to 3.0. Even better with 4.0 and prio HC operations: an average of 10 tokens for 8 raid members (even better: s&v: 14 token for 8 raid members) ... everyone got at least one token, two ppl got 2 tokens and the rest was able to craft gear with the void matter mats they got.


    So with prio hc operations every single operations was worth the amount of time spend.

    And was worth the money spend with the subscription.


    NOW this is all for nothing.


    My sub is still running but now its the first time in all those years I regret having it prolonged last year.


    My disgust for the game ... no ... not for the game ... for the guys in the background who are aiming to destroy it ... is growing.


    And when I leave the game I will do it forever. Selling every bound item to vendors. Every unbound item in the galactic market. Then getting rid of the millions of credits. And finaly deleting every single chars so there is no way back into this.


    Oh BIOWARE ... I was such a fan of you since the glorious days of Baldur's Gate. How i loved that game. Then the Icewind Dale Games. Then Neverwinter Nights with all its expansions. KotOR. Dragon Age. Mass Effect. So many more.


    But since that awful ME3 ending you are destroying your customer base. Step by step. Should it not be otherwise? Giving your customers, those that pay your salary, the fun they want and deserve for buying and playing your games?


    SO SAD.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

  3. Hello Devs


    while going once more - despite better knowing - for getting HC / NiM ready gear for my chars, I must ask who is responsible for the inlays of tank gear.


    Please ... fire him. Yes fire him. Fire the whole team responsible even now on chrismas eve.


    On getting raid gear (meaning gear with set boni) for a DD or heal char, one does not only get the setbonus but also the BiS mods and enhancement for his class.


    On tank gear what do you get? The crap unlettered mod (EVERY guide , even clear rational thinking, leads to the B warding mod for tank gear) and the crap Immunity/Sturdiness enhancement ... where almost all tanks (playing 4 tanks myself, spoke with many tanks on the fleet) prefer/need the Bastion/Bulwark enhancement.


    Why? Because almost every tank despised high defense (because this stat is useless against the many tech and force attacks of raid bosses and ABSOLUTELY useless in PvP) but needs a high life pool for damage spikes.


    Please see reason for this and change the inlays. It cannot be that dd and heal get BiS , getting equipped in a fast pace, while tanks need twice even thirce the time, resources, ... until beeing geared equal to a dd or heal char.


    This ****, this ****** inlays, have been since ... 3.0? 4.0? WHY?

  4. In T3-M4 the first person (world first) has achieved rang 100 in galactic command. I spoke to him yesterday. He told me he needed about 30+ hours for this by hardcore grinding.


    I ran with him on wednesday for a time, farming a heroic area on Tatooine. After half an hour I could not stand it any longer and left the raid group. Well, this heroic area farming is no longer possible since last weekends patch.


    Now, to get at least to rang 200, for getting some decent HC gear, being able to defeat revan in temple or masterblaster in ravagers would required 60++ hours of gaming time for only ONE char BEFORE the patch, now obviously even much more.

    Getting all my eight chars HC raid ready again would required 480++ hours BEFORE the patch, now obviously something around 600 hours of gaming time.


    I'm already in the forties, having job, family, other issues as well and can afford an average of 12.5 (10 - 15) gaming hours per week.

    600 hours : 12.5 hours/week = 48 week.


    @ Musco and devs: ARE YOU NUTS!!!! THIS IS A GAME ... NOT A FULL TIME JOB.



    I would be finished in almost a year when 6.0 is to be expected and I can again to the same **** again for what? "Great new command rangs up to 600" and "Great new achievements" and .... this is nonsense.


    I already ignored the stupidity of this so called Dark vs Light event.

    And to all players who now complain but did the event: it is YOU who gave BW the reason for putting even more grinding into the game instead of ignoring this grinding event - and by this showing them a red card.


    I will ignore this command system even if it means never ever again getting any char of mine ready for a hc instance, be it flashpoint, operation or anything else requirnig gear better than 220/224.


    And sooner or later I will even ignore this game.



    Give reason to this. Give tokens back to operation bosses. Give reason for running an operation, spending one or two or more hours in an HC or NIM operation and don't make it a waste of life time.



    Ah ... and yes ... by the way: nerf the flashfire/talon in GSF and generelly boost the strike fighters ... THEY are the typical space superority fighters like a x-wing or tie interceptor BUT NOT A SCOUT!!!

