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Posts posted by Turbelagos

  1. 100% on board for this! I know its been commonly requested too... Maybe if they're worried about lore (like having Sith characters be able to travel to Tython), maybe they could make the SHs guild-locked like the flagships, so only faction-specific toons could access the SHs. Maybe the SHs shouldn't be as big as Alderaan or the flagships, but having another the size of Yavin would be awesome!


    Korriban SH

    I agree, a Sith Academy/Compound SH similar to Lord Khreusis' base would look awesome - that way we'd get a mix of the tombs and the clean Imperial aesthetic in one SH. And yes, please do have Sith ghosts walking around the area!


    Tython SH

    A small Jedi complex would look awesome, with natural open-air training areas surrounding it, similar to Luke's new Jedi Academy in canon (before it burned to the ground).

  2. I have a couple of suggestions on thing you guys should consider adding :D :

    - More personnel decorations! Maybe consider additional Imperial, Republic, Sith, and Jedi personnel decoration packs on the CM. We are also highly lacking in droid personnel... so maybe a droid personnel pack too.

    - More starship variations (the larger lmperial shuttles, the helicopter-like vehicles, etc.)

    - Add packs consisting of faction-specific computers and furnitures (think of them like expansion packs to the themed packs we have right now, they're good but we need more variations)

    - Personnel arrangements. They work like furniture arrangements, but with personnel, so we could have 1 decoration consisting of a few NPCs doing an activity together (sparring, talking, etc.)


    Plus points if the personnel decorations aren't static, but are actually doing something.


    I'm also noticing the new decoration packs are filled with new models and textures. That's great and awesome, and I have bought multiples of those, but there are also a lot of in-game models that we would love to have as decorations.... so maybe you guys could release a lot more of those too! Maybe add more vendors that could sell decorations?

  3. I think there is a strong lack of variation in personnel decorations. We need more variations in Jedi, Sith, Imperial, and Republic personnel decorations! (both humans and droids) (No, holos don't count :(, since they're not actually there) Even better if they don't just stand there, but are actively doing something. Possible ideas include:

    - A sitting imperial/republic officer typing

    - An imperial/republic general walking back and forth

    - A posed Sith/Jedi with their lightsabers drawn

    - A posed Sith/Jedi doing force powers (lightning/telekinesis)

    - Imperial and republic astromechs, protocol droids, and security droids (Maybe release a droid-centric personnel pack on the CM?)


    Personnel decorations help liven up strongholds, to make it look lively and populated. A good idea might be "personnel arrangements" similar to furniture arrangements, where a single deco could consist of a pair or multiple NPCs interacting with each other, such as:

    - Sith acolytes/Jedi padawans sparring with training blades

    - A lightsaber battle between a sith and jedi

    - A Sith force-choking an imperial officer

    - A group of Jedi meditating with one another

    - Two conversing/arguing imperial/republic officers

    - A soldier shooting at a target dummy

    - An imperial/republic officer interacting with a droid


    What do you guys think? Would this be something you're interested in? :D

  4. With the much welcome (and needed) addition of the maximal number of hooks on the guild flagships, do you think there is a possibility of adding additional floors/sections to the guild flagships? I'm not an expert on programming, but maybe its possible to add more sections to the flagship, they we could access via added options on the elevator. :D The new areas could also come with centerpiece hooks, which are somewhat lacking in the layout for guild ships right now too.


    Some ideas for flagship expansions could include:

    - A throne room/ceremonial room

    - Additional (maybe smaller, private) hangars/launch bays

    - Detention center

    - Weapons stations (for turbolasers, ion cannons, turrets), perhaps with an open section overlooking space.


    So, what do you guys think? Do you think it's possible, or does this idea at least interest you? I'd love to hear your suggestions for new possible sections to the flagships!

  5. I feel there's a lack of starship decoration variations right now, and I think a CM decoration pack (similar to the sith, jedi, imperial/republic decoration packs) would be a good way to get out a whole bunch of starship decos out quickly. There are a lot of great and interesting models in-game that would make great starship decorations:










    Hopefully you guys would take my suggestion, or does anyone else have any other starships that would make great decorations? thanks!

