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Posts posted by FSA_shadow

  1. One of the things im wondering is..........



    How big will that rancor holo be. I mean are we talking full size Bonethrasher, the mid size ones in the daily area on belsavis or like a baby rancor.


    Or maybe mutant rancor like the one in SWl:JK:JA

  2. As a CE purchaser I will agree. Anyone who bought the game for the full price regardless of the edition should get extras. Dropping the price to $14.99 is a bit of a slap in the face for those who paid full price less than a year ago. Everyone should get something based on the edition they bought. Seriously it's only pixels and yet it will make your paying player base happy for a bit longer.


    CE owner here, I don't feel like it's a "slap in the face" that the price is going down at all. I've had HOURS of fun and entertainment with this game and it's been well worth the money. Rather than a typical game where it lasts 4-6 hours and then you don't touch it for months and pay £40-60 for it.


    For me, I'm happy that they're putting the price down, new people come to the game and that's fine by me.


    But really. the way I see it, it was well worth my purchase (I only got the CE for the Malgus statue anyway) and well worth the money.

  3. I know, and it's because they advertised it as the second coming almost and announced it so early.

    According to James Ohlen that's ''partially'' their fault LOL.


    They didn't advertise it as anything. The community made it out to be like that. I'm perfectly happy with the game the way is and I'm still enjoying it from being in beta. But Bioware didn't do hardly anything to hype this game up as much as people seem to think they did.

  4. Think the game is doing fine and finally picking up new players thanks to the trial up to 15. Dunno why everyones saying the sky is falling, games doing just fine. The layoffs are happening all over the place. Yersterday I heard a bunch of people who worked on Dead Rising got laid off. Just how the industry as a whole is right now.
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