  5. Up to know i'm wondering where this game is going to.


    In autumn KOTET will hit the ground ... obviously patch 5.0 which will bring GRAND new things and GRAND new story and GRAND new cartell packages for your hard earned salary or pocket money.


    Again I see this hyped into the sky under grinning applause by the regular fan boy. Again much less (in quantity and quality) will be delivered.


    But where does this game goes in the end? After five years into it still so many bugs are in the game. Starting with codex entries that are still missing, or have not been activated on chars, or have not been activated retroactively after again been implemented into the game, going over to quest problems (@ Musco & devs: see my pissed off bug report in the bug report section) and much more.



    When will these core thing been corrected. Pre-Release of the game a lot of advertising was done about the codex and how great this will be. Comparisons where made with other bioware codex systems like in DA:O or ME. But the codex system in SWToR has become a absolutely disgusting thing.


    Either remove the codex system completely, or implement all the missing codex entries, or give as a legacy codex but FIX THIS before bringing out new content or some useless cartel packages.



    When 4.0 hit the ground only 1 good new game mechanic was there: companions didn't needed to be geared anymore. This was actually good, because it has become a pain in the *** over the years equipping companions.


    Everything else in 4.0 was crap. Multiclassing companions being heal tank and dd is nonsense and took away the need for having more than one companion at all.




    Give us reasons for needing more than just one companions. Needing a healer companion, needing a tank companion, needing a damage dealing companion.



    The removal of the companions on the player ship after starting KOTFE and NOT getting them back on the ship after getting them back in the story has given us an empty ghost ship and I do not want to know how many gamers are pissed of by this.

    Maybe the character ship is not anymore required for the KOTFE story, but RP's like myself actually USE the ship to go to planets, to do quests (H2) there, and I liked it having the ship populated by my characters crew.

    I only looked into KOTFEE with 1 char, to chapter IX for getting access to the alliance base, but thats all. One saturday afternoon, running in 4+ hours through the first nine chapters, and thats it. Never ever again set food into the KOTFEE story at all.





    What 5.0 will obviously give: level-up to level 70. This is absolutely non-sense. Why? Because of level-synch.

    Even with level 70 my stats will be the same as with level 60 or 65 or 70 on any planet below rishi/yavin.


    Those power-up of 5 levels will have absolutely no effect for e. g. running H2 on Balmorra or Alderaan or any other planet.

    Even worse, getting 5 new levels should make my character stronger for the existing endgame content, flashpoints or operations. But because of this crap level-synch every single mob, every single boss, will level up to 70. So I will again be on par with them but not anything stronger.


    Before that crappy 4.0 every now installment of the game, getting 2.0 / level-up 55 or 3.0 /level-up 65 made your character stronger for the already existing flashpoints and operations.

    Getting through Denova/Explosive Conflict at 1.0 was a damn hard thing. Doing Denova at Level 55 was good in SM and challenging in HC ... but it was do-able. The real challenge was NiM and I quite this because it was not worth the amount of time I would have needed to spend to clear it.


    Then with 3.0 and level-up 60 I could run Denova NiM and complete this operation for the first time. Even could do the time run that was impossible for me before. And this was a great fun, a great experience. I LIKED IT.


    Finally it was playable for an 41er who has other responsibility in his life than only sitting in front of a video game.

    And this is what a level up should be ... a feelable rise in power on par with new content and becoming stronger for existing/older content.


    Look ... I'm not a progress raider, I just want to play. I want to relax with this game after a hard working day at the company. I am not a bored student or pupil with no real challenges in life, supported my mummies and daddies money and looking for life challenges in a video game.

    And i just want to see operations in HC or NiM WITHOUT running them for weeks on equal level. I just want the seem them via a relaxing run 5 to 10 levels stronger than the bosses there.


    So change this system. Go back before level-synch. And because you may think it's not ok running a NiM operation 10 levels stronger and getting up-to-date endgame gear : remove endgame gear from the old operations.



    This whole level-synch was also proposed as a brand new experience ... go on old planets and help low level friends there. Honestly this is a joke. I could run around on chapter 1 planets naked, only having a MH and OH equipped and slaughtering everything there without even giving a sweat.

    So even this aspect of level-synch is just a silly and overhyped joke.