  6. Not sure if feedback is still being accepted or not, but I’ll give my two cents on the matter anyway XD


    In short, I think you guys did a fantastic job on the Alderaan SH, it feels majestic, and I feel it does a great job of representing the best of Alderaan. Honestly I think the SH’s shaping up to be the best SH you guys made. The rooms are gorgeous and I’m a fan of the number of starship hooks you guys installed, including the ones on the back. And I honestly don’t think the taxi needs to change to Thranta, since its more “ theme neutral” as just taxi.


    However, there are some things that I think can be done to improve the SH:

    - There needs to be large wall hooks at the palace entrance to place banners to signify where our loyalties lie

    - The Killik cave (and this is the BIGGEST issue I have with this SH) is too restrictive, I think the Killik elements (mounds, eggs) need to be removed, so that the caves can be decorated in any way (crystal cave, ruins, etc)

    - floor hooks need to be added in the ruins area

  7. Decorating strongholds has always been a big part of what I do in this game, so I've finally decided to post them! I've put a lot of thought into each stronghold, and each has its own story behind them, so feel free to give it a look and comment on them, tell me what you think, I'll always appreciate some feedback and advice! :)


    My Personal Strongholds:

    Darth Ararrat's Temple of Darkness (Yavin 4 Temple)

    Charenna's Lair of Shadows (Kaas City Apartment)

    Darius Husk's Imperial Sanctuary (Manaan Retreat)

    Pribnow's Vacation Retreat (Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace)


    Guild Flagship (Harrower-Class Imperial Dreadnaught):

    The Adjudicator (Part I)

    The Adjudicator (Part II)

  8. If there were other people in the guild, chances are in the time you were inactive, someone else became guild leader. The game is set so that if a guild leader is inactive for 28 days, the rank jumps to the next highest ranked active player. So what probably happened to you was that someone became guild leader, and kicked you out of said guild.


    And yes, you could check if your guild still exists by typing in your guild name in the search box. But, it will only show results if a person from your guild is online. But if he/she changes your guild’s original name, there’s no way to find out.

  9. Is it just me, or is there a serious lack of new info and updates recently? There hasn't even been a new cartel pack in almost three months. With the Last Jedi hype, I'd at least expect some tie-in cartel pack or merchandise or something. Is there even any news on the next expansion or update?
  10. /signed


    Having a personal stronghold ship would be amazing! If players can't have it, we can at least have it as an additional guild stronghold, so guilds can build fleets and such. Although I'll much prefer the frigates to be our own personal ships instead. Please EA, make this happen!

  11. Quite frankly decorating my strongholds has always been one of my favorite pastimes on SWTOR. I have fully unlocked all the strongholds and I enjoy decorating each of them to a specific theme, for example my Yavin 4 SH is completely decorated to be an Imperial command base. But I feel that the strongholds department of this game is being somewhat forgotten, despite the addition of decorations (which are beautiful btw) with every new cartel pack. Below are the list of things I thought can be improved/added into the game to improve the SH experience.



    We Need New Strongholds

    I think its no secret that we all want a new stronghold. There has been many threads posted because people want a new stronghold, such as one on Korriban or Tython. I used to want this as well but then I realized that in unlocking a Korriban/Tython SH, other non-lore friendly classes (BH, smugg) are able to own it as well and that does not seem to be very lore-friendly so I accepted the fact that we can't have this, no matter how awesome it may be. :(

    But that does not close the possibility of having a neutral world where we could have a new stronghold! There has been many arguments on why we need SHs on planets such as Hoth, Voss, Alderaan, Manaan, or even Zakuul and Odessen. These planets make total sense lore-wise and there has already been tons of decorations that fit these planets specifically. And please make these new SHs awesome, not like the DK and Coruscant ones... something like Yavin and Tatooine would be awesome! A small ship SH would be cool too!


    TL;DR:: We need a new SH on a neutral world.



    The Current Strongholds Need Skins

    The strongholds we have now needs skins. I've seen someone ask for this before and I thought its an amazing idea! The Strongholds we have now are stuck in a specific time of day and/or environment. Although they look beautiful for a while they get boring and old fast. What if someone wanted their Tatooine SH to be set at midday? for DK to not always be in the middle of rain? For Coruscant to not always be at sunset? Skins can fix all these complaints plus it might also revive interest on these old SHs.

