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Posts posted by FatZomby

  1. The glasses do drop but the drop rate is ridiculous.


    Cut your losses. Play the part of the game that you enjoy. It won't be this.


    Obviously. Doing the Nightlife event can be interesting if in short amounts. But is tedious in the long run. And with this problem, it is tedious for those that want said item that isn't tradeable or sellable.

  2. That's gambling for you. The only guarantee is that the house always wins.


    But the glasses do drop. One of my guildmates have them, and they are fabulous.



    No, they don't. Not for everyone!


    Basic concept I am getting is that if you don't get them early, forget it! The only ones I have heard that got the glasses are the ones that didn't put any time or real effort in them.


    And if someone puts the time I did into trying to get them, they should have them by now. Good fast track way of making people despise a part of the game if you ask me. And if parts are required for achievements, goals, and rewards, people are going to get shot from actually playing. Think this should heavily be considered when you put such low odds on things and make it a gamble.

  3. No offense , but i got the glasses fairly quickly, and i've seen them around fleet a lot. But i haven't gotten the pet,even though, i've had a lot of emps coins :(


    Did you get multiples of them? I got multiples of the pets. I think I have gotten 7-8 of them total. Might have been more....

  4. The nightlife event is the definition of tedious. No amount of rewards can turn something frustratingly boring into fun. In other words, you wasted your time, regardless of getting the glasses or not. Hopefully you were listening to some good music, or watching a movie on a second monitor or something.


    Yeah, this is true!

  5. Don't bother with trying to get the glasses. If you get them while waiting for a group or whatever else, then congradulations. But don't try to get them.


    I have been trying since a day or two after it recently became available. Doing fp's, playing the kingpin slots, pvp (which I absolutely hate playing in this game due to soo many buttons needed), galactic starfight (which I like), ops, and killing tons of mobs. Hours upon hours of getting those blasted chips in which gives me a chance to get them.


    Instead, I get a ton more Kingpin chips, too many mounts, too many pets, and too many way too many golden certificates and a bunch of Cartel Certificates.


    But no pair of glasses yet!? ***

    I am now deciding on whether I will drop my subscription. And I have had it ongoing since pretty close to the release to f2p. But if it's going to cost me a whole month of my life to have a chance at getting them? And right now, I honestly believe that the odds of me getting them are 0. I put too much time into trying to get one item. Now I am done. The odds are too stupid if you can't get them with over 200 Emperor tokens being used.


    And before anyone says I am crying, try spending all your available time in two weeks in which to try to get them. Understand the frustration, then wonder if it's worth continuing...



  6. In any objective mode, pressure should always be applied in multiple places. Two seems to be the magic number here.


    Anyway, all it takes is one invizy to guard a node effectively. That stupid sleep ability can give enough time to call out for reinforcements. And if you are that good or they are that bad, you should be able to irratate the enemy long enough for your reinforcements to arrive.


    The other idea is to guard the objective with two people. preferably a tank/healer combo. Same thing as above. This should hold off the enemy long enough for reinforcements to arrive. The healer needs to be smart on this one though and stay with 15m of the tank to be most effective....


    Anything else, and you may find a problem such as not enough or too many guarding the objective.


    The last idea is to keep attempting to capture another objective after you have two of them. This seems to keep the enemy all high strung on defending the node that they do have and forget about trying to capture one of the other two.


    Most of all though, if you are getting stuff like you mentioned, chances are is that you don't have a good team anyway. Healers and tanks should never have to or even try to defend an objective by themselves anyways....Any invisible toon can easily conquer it. Either have two defending, or an invizy defending...otherwise go and get into the action where you should be needed the most.

  7. First time I pvp'd was Halo or Halo 2 (online).

    This, of course, was with friends that all pretty much started at the same time.


    We got our butts kicked for lack of knowing much.

    After a few matches, we simply spent an hour or two and studied the maps and quickly went over basic strategies.

    We then did much better. And eventually became one of the more lethal (non-cheating) clans that were out there. Problem was there were too many cheats and eventually the game went splat.


    Although I don't play much fps games (no more online pvp fps games), pvp can still be fun on the home front.


