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Posts posted by POCTOB

  1. I wish...would have preferred the Taung still be around, would have made the Mandos a hell of a lot more unique and have a vastly different culture. Now it's just "Oh hey....here just do this, pass this and this and put this armor on and follow this way of life" anyone can join, kinda makes being a Mandalorian less special.


    Also yes they are similar in appearance to the Yautja which is always a + lol.


    Its settled then, we breed back the Taung race and appoint a new mandalore, someone who will have a cool title to their name like mandalore the ultimate had...

  2. Still more than a handful though and many of their brightest went to join the war. So yea, as you said, they basically lost a generation of their best.



    Good points and I agree with most of them, though I still think anyone cutting through thousands is a bit over the top. Maybe during the course of a war, then yea.


    I think in a more realistic scenario Jedi and Sith would be used for precision strikes against the enemy's command structure (example, a boarding party to wipe out the commanders of a fleet) rather than in front line battle. Cause otherwise there's too many factors (thousands shooting at you, explosions everywhere, etc) for 1 fighter to cut down thousands. But I guess anything is possible in Star Wars.


    Plus they've got stuff like this :p:


    (Though I guess it's a different era now).


    Well if they had things like those Basilisk's 300 years ago, then imagine what they have now. Cant beat that Mandalorian ingenuity.

  3. Inquisitor storyline is dull at chapter 1, your less a powerful sith but more of a walking pickup sevice. That been said it gets better at chapter 2 and even better at chapter 3. Also who hates dark side choices? They are awesome! you don't take no shizzle from nobody since you can just zap them if they give you trouble...seems good to me.
  4. Assuming that this fight happens in a vacuum (Neither side has to worry about the Republic interfering.), the Empire would win, hands down. I like Mandalorians, and all, but it's not even a fight. Firstly, the Mandalorians have no force users to speak of. Now, yes, Mandalorians have killed force users before, but very, very few can claim to have done so in singles combat, even a Sith Apprentice is likely significantly more dangerous then your average Mandalorian Warrior. Secondly, in all likelyhood, the Mandalorians don't have a fraction of the resources, manpower, and R&D capability of the Empire, keep in mind, up untill a few decades ago, they were essentially scattered clans of merceneries.


    Now, as for your points against the Empire, many of them are becoming less and less valid, post ROTHC. At least two aliens (I'm going to assume Nox is an Alien, given his story.) have reached seats on the Dark Council, we see a number of alien Sith Lords as the game goes on as well. We also a few aliens Imperial Officers on Makeb. Additionally, if you read the codex entry "Alien Initiatives" on the Empire sides, it notes that Kaleesh Tribes, and Cathar Clans are rising to prominence in the Imperial Military. Like wise, if Hutt Cartel is any indication, Sith infighting is on the decline as of late, and, if the ending is any indication, the Council seems to want to keep it that way.


    As for the Emperor, ironically enough, the way he removed himself from the day to day dealings of the Empire, will allow the Dark Council to continue operation of the Empire almost as though nothing had happened. While I haven't cleared the game with every character, so far I've only beaten ROTHC with my Warrior, and the Vanilla game with my Inq, it seems to me that the current incarnation of the Council is very stable, atleast by Sith standards, Mortis, Ravage, Marr, Vowrawn, and Acina don't seem to be playing against each other at the moment. Nox is an unknown, since he's up to player choice, so we can't speak either way for him. Regardless, I don't see where you're getting the idea that the current Sith leadership can't function, Sith Lords, and Moffs have been shown to possess competence in military leadership, although it varies person to person, as it would in any other organization. If you want an example, look no further then Makeb, the Empire managed to conquer the planet, and push off the Republic and Hutt Cartel with a strike force significantly smaller then then the armies of their enemies.


    Lastly, whatever Marr has planned for Isotope 5, I doubt the Mandalorians have anything that can stop it.


    Yes indeed there are a few aliens that have risen high, but have you ever heard of an alien general in the imperial army? From experience the highest rank ive seen on an alien in the Imperial military is the chiss lieutenant turned major on hoth( presuming you give good feedback about him), even so if their are indeed aliens in the the higher echelons of imperial military their few number and the hostility from other moffs against them would put them in the lowest parts of planning operations. When it comes to he dark council by the end of of SW or SI storyline it seemed like everyone in the council was killing each other and bidding for power (eg: Thanaton,Baras) looking through the IA line Darth Jadus betrayed the Emperor and council while his daughter was punished by her fellow council members(eventually killed if you side with jadus). Just from this it seems like killing's and betrayal in the council are so often it is remarkable how they function.

  5. I like the Mandalorians more and I'd want to them to win but let's face it, they simply don't have the numbers or resources to win a full-out war against the Empire. I'm sure they could maintain their independence if they broke off with the Empire though, especially if the war with the Republic was still ongoing (in this scenario).


    Also, I don't see how tolerance towards different species would affect the effectiveness of their troops unless it came down to raw numbers.


    Well the tolerance of species would allow different or "lesser species" to advance in military rankings due to their skill whilst if the Mandalorians had low tolerance of different species then only a few worthwhile commanders would advance through skill while the reast would advance through pedigree and the lesser species who could be confident commanders would stay in the core of military hierarchy.

  6. Hypothetical question here, if the Mandalorians broke their agreement with the empire and a war between the two broke out due to tensious relations who would win? Firstly i believe that the Mandalorians would win as they in my opinion have greater leadership which is Mandalore followed by his generals unlike the Sith Empire who have the Sith Emperor who is in slumber and inactive in dealings with his Dark Council which is supposed to be second in command (Though through constant council power plays the council is rendered useless) and so the empire is lost leadership in a time of turmoil. Secondly the mandalorians have no upstart's bidding for power and hence rocking the boat unlike the empire who have Malgus and Baras and countless more sith all tipping for power. Thirdly the Mandalorians do not prejudice against different species allowing them to have higher moral within their troops and an overall higher army whilst the empire doesn't have this precious resource. These are my main points for why the mandalorian's would kick *** but there are many more besides the obvious fact that mandalorians are complete bad ***'s.
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