    Then the next point ... what obviously will happen in 5.0: you guys will lower the stats again, meaning the curse on which attributes raise our % values.


    Gear that may give a DD at the moment 35% Crit, 70% surge, 10% Alacrity will have its values lowered, resulting in maybe only 28% Crit, 63% surge, 8 % Alacrity ... the same gear I spend much time to get to this stats.


    What non-sense is this? The time I spend in operations was to aquire gear for the stats I'm having now. Reducing the value of the gear, the value of the stats, lowering them, would mean that all the time I spend was for nothing and a waste of time.

    Now honestly do you really think I'm going to play a game any longer that is a waste of time?



    So please take this to your heart and act. Correct these issues. So much time spend in usless crap like this "Oh grand new cartell package opening experience" - something no one wants or needs. But the real issues of the game , when are they take care?

  6. HELLO swtor team, dev's, Musco, etc.


    long I watched for, long I played for , long I payed for, but finally I just have to ask what the **** is going on?


    BUG 1:

    As you tell us in patch notes 4.7 several codex entries are available now, mentioning "Halidrel Setsyn" for warrior and "First Son (Consular)" for consular classes.


    I did NOT get the codex for "Halidrel Setsyn" for my warrior ... I played the nar shadaa class story several weeks and obviously you only made it that a new char can get this codex entry. WHY did you not activate it for warrior classes retroactively? Activate that damn codex entry retroactively!


    (furthermore I already got the codex "First Son ..." for my consular about two weeks ago BEFORE 4.7 landed ?!?)


    BUG 2:

    The last part of the Taris planet story is the bonus series. The last quest of the bonus series is "Suicide Mission". Now the problem:

    While doing the regular planet quests on Taris I stumpled on this quest and completed it. I just got to the bonus series one day later and could not finish the bonus series because it demanded the "Suicide Mission" quest that I already finished. So now I'm stuck with the bonus series and cannot finish it because I cannot (again) run the last quest in the quest line.

    I tried to abandon the quest line but it appeared again at the quest giver at the space port. Several times I contacted your support, wrote tickets just to close the questline , to just remove it from the quest log, to clean up the quest log, but just got some stupid answers about not beeing able to do this.


    Why the **** can your support not support me in this? Clear out this problem? Why the **** could I take on a quest related to a later questline in the first place at all?

    Please see my tickets 286053714 + 28638830 + 28653259


    BUG 3:

    Last week I finished chapter 3 of the bounty hunter story. And I will tell you what happend: after the last dialogue with the Darth and back on my ship the questline for Illum activated itself ("First Strike" ... speak with a droid on the fleet).

    The problem in this: I already did the Ilum quest line months ago during a multiple xp weekend !!!! So how is it possible that this quest activates itself now again? I cannot start it, speaking with the droid on the fleet, because I already did the quest.

    What about your internal quest tracker? I wrote tickets about this to your support demanding the removal of the quest from my hunter's quest log (ticket 29105286 + 29181603) even spend almost a hour with a support guy in life chat with no success. Just the regular nonsense about that the support has no means to go that deep into the database to clean up something like this without destroying the character.


    So how is this to be solved? Waiting for years about a patch that corrects this?


    BUG 4:

    While i didn't saw it mentioning in one of the last patch notes, the codex entry for "Organization: Revanites" on Dromund Kaas is available by now. Good work making it available, finally after almost 5 years since release of the game.

    UNFORTUNATELY it does not gets activated retroactively for characters that already did the Dromund Kaas planet story. So i have this on my sith warrior now but not on my other imperial chars.


    Make this available retroactively !!!

  7. You're right, thanks for the pointer, and I was wrong. I ... apologize.


    Still one more point from myself: just ran taral v now, in solo mode, after several tries (and failures) as tactical with a 4-person-team. 3 chars between 60-65 and one level 30 commando healer with no graps how to play his char. So after several tries we gave up.


    Completed taral v in solo mode now and it was actually a run i enjoyed. Ever boss was laid within a minute or so.


    But: I did not got the quest points for the weekly conquest.


    The weekly clearly states "Complete Flashpoint Taral V on any difficulty mode." This I did - but no conquest reward of 1000 points.


    So still ... buggy.

  8. There are only those six quest terminals here. Nothing else quest related. And taking one of those taktical quests on the terminal and abbandoning it does nothing, no droid or what ever appears offering the flashpoint as solo quest.