    With this game, pvp can be difficult when there is certain glitches in the game. Such as invizies not showing up a few seconds after they are suppose to appear, instant abilities that happen immediately after a casted one, and a few other things. But overall, the experience is good provided that you don't read the bulls**t from other players in the beginning pvp lvls (ie: 29 or less). Being aware of your surroundings, knowing the classes and how to use/fight them, using terrain to better advantage, knowing when to capture the objective, etc..., is what you need to learn. If someone can help you, all the better.


    The biggest mistake in pvp is that the range people don't shoot at the same enemy as the close combat people. There is a reason why they should. One is that the ranged guys can see more than the close combat guys. Two is that the close combat guys may not last if you don't support them. And three is you should never really go "mono-e-mono" in pvp anyway in any pvp style game.


    Just following the above suggestion will greatly improve your ability to pvp and also greatly improve your pvp experience as well. When you are getting your butt stomped in pvp, pay attention to what the enemy is doing! You should notice that you are getting pummeled by not just one guy, but rather 3 guys. In addition, you may also notice them retreat and start getting healed. There are multiple things that enemies do depending on what their strategies are. Identifying these strategies will help you navigate and work around it as well as develop your own strategies.


    And if a few sour people get mad, so what. Remember, it is still just a game. Much more fun granted if you kick the heck out of the enemy, but none-the-less, enjoyment is still what should come first.....

  8. Trying to put an "emotional issues" umbrella on this stuff is a chintzy cop out relying on stereotype. Frankly it sounds like you don't have experience PUGging PVE or PVP. I've seen as much stupidity and immaturity doing PVE groups as any WZ, only differences are less people and less excuses since it's static content.


    So back to Cashogy's question about parity between PVE and PVP with vote kick, why not? Abuse isn't an argument. It exists PVE-side, but if it happened in PVP it would be unacceptable? Pffff.


    Wasn't "copping out" from anything. I used to words to describe what I have mentioned in a previous post about people making immediate and un-educated decisions based more on their emotions in pvp rather than logic/strategy thinking in pve. Pvp, you simply don't have the time to figure out what you are doing wrong until you are running around for 30 seconds trying to get your foot back where you died. In pve, you have all the time the group allows before getting into a mob fight. Not saying that emotions in fp's, op's and whatnot don't exist (don't know why you guys are all up on that anyway). I am saying that people are more "emotional" in pvp as it is competitive play. Emotions always run higher on competitive play. So deal with my two words summing up that whole paragraph.....


    Also, I have plenty of experience. maybe not so much into ops or lvl 55 pvp as I am always making new toons. But I do know plenty about the game, teamwork, and the roles each class has to offer and what they need to do. Don't presume nothing as so far, you have been wrong.


    I see way less immature people in pve than I do in pvp. Maybe that has something to do with me not doing much pvp at lvl 55. But I seriously doubt that. I think it has something to do with you and how you present your commentary when throwing out false and inaccurate information.


    Difference between attacking a person in a discussion vs having a discussion. You are clearly on the attacker half of that. Now, bugger off...

  9. But it should. I'd much rather wait an extra 5-10 minutes for the WZ to pop, than get teamed up with someone on my Ignore-list. Using the Ignore-list during matchmaking would, over time, solve many of the trolling / "bad player" issues - just like for the PvE groupfinder.


    Vote-kicking wouldn't even be needed if you knew that this single WZ would be the last one the particular troll would ever ruin for you.


    I totally agree. Vote-kicking wouldn't be needed if the ignore thing does work. Would solve a lot of emotional issues for people that want to play pvp and avoid those that just join matches for the daily.....

  10. I have to say this.


    It shouldn't take a long time to kill a healer with a dps. That is why tanks are suppose to be the defenders and the team is suppose to be a "team."


    Teamplay involves defending as well as attacking. Taking down a dps toon can take as low as 8 seconds up to 15 seconds depending on abilities and class. Taking down a healer with a dps can take as low as 8 seconds (if they don't heal themselves) up to a whopping 1 whole minute. Taking down a tank with a dps can take as low as 15 seconds up to 30 seconds. This is without other friendlies or enemies involved. I might be off my numbers a bit because of multitude of facters such as expertise, player ability, and so on. But the general jist of this seems to be relatively spot on.


