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Posts posted by picklesrskankin

  1.        First, let me clarify that i'm not a complainer. I've been playing this game since 2013 and i've rolled with the punches this whole time. I've seen good and bad PvP over the years. Now it seems like every class has so many escapes, dcd's and ways to get out of a fight that globaling people just isnt a thing anymore. If you have a high DPS character, they should have some weaknesses. You're trading survivability for damage, but now we have every class who can cloak, bubble, stealth out, that it's just impossible to global. Another thing i've been experiencing is either the lack of players in Queue, or the fact that i'm solo and get stuck every match going against a 6m premade on voice. I like playing with friends, but maybe the amount of people who play pvp is so low now that if you're solo, you're going to be stuck getting rolled on. I know, skill issue, get better, but when i have 6mil avg damage and avg dmg taken is over 4mil a match, i stand no chance against them. especially since killing a player now takes waiting for them to blow all their dcd's. I play operative mainly, so im just waiting for all the people to not actauly read, but have a rebuttal or argument about that.

         I would be wrong to hate on people playing with their friends, but also trying to sit down and play a night of pvp against them every match isnt really fun. I know by the past, pvp hasn't been a big goal or deal for the Devs, but it is getting pretty unplayable now. I'd like to see the Devs answer or at least try to help me understand why our matchmaking is so bad now. I'm in groups with players at 328 gear and the other team is rolling 7 people with full gear on voice. Probably a skill issue and i need to get better :(. All the classes with high dmg are now tank level hard to kill and tanks can now survive a couple minutes with 6 people beating on them. Remember, this isnt a coordinated group of players, its a bunch of solo's playing a 2 healer, 2 tank and rest mercs/juggs. 

       I'm going to stick around as always, but i'd really love to see some work done for the pvp players. I dont want to think that queue only has like 20 people in it and thats why im getting the same teams over and over, but i'm really starting to believe thats where we're at.


        I look forward to the angry replies that will tell me why im wrong. We have many experts on most things in this world that play SWTOR. Just look at Fleet chat. 

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  2. It’s important to push the developers to do the things that maybe they don’t want to do. Developers, we have a lot of angry pvp players, but once you get used to them; you’ll realize they aren’t so angry after all and only want new things or balanced classes. 

    most pvp players are friendly and want you to do stuff that benefits pvp in the long run. The louder players you see mostly just want to make everyone as angry as them. You’ll find that in the forums and then in pvp chat in game.

    if I can suggest anything to you it’s to /hug them and to put out new ideas so everyone can weigh in. Even the angry ones might have one brain cell not on fire. 

    • Like 1
  3. Sometime we have to put our differences aside and fight for the right to be the ones doing that in the long run. Why fight each other when we can push for a couple 8v8 no objective matches. We’ve had less maps added to pvp than presidents been alive since Star Wars. If you ask me that’s not the best way to go about that in a way people will enjoy.

       As pvp players we should want less servers so that we can fight more people. Queue is hard because if you are solo you will fight some premade that is angry at every player in swtor. If you play as a premade you have to fight them and then hopefully not feel like a champion for killing everyone 7v1. 

       Let’s stand together and be fighting for the rights of pvp players and their hope for getting som e maps where we can just dps and make merriment. 

           Thank you for your attention, broadsword . I’m here if you would like to enjoy pvp .

    • Haha 1
  4. All I know is that it’s time to stand up for what’s right. Rabble…Rabble Rabble… Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble! You are either with me or not and you disagree with what I’m saying. But do you really understand the true meaning behind what I’m saying? Maybe then, you too will be with me. Good luck out there guys and stay safe while pvping. If you need to wear sunscreen or a helmet, just do what you have to to get through the round. 

  5. Premades… premades premades premades. Yes they’re in the game and yes friends play with friends. I do a little bit of both. But I figured premades are premades. No fun for you and your friends. Premades. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  6. Thanks for the ones who had ideas for changes! Some of those sound really good! I would definitely love another map or two! Maybe some kind of battle arena for 8v8. Where people can just spawn back in after a time and not real objectives other then killing the other team. Almost just a square arena with no huge obstacles, maybe stuff you can click and bring down traps or speed ups, etc.


    Think like an upgraded wrestling ring and the spawns can be up above where you can just drop in. You can click nodes or buttons that can drop obstacles/traps/buffs into the ring. Something like that could get more people good at pvp focused content and also keep other players happy with a dps race. People love voidstar because you can get great numbers from that map.


    A bounty system would be pretty cool too. You could put a target on one player and the team either has to defend that player or kill him in an allotted amount time. Add that to an 8v8 arena-styled map and it could be a lot of fun!


    These are just ideas, and not things to debunk or put curses on other people because you’re angry for whatever reason. Check out the actual posts that are giving ideas out too. Of course you have to weed through the usual, but they are there!

  7. everything in here is completely useless information, it doesn't matter whatsoever. if you truly want to get better you should start making an effort to start PvPing in PvP zones in the first place rather than chasing the PvE functions in them. again, just like many have already alluded to; objectives are NOT PvP, at all. if you want to "get better" at anything start PvPing to begin with. then just maybe you might start to see some improvement, depending on whether you're even capable of it or not.


