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Posts posted by Arathenes

  1. The community is what is killing this game. Everything that BW does is met with anger, hatred, grief and a lot more negativity.


    The fact of the matter is that because so many people didn't want to give the game a chance to mature and started cancelling their subs, BW was forced to go F2P and introduce the cartel market to bring their revenue back up. Now everyone is crying about that as well as cancelling whatever subs are left.


    MMO's only get better with time, for the most part. But they need the chance to grow. At the moment, EA is in panic mode because of the drop of subs, and just wants to make their investment back before they start worrying too much about the actual elements of the gameplay.


    Let them break even, then watch creativity come back to the game.


    Wahahaha... Nice try. Not going to happen with EA ;)

  2. Which is mainly a matter of personal opinion and reflection. There are plenty of businesses out there that very much treat you like a number and they still do all right. It's up to the individual to decide to patronize them or not. Just like the commercialization of holidays - if it wasn't popular or profitable it wouldn't be done. Since it is, then they are. We don't have to like it, but then again, that's Life and Life isn't fair. Anyone who said (or says) otherwise is an idiot.




    *sigh* No just no... I will not put the effort into even thinking about something intelligent because the denial is strong in you...

  3. This just comes to show that Bioware just simply LIE.. and... LIE... and... LIE.

    One strike closer to me unsubbing just due to the lack of a brain by the Dev team.


    Can't agree more... I am sorry dev's I do not want to insult you.. But this ... This and the screwed up life day event... Just wow *sigh* You practicly burn your own potential... Just as SWG did with NGE :(

  4. I was quite horrified about the Revan book... And then SWTOR... It literally killed something in me to see Surik come to such a cheap end and then Revan simply getting time-delay-killed *sigh* They should have just made Kotor III by Osidian or SWTOR but just mention them nothing more... Kinda a big great hero Statue on Coruscant and some side notes not getting r**** by poor story writting :mad:
  5. It doesn't have a true levelling game either.


    An MMO that anyone could play from 1-50 without ever playing with, grouping with, or in any way interacting with another human player is not an MMO.


    If all chat and grouping options were removed from the game tomorrow, it would still be entirely possible to level from 1-50. That is a giant problem for any MMO.


    WRONG! I mean you can solo everything.. Even the big gorilla WoW you could play entirely alone *sigh*

    I agree with OP and other people that the focus should be on the story and not in running after the boring lvl 50 end contcent...

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