    I don't agree at all that a healer should be able to heal themselves as well as they can. I am not saying I am a bad or a good pvp player, but I do know that it takes a whole lot of precision to bring one down effectively and that it takes far more focus in which to do so. Healers should have no control methods of enemy players nor any great means of healing themselves or defending themselves. Those areas are meant for the team to help with. A tank should have no healing abilities as he is reliant on his team to do that for him. A dps should have a strong attack to take out other dps's quickly and healers even more quickly. The tank should use his defense capabilities to defend the team while each player do their roles. Intermixing the abilities is just lame and can make things difficult. Dps with heals, Healers with control and strong survivability rates, and tankes with strong attacks. None of this should be possible, but yet they are in this game. Will stop rambling....


    Also, with invisibility toons, I think that they should not be able to engage the enemy (or friendlies) without first showing themselves. There has been too many people complaining about issues of being half dead before they even see the invizies. Kind of a killer if you ask me. The same advantage goes for invizy healers too. They can pop off a few heals before they are even seen. Seems to me that invisible toons have a direct advantage on the battlefield due to these things being a problem.


    Btw, I have the same problem if you haven't guessed by now. But it seems there are multiple posts and discussions about this issue. And seeing that, I know that this is a problem more than just my hardware.....


    Turn in and explain this problem to the people who work for SWOTOR and they will give you an automated response re-directing you to somewhere that doesn't seem to exist or its "too bad so sad" and check your updated hardware for more recent updates. I can't possibly get any better at checking for updated drivers so I know the problem isn't that. I know I have minimum requirements though with an aged computer. So it could be that. But I doubt it considering how many others are talking about the same issue on the forums and also my friends saying the same thing with far better performance computers than mine. In addition, when I meet the minimum requirements for other games, I don't have that problem



    Anyway, feel free to try it out.

  11. Hardware issue? lmao... pftt. Seeing it since 2.0 as well. This is a very serious issue that could cause a team to lose a ranked game or w/e (state of ranked atm aside).


    How can it be a hardware issue, if many people have seen this happen daily (can they all be running the same set up? same vid card?... yeah right). Even if it is a hardware issue, Devs know they need to ensure the game runs at its best case scenario on all major system set ups / major vendors' products etc...


    Squash this BS bug NAO. I'm tired of this company's sub-par ****, and often ask myself "Why are you still playing this?"....


    FYI: My toon still turns invisible sometimes, where all I can see is my weapons floatn (great fix BW, great fix (not))...


    lol. Mine does too. Its as if my computer can't handle the graphics in pvp. But I can't get any lower on my graphics or I will always be in a black screen...lol. Anyway, read my above post. you may wish to consider lowering your graphic settings a bit and see if that helps out in pvp. it should.


    I do think though that invizies do have that advantage in all matches that allow them to get that massive blow in before becoming visible. doesn't matter if its one-two full hits, those hits are a major factor in deciphering the winner. Also, there should never be a way to go invizy if your a healer as they can heal within reaction times of others to avoid the healing. Unfair, and very bad, way of exploitation. Invizies should only ever have the advantage of gaining position. Not an advantage of getting heals and lethal blows in before the opponent can react....

  12. That is not one of the reasons why scoundrels are considered OP, but ok. But yes, the game engine is terrible, and it takes a couple seconds after someone unstealths for them to be able to be targetted by tab targetting, and another couple seconds for them to be rendered after becoming targettable. Out of all the issues with PVP in this game, the inferior engine is probably the one that has driven away the most of my friends. It's the underlying reason why none of my friends who really like open world PVP still play, and the ability lag, ghost GCDs, awful FPS in warzones, and other issues of this vein have made many more of them- who still like the game at heart- just throw in the towel with it. It really is a shame.


    I have the same problem. But I know its my hardware that I use. I barely meat the minimum requirements set by the game, but the computer is on the aging side. So its probably slower than what it says. Also, windows xp is still better than this new crap. takes way less power, easier to understand, and doesn't limit you (except for new updates for drivers) of any new stuff. It might help if you change your windows back to an xp version (if you have one that is). Be prepared to lose sound on occasion as I haven't found a regular site yet that isn't virus hell that will and still update the xp version to today's standards.