    Besides making old SHs interesting again, it would also greatly improve the RP experience as people would be able to set the mood/time of day, giving the RP community more control over their setting. Doing this would also remind the RP/SH community that they are not forgotten, and that these areas are still being improved and expanded upon.

    You could even sell these SH skins on the Cartel Market! Not the packs though cause that would indicate that you are willing to create multiple skins for mutliple SHs over a long period of time (i.e. sustainable) .


    TL;DR:: We need skins for old SHs to revive interest on old SHs and improve RP.



    We Need Tons of Personnel Decorations

    I believe that there is a great lack of personnel decorations. We need more personnel decorations to make the SH seem alive! Please add more droids, Sith, Jedi, BHs, people standing around doing nothing in cool poses and add them in variation! The Mandalorians are a great example of good variation. You have multiple Mandalorian personnel decorations in different poses and they are awesome! But the same cannot be said for other types of personnel: there is only 1 Sith (no, Revanites do not count), only 1 Jedi Master and 1 Padawan, and there are a lack of droids! Some types of personnel are even straight up forgotten such as Imperial/Republic officers, for example.

    If you are thinking "But you could have your 999 companions to fill these roles", you are wrong. These companions could not be placed in a guild SH and flagship, so it is not the same thing.


    TL;DR:: We need tons of new personnel decorations to make the SHs seem more realistic and alive.



    This segment is just a list of things that I think we need added, but do not merit its own explanation:

    I. Add the Sith torture table

    II. Add the Imperial agent/officer personnel decoration.

    III. Allow us to select where we want to spawn in our SH.

    IV. More SH labels!

    V. Make decorations more widely available so they are not overpriced, and increase their drop rate in FPs, OPs, etc.

    VI. Have more vendors that sell decorations.

    VII. Maybe have an entrance to a SH that is actually a door (not via terminal)

    VIII. Decrease the price on GF unlocks :")

    XI. This one is the most important - Allow our companions to be themselves and not in holo-form when we log in on a different toon.


    Thanks for reading!

  12. Also a sign that the CM isn't doing well anymore

    No, it's a sign that they are finally listening to player suggestions. We have been asking for direct sales for ages now, and they're finally doing that, with both new armor designs and by bringing back hard to attain popular ones.


    What they are doing is something positive, don't try to spin this into something negative with your "the sky is falling" statement.

  13. I thunk its fine that some decorations are gated behind certain requirements, it makes them much more fulfilling to get and use. Besides, the PVP requirement for those decorations aren't even that heavy, just do a few PVP matches and you're good to go.


    Most decorations in this game doesn't even require any special condition, just those PVP ones and some that require reputation. The restrictions for these decorations should nevef be removed, it'll make them that much less special. If anything, it might even persuade more players to try other aspects of the game they never got into.

  14. With the new stronghold(s) coming up, please allow guilds to have on more stronghold! Maybe we could even have the option to name them the same way we name our flagships?


    Come on Bioware! Please don't force (you know what I mean) us to deactivate one of our strongholds so we could get that sweet upcoming one! :(

  15. Decorating strongholds and role-playing has always been two of my favorite things to do in SWTOR. I have fully unlocked all the strongholds and I enjoy decorating each of them to a specific theme, for example my Yavin 4 SH is completely decorated to be an Imperial command base. However, I feel that the strongholds aspect of this game can be improved by a few improvements. Below are the list of things I thought can be improved/added into the game to improve the SH experience.



    Yes I am aware that there is a new stronghold or two in development, and that's an awesome start!. There has been many threads posted because people want a new stronghold, such as one on Korriban or Tython. I used to want this as well but then I realized that in unlocking a Korriban/Tython SH, other non-lore friendly classes (BH, smugg) are able to own it as well and that does not seem to be very lore-friendly so I accepted the fact that we can't have this, no matter how awesome it may be.

    But that does not close the possibility of having a neutral world where we could have a new stronghold! There has been many arguments on why we need SHs on planets such as Hoth, Voss, Alderaan, Manaan, or even Zakuul and Odessen. These planets make total sense lore-wise and there has already been tons of decorations that fit these planets specifically. And please make these new SHs awesome, not like the DK and Coruscant ones... something like Yavin and Tatooine would be awesome! A small ship SH would be cool too!