    Just put a terminal here where we can take on the solo quest. POINT.


    You (BW) did the same stupid stuff on rishi with all the 2-legged questterminals standing arround (the side quest questgivers.

  9. Standing now in the dropship launch bay, just picked up "[Tactical] Flashpoint: Athiss" with my L34 Shadow.


    Neither reseting the tactical flashpoint quest nor reseting the phase nor abbandoning the quest shows any kind of droid/questgiver for this solo flashpoint.


    So what is wrong here? How i'm supposed to get the solo flashpoint quest.

  10. Hello,


    just started with a new char ) the shroud questline. On Quesh it's not achieveable. On scanning the three antennas, the second "Starving Sewer Lurker" does not react on throwing collected "Sewer Fruits" on the second "Ray Shield Gate Console" in the sewer dungeon


    THIS IS A NO GO!!!!


    It was able but buggy in the past but it is not able now , obvioulsy with patch 4.0






    Resetted this quest trice now. goddamit! How much much more time do I have to waste on this?

  11. HEY DEVs ...when will we get a correction for this?


    Well, I don't know what kind of DB swtor is using, but how difficult can it be just to switch the setting for +79 Surge for +79 Shield? In SQL in would just be a simple statement. So Dev's please fix this asap.


    Ah and yes, please fix the wrongly named quarrel pet model (named comet breaker )

    and please fix the deco for this comet breaker named quarrel pet model

    and please fix the trooper companion Yuun (some skills are force instead of tech, making almost no damage)

    and please fix the knight companion Rusk (one skill mapped as force instead of tech, same as with Yuun)

    and please fix all the missing codex entries

    and please fix the problem with the lags since 3.0

    and please fix the problem with the nar shadaa nightlife event achievement that you guys took from me and many other player with the stronghold update (oh yes, this is still gettig me into enrage!!!)


    Hey devs, its really nice what you did with rishi, a planet I like. Honestly. Its fun playing the different chars through the storyline. Good Work. But some bugs (like those for Yuun and Rusk) are in the game SINCE 3 YEAR!

  12. Hellooooo Bioware,


    its been 4 month now since you guys killed the nar shaddaa nightlife event achievements and STILL no re-granting of them yet.


    Any news on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Do not expect that I'm going to run this event again. I spend endless hours and millions of credits until I had all achievement like many other players (still have the mounts and the titel for the exploding slot machine) but neither got any news nor the achievements back.


    And yes, I fully understand your commitment for sorting out those many bugs from 3.0 SoR Update, but I for myself do not understand why 3.0 was even released, and then with such a bug feast around , when other bugs still exists?

  13. Hello,


    despite all the other endless stream of bugs we early access user ... ähm I mean we BETA TESTERS of 3.0 encouter nobody should forget the bugs still not solved until end of 2.0:


    Companion Rusk (Knight):

    wrong skill mapping, "Overdrive Beam" still flagged as force attack instead of tech attack therefor almost no damage output on this skill


    Companion Yuun (Trooper):

    wrong skill mapping, "Run Through" + "Tracker's Strike" + "Whirling Force" still flagged as force attack instead of tech attack .... same as with Rusk


    Achievements for Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event:

    Had completed nightlife event with 100%, wrote almost a dotzend tickets for re-granting them after they got removed with the housing patch. Not a single one was re-granted up to now.

    I literally worked dotzend of hours for those achievements, rolling smuggler/kingpin coins or farming credits.

    Re-grant this achievement to me and all the other players affected.

    To all other player: if you have still unused mounts from the event in some depot, just send them to another char und you get at least those achievement again.



    Clean up the 3.0 mess:

    - bugged quests

    - bugged achievements


    Cleang up the pre3.0 mess:

    - bugged achievements

    - bugged codex entries

    - bugged companions


    I'm not paying your salary with my subs for playing the game, I can do this for free. I'm paying my subs for getting solutions in case of troubles. And up to now I can't see any solutions.



    one pissed of customer

  14. A "red-do" solution is absolutely out of question. I see no reason for doing this event every again. Spend an insane amount of time and credits to get the 100% and I want to see those achievements granted again. I don't care how BW will do it I only care that it is done.