    Good luck! And perhaps consider getting yourself a better computer like I am....

  13. I currently play a sniper and am up to level 44 with it (or 43).

    1. They don't have a 360 invizy detection. If they did, i wouldn't be getting my butt rammed with a double-bladed lightsaber as often as I am. I think my shield attracts a lot of double-bladed lightsabers...

    2. Somehow, even with my ability to negate any controlling effects for 20 seconds, I am still getting stunned from those invizies before they come out of invizy. Nothing can make ya madder 5 seconds after you "entrench" yourself.

    3. Smash is not overpowered to a sniper by all means. The choke thing and smash will not kill you. It hurts, but doesn't kill you. Once they smash, they put you at your strong point. Flashbangs, leg shot, stun, entrench, the round that pushes them back.... If you utilize your skills, you can quickly change the ball game between a "smasher" and a sniper and the sniper can have a high chance of winning depending on the smasher's abilities of playing that toon are.

    4. Usually it depends on who strikes first with two opponents that know their toons well that will end up on top regardless of class.

    5. you guys make it sound like if you were b*tch slapped that you would go cry to your mommy saying that their hand was bigger than yours. So stop crying, and get back to figuring out a strategy that works against this. Good luck!

  14. I already do leave a WZ when its clear is populated with window lickers. You must feel really smart tho.



    And there are less hotheads in PvE? LOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOOL. Oh wait, youre serious? LOLOOLOLOLLOLOOOLOLOLOL.


    If I went into anything PvE with full PvP gear, and refused to equip PvE gear, I would be vote kicked almost immediately. Yet fking morons can go into PvP using 0 PvP gear, and then be a dead weight for the entire match b/c they are gimping themselves. Or some stupid bad can just be stupid and bad and do things that cost us the game.



    There is absolutely zero penalty for being a complete and total suckfest in PvP. You still get comms by leaching, you still get gear eventually. Rewarding bad play is absurd; we dont need to give virtual participation trophies but this game hands them out like candy. The lingering threat that you might get booted from the WZ if you suck might inspire some people to suck less.


    You are daft. Your momma should slap you!


    What pve are you talking about when going in with pvp gear? And why are you going into pve with pvp gear in the first place? Either way, if you are doing your role effectively, who would care what you are equipped with. But I am betting that isn't the case with you. When the group dies, it is common logic to find the problem and remove it. In pvp, taking the time to do that results in more time to grow the spread of winning/losing. People know this and make un-educated decisions based more on frustration than actual fact. In pve, you have time to make those decisions. So they are two separate issues. But I bet you get kicked more for your attitude than anything else.


    "You must feel really smart tho." I bet you are a rage quitter. Heck, I bet you quit as soon as the team fall behind. Your response in such a way tells me exactly that.


    I bet that you will post another hate post up somewhere (if not here). Kids like you try to drown out civilized conversations that only the adults can have....

  15. bads dont want vote to kick because....they are bad.


    No, I don't want to be voted off in abusive ways. I put my time, effort, and gameplay in. I deserve the rewards for putting up with stupidity. I know a great deal of other players that wouldn't like it either. They would rather not pvp because of any possible abuse of getting voted off less than 1 minute left in the match....


    And anyone that does pug matches knows how good it feels to have no one on your team (including yourself) that has no more than 5 kills. Its not that they were bad (at least some of the time), just means that they ran into two full runners of groups or people that understand their roles extremely well. It happens.


    Those "good pvp players" (or rather most) utilize the focus "cheat" in the game. Of which I don't agree with and takes the fun out of it a bit in my opinion. In pve, this is fine due to glitches and such. Pvp, not good at all.

  16. You know who the AFKer may be, the 5-6th player that was trying to double pre-made and got qued up on a faction-V-faction game or a someone on VOICE with other guildies playing an alt on the other faction.


    You know who the 5th or 6th vote could be, 2 guild members who qued or play regularly with the premade all on VOICE wanting to stack the team before the game starts. How many time do you have 6 dps online but no operative heals, do you not think this would be tempting?


    Many guilds have an extended group of friends who share voice and can all hit enter que at the same time.