    Ok ty

  8. This information is available for anyone willing to look.


    We try telling people before the match starts to ignore the orbs and get kills, but the response is always the same. That we don't know what we're talking about, we're dumb, orbs are all that matter, I should kill myself, I should go death match in ranked etc.


    We don't have time to give this giant explanation before the match starts and even if we did no one would seriously read it. But for anyone who wants to understand the rules of AH, the information is only a google search away.


    That’s why I hope threads like this stay up on the top of the forums for a couple days because the people who really want to know it will have read it. I’ve played for 9 or 10 years now and I learn new things all the time. I think that’s how you always get better. You’ll never be so upper echelon there’s nothing to learn anymore and the moment I start feeling that way, will be the moment I’ll never improve past that!

  9. Thanks for that info. Sorry I’m not quoting this one, I’m at work. I wish more threads would be like this. OP got a bunch of useful information, I’m sure, and it didn’t take 18 people screaming at each other to get it out. I’d rather not just say something like “oh, there’s pylons?” That does nothing for anybody.. most threads I look through are just people screaming and telling the other person why their opinion is better, etc. If we could get more threads like this, newer players would be in a lot better of a position!
  10. Kills are much more important, because even though they give less points, kills are counted every round and multiplied as the rounds progress. So if you get 1 orb in round one and I get 1 kill in round one, I get 3 points for the round and you get 6. But because my kill persists per round it is also counted for the next round and the next and the next. Not only that, the points are multiplied every round. So if the match lasts 3 rounds, my 1 kill, is going to give me a total of ... a lot of points, compared to your 6.


    This is awesome info. Thanks!


    I’ve also seen teams really evenly matched and orbs being the only thing that wins the game. Each team guarding well and a stalemate mid most of the match. Popping stealth and grabbing a couple orbs might be the difference. I don’t think they are wholly useless.

  11. This can happen sometimes even when you double cap a round. I’ll see a team double cap an objective and then defend by dying and then the team winds up drip-feeding in players to stop the cap. These one and two players running to a pylon that has 5 enemies on it will not be able to cap, but will have that steady feed of kills. You may be stopping their cap ultimately by running in and dying, rinse/repeat, until you’ve held the pylon all round. Those kills start to add up after a while! Now add all those kills the other team just had and that sits in the bank until they cap their next pylon(I think that’s correct) and give that team all those points from that drip feed.


    Hypergate actually needs dps and kills to counteract a team getting orbs and running the objective. You probably had a similar situation happen where you were holding onto the pylons by dying and spawning again to do the same thing. As the rounds go on the score multiplies and I believe the kill score does as well. When you have a team absolutely rolling over you with kills and dps it’s best not to cap too early because of this previous situation. Try capping later in the round or running orbs at that point.

  12. Sounds like you had some good matches there! Whenever I’m leveling and get a good group of players in pvp on my team, I’ll ask if they want to group up for more. You’ll get your bad matches here and there, maybe more than good tbh lol. Sometimes this can be the start of a group of like minded players wanting to pvp for fun on the same team! Not sure if that’s allowed or tolerated here, but give it a shot! You’ll find your pvp experience gets better and better!
  13. While I don’t understand a word you wrote, I do agree with the fact that sometimes even when you’re down on your luck things can happen that go your way. I appreciate you for that.
  14. It is preseason and that’s one of the reasons it’s not populated right now. I also see the same few people in ranked harassing players trying to learn arenas and get prepared for the season. I see a lot of old time pvp players who just won’t even mess with it anymore. It sucks, because I do enjoy it and I know other players do/would too.


    Mostly it’s the same handful of players who just rag on new/returning players who are trying to learn arenas. Arenas don’t pop much on regs, so there’s only one way to really get better at it. GG to all the players out there who know we need more players in the ranked queue, not less.


    When you want to rage on a player in ranked, just remember you sucked at it too when it came out. I’m sure playing the same 12 players gets old. Welcome people in and take a loss in preseason instead of crying all the time in fleet and scaring people away.


    Btw, if anyone who doesn’t know a thing about ranked wants to hit me up on star forge, let’s get a group together and queue up. I have buddies who would love to join.

  15. Your first problem is that you’ve been told. Play the class the way you want, not by what some fotm player tells you.
  16. It’s really all about how you play and what class, bud. A lot of operative’s go for quick countermeasures because of the kiting/survival it offers and the 15 seconds it takes off your cd. I would try that and see how you like your mobility vs. stun capabilities. I don’t use noxious knives enough to make that ability worth anything. I’m not sure about lethality, but for the other two classes that perk has no use for me. I like to stun, but sometimes when you’re getting tunneled or targeted constantly, it’s great to use countermeasures due to the survival/mobility it gives you. Pair that with Evasive Imperative and your gonna be kiting a bunch. Debilitate is good in situational pvp. It’s great to get people off you, keep someone in place to hit your rotation, or stop those players targeting your healer. Besides all the haters, they actually kind of balanced the nastiness that was operatives by making them choose between different play styles. Just think about how you want to play operative and what your goals are gonna be for it.


