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Posts posted by Lathrim

  1. The last two years have been hostile enough with their terrible decision making. At least I care enough to still be here, the rest of POT5 is busy playing Wildstar.


    I'll start then:


    TTK is too low.

    Possible fixes:

    1. The burst damage needs a nerf, it's been creeping up globally since 2.0.

    2. The DCD's have to be improved across the board, and the CD's reduced. Why does undying rage still cost half health when juggs are running around with 30K self heals?

    3. Health is too low in proportion to damage, nothing should be able to do over a third of your health in one hit.


    Class balance is in the toilet, to the point where season 2 is a sad joke.

    Possible fixes:

    1. Assassins (especially deception) are scissors in a world full of paper, please fix one (non sage/inquisitor) class to be a counter. Just ONE. Preferably sniper, give them a purpose on a team.

    2. Every OP is a healer in ranked. Why? Because the DPS specs are so far behind assassins and PT's, there's no point to bringing them except for maybe comedy relief.

    3. Snipers are a non-factor in a competitive environment. I know these guys touched everyone in a naughty place post 2.0, but there has been a chain of nerfs since then, in addition to major buffs to other class DPS and survivability.


    What does TTK mean? I pretty much agree with everything you said here, just need to understand that one.


    It took a while, but in case you haven't noticed the changes in 2.8 were very heavily feedback dependent. Look at Madness assassins and madness sorcs of the patch before. They took our suggestions in particular for the Wrath stacks and the Assassinate proc, and implemented the proc in a way that didnt interfere with Madness sins execute phase.


    Being friendly has helped a lot more than bashing. When the next patch rolls around, give your feedback there. No class is now without a viable DPS spec, and the tank and healer balance has never been better.


    So, be productive. Make some suggestions, call out what you see as underpowered and overpowered.


    I agree that the tank/healer balance has improved, but I don't quite think it's where it should be. Tanks have always been underpowered in this game, and 2.8 is no exception to that.

  2. Being friendly has worked wonders so far.


    And that means uncalled-for hostility will be any different? Please.


    Plus, since when does civility need any reason other than itself in order to be practiced?

  3. Your thread is a fantastic method of not getting the developers' attention in the way one'd ideally want to. Insulting their intelligence will do no good to your goal nor your chances of being heard.
  4. It doesn't need to be nerfed but I feel there should be some negative effects given to the guarded player like reduced outgoing/incoming healing and their DPS as well. This would make guard a more tactical decision instead of the status quo it is now. Give the guarded player a 40% debuff and you'll see how much easier it is to kill these healers. On that same note I'd like to see taunts work on healing as much as it does damage.


    I agree, that'd be neat.

  5. Implementing this idea would be the only way I could possibly imagine BW being able to piss off more people than they have with this last iteration of bolster.




    I don't think it's that bad... but yeah. Terrible idea.

  6. Agreed, and I always try to be courteous but I do understand the anger.


    Who should make the first move though? Should the devs start pushing a quality product or should the player first be nice to them in anticipation of them getting better at their job?


    The state of discontent is a direct result of the developer's incompetence shown so far, and the complete lack of meaningful communication with the player base.


    I'm afraid it will only get worse if the paying customers don't start seeing the light at the end.



    Frankly, whether SWTOR and its updates are any good so far quality-wise is a different thing, yet at the same time related. I was thinking mostly of the lack of communication between both. Customer dissatisfaction makes the community offensive, which leads to the devs appearing less and THAT makes us even more unhappy. It's a vicious circle that we can't seem to be able to get rid off.


    All that said, improving the many faults of the game would be the best first step to fix all this if you ask me. From there, we could be a little nicer and then, perhaps, the developers themselves will post more.


    Or maybe I'm just being much too positive. Lol. :D

  7. Yeah insulting is never good, but it clearly shows the level of frustration the players are going through with this team. You cannot blame the players only, the devs' ignorance is just as much to blame.


    Let's say you went to a store and bought a Bluray player, only to find it's broken. You go back and try to return it, but the vendor says -- yes, we agree it's broken but we can't give you a refund right now. Let's give it two to three weeks, come back again and we'll see if we can give you a refund then. Would you be pissed to the point of insulting them? Some would keep their calm, but many would be furious enough to start name calling.


    Now what if you prepaid for the bluray player, tested it in the store and told them it was broken. You tell the vendor to fix it and you will pick it up in a week. You come back to get it and it's still broken and you are made to pick it up anyway since you prepaid. Now you still have to wait a few weeks for either a fix or a refund, and in the meantime you are a proud owner of a broken bluray player.


    Do you think this vendor would be in business long? Would there be numerous BBB complaints against them? How come we are treated so differently then? We paid for this! I know I did.


    And that, my friend, is the biggest fault of this forum (and the internet as a whole). The playerbase are definitely not the only ones to blame for the lack of consistent communication between us and the developers, true, but we're definitely involved and our behaviour is not at all presentable. Both parties are to blame, and I think that if one of them moves past all this and do better, the other would react accordingly no matter which (us or devs) is what. Will it happen? No, not anytime soon. I can still hope, though.

  8. This is exactly why its hard to get communication going with the Dev's/community managers, slandering the Dev staff is useless and a waste of time.


    This. I'm not a fan of Bolster in the 55 WZs, but oi, insulting the devs like this isn't going to change a thing for the better.

  9. Comment with your quips, and I'll add them!


    You might be a PvPer if...


    18. You spend a lot of time on the fleets, dancing around terminals.


    I'm pretty sure I do this one more than I actually play the game. :rolleyes:

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