    Yes I have done 2x que, and yes I have been slaughtered by groups who do the same. I am not commenting on premades, but just reminding us all how tempting and easy it would be to manipulate the system.


    I have found by not getting involved in the trash talking and just asking if someone is doing their job and then intiating a vote gets more respect and does not feed the troll.


    Some games just stink, I actually am the most upset with the people who have half a clue about gear, builds, and rotation who pad their numbers from a safe distance, never guard and leave the node to chase down kills. Unfortunately in many games, this would be the number it would take to get a vote kick to pass.


    Know the feeling...truely I do. When something like that happens, I tend to focus on myself and getting as many medals as I can. There was a match I got 16 medals and we lost horribly due to people not fighting anyway near the objective. Little ol' me can't stop two well coordinated invizies bearing down on me (even if I am immortal and decaying). So, since the team didn't care about the objective, neither did I. I defending one point until I got two medals and then did everything after that to get as many as I could. I put two people on ignore from that battle and never seen them again....

  17. no in arenas you can do solo ranked when they release with 2.4


    The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

    Rellik / Syck'syyde

    Jenna'syyde / Rázakel


    In that case, I do hope they fix the ignore thingy then. I can understand people not wanting to be with idiots.

    I may disagree with the kicking vote, but that doesn't mean I wish to team with them.


    So I say fix the ignore thing. And I hope they do it with the addition patch when they release the warzones in the main game....

  18. well i could care a less about regular warzones (if people suck I just kick myself from group) But if solo queue ranked arenas don't have a Gear Check and have the queue respect your ignore list then its a huge mistake. There is no excuse for having bad gear in this game. It is the easiest game in the history of gaming to gear up in. I shouldn't have to lose matches early in the arena life because my teammates are all at 24k and lower health or they all have 1300 and under expertise.


    The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

    Rellik / Syck'syyde

    Jenna'syyde / Rázakel


    I may be wrong in this as I have never done a ranked wz.

    But from my understanding of what I read from other posts and updates and all that, you go into ranked wz's with a premade team only. Ranked wz's are not done via group finder like in flashpoints or regular wz/s. So, I am under the understanding that you cannot que solo for ranked wz's. At least I never could and I have 7 other toons at lvl 50+ that I couldn't enter a ranked wz. They might change this, but I don't see why....


    So with that said, it is your responsibility to be checking your teammates gear and has nothing to do with the matchmaking.

    I agree with the rest of what you said.

  19. Its okay to kick people from Group Finder flashpoints/operations because they suck, but we are forced to endure morons in PvP b/c its everyone's right to PvP?


    Yeah....... no.


    You have much less hotheads in pve than you do in pvp. In addition, in pve, you have time to discuss strategies before engaging the enemy. Doing this in pvp will get you further behind so no one will take the time to discuss it let alone actually having the time to discuss it. Hence, groups often use voice channels to make communication easier and way more efficient for pvp.


    So pvp and pve, in regards to emotional states, are two totally separate things. In my example in a previous post, a discussion wouldn't even happen that long in pvp before a vote is initiated and you know it.


    if the ignore list doesn't work for both pvp and pve for you, I would focus more on asking the dev's to fix that issue and get off this voting thing. If the voting thing gets implemented, your right to pvp will be there, but it will get extremely limited. Long search times, frustrations go high, less participants, needless voting, more trolling, etc... So I repeat: "Nothing good will come from a kick voting mechanism." I also think they should remove the voting from flashpoints as well. If a person doesn't want to be part of the group, they can leave. Just like you can do in pvp!


    Oh, did I just clue you in on how to get rid of your frustration of being teamed with idiots???? Let me say that again....


    "If a person doesn't want to be part of the group, they can leave. Just like you can do in pvp!"

  20. Kick rules should be like this:

    1) Five people should vote "aye" to actually kick a player (to prevent "premade" kicks) but they should be able to do that anytime (even if he's in combat)

    2) A person should be able to make an appeal to game masters and get a compensation if he was kicked unfairly

    3) A person cannot be queued for 15-30 minutes to join warzones after kick


    1. Still a problem regardless of how you look at it. Although this idea sounds good, remember that losing teams will be vote happy even though they are trying.....

