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Posts posted by freetopl

  1. New changes: It's BS, most players are asking how they could do this, why would they put so much time into changing the game so drastically, people have finally mastered the classes. You're undermining all their hard work and training. A whole new battle system is not what we need. It's what the developers need to make adding new level caps easier and less time consuming.. It's obvious this change is for them and not us and our system being more balanced. This is going to break pvp in a lot of ways. Changing it heavily.. Forever.. Why spend so much time making these changes when there is one thing everybody truly wants. More 8v8 maps. The amount of 8v8 pvp maps is a joke. It's insulting. In years all they've given us is a queshball and some Deathmatch arena's. BS. Making pvp warzones is way easier thanthey're making it seem. I could develop 3 new 8v8 maps in 2 days. What on Earth is wrong with the game developers. So many people are quitting the game thx to these crazy overreaching changes when the changes and add-ons we want are easy and obvious. Anyway rest in peace all hybrid. And for a lot of loyal players since launch... RIP swtor


  2. It's BS, most players are asking how they could do this, why would they put so much time into changing the game so drastically, people have finally mastered the classes. You're undermining all their hard work and training. A whole new battle system is not what we need. It's what the developers need to make adding new level caps easier and less time consuming.. It's obvious this change is for them and not us and our system being more balanced. This is going to break pvp in a lot of ways. Changing it heavily.. Forever.. Why spend so much time making these changes when there is one thing everybody truly wants. More 8v8 maps. The amount of 8v8 pvp maps is a joke. It's insulting. In years all they've given us is a queshball and some Deathmatch arena's. BS. Making pvp warzones is way easier thanthey're making it seem. I could develop 3 new 8v8 maps in 2 days. What on Earth is wrong with the game developers. So many people are quitting the game thx to these crazy overreaching changes when the changes and add-ons we want are easy and obvious. Anyway rest in peace all hybrid. And for a lot of loyal players since launch... RIP swtor


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