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Posts posted by TheRealNerevar

  1. There always been a bug on heat ventilation, try by yourself : do a flame sweep (costs 15), wait, sometimes the heat will go like 15 ; 11 ; 6 ; 1 ; 0 instead of 15 ; 10 ; 5 ; 0.


    Seems like they changed how alacrity works in 4.0 as before 4.0 1.58% alac were enough to fix that, that's not the case anymore.

  2. From Qa'bumm:


    You do not have a shred of real evidence to challange the parse only your "suspicion" based on one lulzy legacy parse for fun. Replicating this and getting a recording of it too is essentially impossible. It's never going to happen again and after all that work I'm done parsing for a very long time. Especially if legitimate efforts don't get recognised.


    Should we draw a moral ?


    From Qa'bumm:


    I looked at Neravar's top parse too in detail and frankly some things I'm not happy with there either). Right now the goal is who can get the best and most ridiculous crits, which is what I aimed for.


    My rotation is perfectly executed, and calculated to be optimal on real fights.


    That's all i need to say

  3. 1. Never loose any PPA proc

    2. thermal det and 4 stack energy burst off cooldown

    3. Rail shot as close to it's proc without delaying the two above.

    4. Rocket punch instead of magnetic blast when it's off cd

    5. Always Rapid shot after energy burst and sometimes between two magnetic blasts.


    Rapid shot like so :





    Rapid shot always fall at the same place

    To the gcd before next PPA proc




    Here is a sample, you can take a peek to the 'rotation' part.

  4. Hi Mari, so as some people pointed out the fact that pyro grenades are not allowed for the dummy parsing leaderboard, i decided to delete my old number one AP parse as it would not be fair to keep it in regard to other players.


    I took some time to parse again, by doing so i reached 1st place but the log does not seems to appear in the "Advanced Prototype" and mirror listing.


    Here is the link, could you help me ? http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/18754/2


    Thanks again.

  5. As previously mentioned, as of today's patch (3.1.1) Pyrotech and Plasmatech parses have been archived.


    I will put this into writing as well on the site later today, but there will be some of the previously accepted rules coming into play as of this post;


    Another player is not allowed to assist with Bloodthirst/Inspiration, etc during the logging.

    Nightmare Pilgrim buff is not permitted.

    No use of Legacy abilities or cybertech grenades, etc.

    Prestacking buffs using in-combat related moves is not allowed.


    I know that the high-end grenades are currently available to everyone but this is meant to showcase what a discipline can do with their own abilities, not their abilities plus an external item. That and people shouldn't be expected to use them to be as competitive as possible.


    Existing parses using these will not be removed since this wasn't made explicit until now but future ones will be.


    I say YES !

    But you forgot to mention 'on a Dummy'.

    Or maybe this counts on bosses as well ?

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