    I feel as though personnel decorations are being abandoned somewhat, since there has been no new personnel decoration additions in ages! We need more personnel decorations to make the SH seem alive! Please add more droids, Sith, Jedi, BHs, people standing around doing nothing in cool poses and add them into the game! The Mandalorians are a great example of good variation. You have multiple Mandalorian personnel decorations in different poses and they are awesome! But the same cannot be said for other types of personnel: there is only 1 Sith (no, Revanites do not count), only 1 Jedi Master and 1 Padawan, and there are a lack of droids! Some types of personnel are even straight up forgotten such as Imperial/Republic officers, for example.

    If you are thinking "But you could have your 999 companions to fill these roles", you are wrong. These companions could not be placed in a guild SH and flagship, so it is not the same thing.



    This segment is specific for the guild flagships. Expand them! Add more floors/levels to the pre-existing guild flagships! Maybe you could add a detention block? A throne room? An actual engineering sector? A vault? The possibilities are endless! The guild flagships are different from other SHs since the thing connecting the different floors together is an elevator, not doors or stairways. This alone makes the flagships the only strongholds so far that are capable of having new expansions built into it. I suppose the Tatooine homestead is another case, and perhaps a mid-level floor could be implemented there too (although it doesn't make as much sense as it does to flagships).

    You guys have designed tons of capital ships and star destroyers, and most of them has something cool inside them, like an awesome engine, computer, or something like that. Those could also be implemented into the new ship expansions too! So instead of giving us an empty room in the middle, give the expansions something extra.



    The strongholds we have now needs skins. I've seen someone ask for this before and I thought its an amazing idea! The Strongholds we have now are stuck in a specific time of day and/or environment. Although they look beautiful for a while they get boring and old fast. What if someone wanted their Tatooine SH to be set at midday? for DK to not always be in the middle of rain? For Coruscant to not always be at sunset? Skins can fix all these complaints plus it might also revive interest on these old SHs.

    Besides making old SHs interesting again, it would also greatly improve the RP experience as people would be able to set the mood/time of day, giving the RP community more control over their setting. Doing this would also remind the RP/SH community that they are not forgotten, and that these areas are still being improved and expanded upon.

    You could even sell these SH skins on the Cartel Market! Not the packs though cause that would indicate that you are willing to create multiple skins for mutliple SHs over a long period of time (i.e. sustainable) .


    This segment is just a list of things that I think we need added, but do not merit its own explanation:

    I. Add the Sith torture table as a decoration.

    II. Add the Imperial agent/officer personnel decoration.

    III. Allow us to select where we want to spawn in our SH.

    IV. More SH labels!

    V. Make decorations more widely available so they are not overpriced, and increase their drop rate in FPs, OPs, etc.

    VI. Have more vendors that sell decorations.

    VII. Maybe have an entrance to a SH that is actually a door (not via terminal)

    VIII. Decrease the price on GF unlocks :")

    IX. Allow our companions to be themselves and not in holo-form when we log in on a different toon.

    X. Increase the amount of hooks that can be placed in the guild flagships! - My flagship is decorated to a full 100%, yet some parts still look empty. Please increase the hook cap again!

    XI. Allow guilds to own more than 1 stronghold (not-counting the guild ship). and allow them to use stronghold labels for at least one of them, or better yet, allow guilds to name their strongholds like they do flagships!


    Actually, what I think could be done to combat the lack of decoration availability is to sell more decorations for direct sale on the Cartel Market. Maybe you could sell another set of specific-themed decoration packs like the Underworld, Imperial and Republic decoration packs, but this time containing new computer, personnel, and other new faction-themed decorations. Or at least, sell more decorations on the CM, and make it permanent!


    Thank you :)

  16. Hmmm, I always thought that Kylo Ren was using the crystal from Vader's lightsaber. Maybe the lightsaber survived somehow when the DSII blew up and fell to Endor, and that's the reason it's cracked. Maybe the reason he uses a cracked crystal isn't because he broke one or because he has to, but because the crystal he's using now belonged to his idol, Darth Vader.
  17. If you're going to do this, at least make the packs cheaper. We're gonna get less new items than we do before per hypercrate, and we're going to drown in grand chance cubes, which usually gives out crappy items anyway.


    Plus by removing bronze items, it seems like you're reducing the amount of variety of items we can get from each pack as well. Reduce the prices for each pack, the way you did so last time.

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