    Good luck! If you’re on Star forge you can hit me up. Name is in signature.

  17. Im a big proponent of play however tf you want. What sucks is the toxicity that comes with these damage farmers. Once you play for a while, you figure out who’s who and you can slowly ignore legacies of the ones you see screaming in chat time and time again. When people start screaming at me, I remind them they can ignore me at any point and never have to worry about it again. I’m not for ignoring everyone… I have 11 legacies on ignore, and pvp has gotten quite a bit more quiet.. some of those are from years ago, too. Kinda funny how you can eliminate most of the toxicity in less than 11 ignores lol.


    I’m to the point in pvp where a loss is a loss, just have fun and move on. It does get frustrating being on a bunch of damage farmers teams.. Tbh, I usually don’t queue with many premades, and if I do we are getting drunk and having a good time more then strategizing on how to make the ruler look smaller while measuring my epeen in private so my friends don’t see.


    Most of the same people screaming in this thread can be found in about 900 other threads copy and pasting the same things and getting mad reading other peoples copy and pastes.


    So in closing, new people in pvp can be a good thing because then new people play pvp. If you scream at the new people enough, most of them probably won’t hang around too long. This is why the same 7 people queue ranked everyday and ask for a tank or healer everyday. This poor tank takes a chance and wants to try ranked, gets pwnd and let the fleet shaming commence. Next day - let’s ask for a healer cause maybe all tanks suck in pvp… rinse, repeat until you’re screaming on a forum in 500,000 different threads copy and pasting stuff. Now that we’ve scared anyone away from ranked, let’s show off in regs by being even more toxic and angry cause queues aren’t popping.


    I should leave on a positive note so it worth saying that even the people I ignore, I enjoy playing with still. I learn from most players, especially the very good ones. Just remember to have fun in the end.

  18. I can’t even remember the different patches/expansions anymore, but I loved being able to spec into 3 different trees if you wanted to. Having to only pvp for pvp gear. I also member trying to get extra wz medpacs/adrenals and having to buy them from the people who just pvp’d for the quest. Hard times.


    That was back in 1928 when I had to walk through the middle of the Vietnam war to play my PC.

  19. Last night playing voidstar, I watched a sentinel run over to the other bridge alone while I was on defense on that bridge alone. I had another stealth with me just sitting in the corner. That stealth did absolutely nothing when he tried to cap. He capped for about a second and I couldn’t even get a cc in on him the cap was so short. Once the bridge extended, I watched that stealth who did nothing walk over to another corner by the east door. Just sat there… We would get caped on with that stealth doing nothing, but everytime the door got capped guess who moved to some random corner by another door!


    I think I’m starting to see how some of these teams are winning. They did this in a battlefield game where the #1 player would queue with a dummy player who he could control and just bring to different areas of the map to scope out what was going on. Seems like this stealth queued with us and any time no player was at that door, it was capped. I have never in 10 years playing this game, ever seen a player cap in a second.

  20. FFS this person is asking for tips! not a fight on premades already posted on 5,000 other threads!


    Someone earlier asked a couple questions, and that's a great start!


    We need just a little bit of info from you before we can help too much! Besides class-bound stuff, most of what you're going to be wanting to do is trying to learn objectives. You can really help your team out while you're learning by guarding objectives and calling out incoming players while you guard. This is a great first step. If you have teams that read chat, you'll see you can have a little bit of 1 on 1 with someone before one of your teammates comes to help out.


    Whatever you do, just have fun. These forums are full of angry and toxic players just screaming about their opinions.

    Don't let that scare you away though. Just get thick skin and learn to laugh at them when they get all puffed up! Try looking for a guild that enjoys pvp. They can help you out a lot too.


    Please don't let this off topic nonsense turn you off to having a good time PvPing. I'm, not sure what server you're on, but if i see you around in some matches ill be sure to party up with you and we can pew pew together!

  21. I won 83% of the matches when I was leveling. I am losing a lot more right now at max level facing premades. Those 2 weeks where it was all 75s and a lot less premades felt a lot more enjoyable than this.


    Stop talking out of your ***. You want to be nicer to people so they could PvP more often. Then do not run butt hugging premades. Biggest discouragement to get into PvP are premades. We all solo que players are saying it here. Removing premades is better for overall health of the game.


    Ah, you were in another thread talking about how you hate this game and all that... I tried to give you some tips on how to get better, as a new player, like you. Since I see you've ignored those tips, ill waste my time and give you on more! Being decent to people might actually get you a friend! you and that friend can party up in pvp. Careful though, if you get back to raging again, you'll lose that friend and have to queue solo once more.


    As a newer player, I can see you also don't know that when you queue at level 75 for pvp, most of those players won't have half the skills you're using and owning with. I seem to see what kind of PvP you enjoy now. No... No premades in mid pvp, but a bunch of players still leveling and missing half their abilities. If that's the kind of pvp you enjoy winning, go level another character up!

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