    Suggested solution: just programm a script that automatically grants all the achievemnts again, maybe even with a fake date (because the dates a achievement had been completed are also gone).


    Re-doing such achievements is a no-go. I mean, this time its the Nar Shadda Lifetime event. Next time maybe the Gree event (also have 100% there) . I was so happy after I finally had 100% of gree and never ever having to do it again, standing on illum for hours, waiting for surgokk or gravak to spawn again and finding a raid group to kill them bevor someone else does. Or endlos killing of gree robots.

    Or just imagine haven the hidden achievement from ragkhoul ... disease 1000 people ... finally completed and then gone by a patch and not regranted again. Just imagine the horrors after having so much time and efford spend (but then wasted) on such achievement.


    I already accepted many things, problems, bugs and so on within the game. I'm still playing it, even after many codex entries are still unavailable, even after the companions Yuun and Rusk are sill bugged (attacks not counted as tech or range but as force - for tech users?), and many more things/problems.

    But not getting those achievements back I worked so hard for would be the final coup de grace for me in playing swtor.

  15. ... and the same goes for Quesh.


    During 2.8 Quesh had been corrected, giving players the chance to collect all quesh related codex entries thus having quesh planetary codex at 100%. What was correted during one of the 2.8 patches? Bestiary for Quesh got the correct number of 4/4 because there are only 4 bestiary entries on quesh.


    Before 2.8 it was (wrongly) 4/5 so quesh could not brought up to 100%.


    And now again, with 2.9 or 2.9a it is (wrongly) 4/5 again. Either someone really ****ed this up, used some data from previous 2.8 to bring it into 2.9 or 2.9a (in this case just fire that person) or some other kind of error happend, but then please correct it.

  16. Hello,


    just to say it ... during 2.8 patches you guy corrected the Gen'dai codex entries ... and finally, after killing a Gen'dai on Belsavis, I got the codex for my imp chars ... and finally had all and every codex for Nar Shadaa.


    Nar Shadaa at 100% completed. Finally.


    Now after todays 2.9a patch, and after runing depths of manaan, I just made myself a cup of coffee and read the codex entries for the new fp. During this I checked other codizes ... and saw that again one codex entrie was missing for nar shadaa ... only 1 of 2 species where locked. Does Gen'dai not count for Nar Shadaa anymore, again?


    So what did you do? Used for 2.9 or 2.9a some older codex database information instead of going on with what had been corrected up to 2.8.2?

    Honestly, I like this game, otherwise I would not playing it. But I'm getting constantly pissed of seeing something like this. I mean I had Nar Shaddaa at 100% and now its gone again.


    Correct this. Correct the other codex entries, just for once and all. I remember long before release of the game how the codex was appraised as something great, something worth to be searched for. And now look at this mess.


    Also when will the bugs corrected for the companions Yuun and Rusk, with uses both aim as primary attribut but have some attacks listed as force attacks ... there fore doing almost no damage with them.


    Also find some kind of correction for Vette ... after removing the slave collar in the dialogue I also expected it to be removed from the figure but still vette is running around, slave collar on her neck. Or give us a customization that exactly looks like vette looks but without slave collar, just as a fast workaround for this.


    All those issues may be far down on your list of troubles, but they rank at the top position on my list of dislikes.

    Please correct them, the bugs for the companions and the codex.


    One suggestion (just an idea) for the codex problem: Just drop the codex. Remove it completely from the game and never bring in something codex related anymore. So none of us has to bother ourselves anymore with this.

  17. ... so it's almost 2.5 years now since this bug has been reported the first time? And not been cleared/removed?


    In 2.5 years? If I would be this lazy in my job, I would be fired.

    So Bioware what is your answer in this? Or is it just silence in the dark? When will this be corrected?

    Or is it just that the only importend thing is putting more and more stuff into the cartel market?


    So many bugs ... codex entries, companion bugs (force attacks for rusk and yuun??? ***), graphic bugs like with vette ... when will these basic things finally be corrected?


    Or are dedicated players like us just a minor group that can be ignored as long as the majority of the players are paying their subs and throwing money into the cartel market? Bioware: is this your answer?


    Hopefully there will be some changes soon, anyway "Witcher 3" is coming up, "Star Citizen" is proceeding, there are alternatives, just to say. Would be a shame leaving SWTOR only because the problems we have with the game are constantly ignored.

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