    2. Hell no. I am absolutely positive that this suggestion goes south. There would be appeals all over the place and this would create a lot of work for SWOTOR employees that isn't needed. The only way this would be useful is if it was automatic in regards to gaining exp/money via their performance that the player has put in.

    3. Totally disagree with this as well. all you will do with this is make the pvp wait times tremendously longer and they are already getting too long already. This is a discouragement to even bother with pvp. You can't have those or you will get limited pvp players.


    If you all are soo concerned with how the pvp works, then make groups of friends that play to help avoid the idiots that do stupid things. Put idiots on ignore (yes it works). But in no way can you avoid this entirely and in no way should the game discourage those who want to pvp from pvping.


    I totally am against the idea of voting in pvp period unless the person has 0 across the board with his stats after 30 seconds of playtime. Then I can agree with voting. But otherwise, there is nothing good that will come from having a voting system.


    If anything, put in a report to those who do work for SWOTOR after the battle. For harrassment, for being negligible in pvp, trolling, and other reasons. A person that gets enough reports like this should be at least looked at.


    Anyway, this voting system that you guys are proposing is definitely not going to be good if implemented. I for-see drastic decreases in pvp participation if this happens.


    What I am defending is something like this....

    Idiot says "Keep up on healing...."

    Zomby says "know how to use your tank abilities..."

    Idiot says "don't tell me how to do my toon"

    Zomby says "don't tell me how to do mine then if you don't know how to do yours"

    Zomby friend says in private to Zomby "this guy and his friend are jerks. they will boot you for no reason before the boss fight"

    Idiot friend says "He knows perfectly well how to run his toon"

    Zomby says "don't care what you think. you are dps and have no idea what is happening"

    Idiot says "learn how to heal then"

    Zomby says "learn how to tank. you take too much dmg and are not using your high resistence abilities at the start of the fight. so you learn how to minimize dmg as tanks should be doing anyway"

    Zomby puts Idiot and Idiot friend on ignore. Had enough of this chat as its going nowhere....

    Idiot puts Zomby on vote before final boss. Idiot friend seconds the vote. Zomby gone. Zomby friend left too.


    Not saying the Idiot is wrong and not saying that I am wrong (I know I was right btw). The fact is that both of us could be wrong from outside perspective. Both of us were trying like hell in the flashpoint. The flashpoint was still progressing and wasn't in a standstill. he only died once and got huffy over it. Should I have gotten kicked? What if you knew you were doing everything right and had multiple people say that you did great job of healing? Then the one idiot says otherwise and him and his idiot friend boots you right before the end of a flashpoint. This same crap will happen in warzones if a voting system goes into place. And less and less will participate because of it.


    5 people, 4 people, 2 people, 7 people...doesn't matter. It will still happen even though the person is trying and putting up good numbers. And it will be because he wasn't a friend of the 7 that are in the match or because he let a friendly die in favor of getting a kill... People will get booted for mundane crap, hotheads, not being friends, etc...


    The system may be a bit abused. But that is why you report those people abusing it. I rarely see some of the idiocy that you guys are saying. Not doubting you for a second about that. Ignore does work though when you don't want that person on your team. So utilize it.

  21. Simple question, I find it impossible to kill a scoundrel, because he can heal, roll, go invisible, mezz me, heal up, kite me all over the map etc...


    I spent the whole time in one warzone trying to kill one of them but they were kiting me everywhere, i pulled them to me and they just stunned me and went invisible...basically they were taunting me the whole match but i couldnt kill him...


    I'm fully geared/augmented, half my gear is conq BiS, I have no trouble killing other classes but i cant kill a scoundrel.


    If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it


    I agree that healers are a little op when they heal. i personally believe that they should not be able to heal themselves for more than 50% of what they normally heal or limit their range considerably when they do heal....


    Now on to getting your question answered....


    When you first approach a healer (this pertains to any type), use your damage over time abilities. Stuns are extremely effective after you utilize the dot's. This will allow you to do your most amount of damage in a short burst! If you have an additional stun (like a flashbang), use that and use one of your power up abilities that take time to activate. If you do this combo right, the healer will be squashed very quickly. If you don't have a second stun available, use your control effects (like leg shot) that stop them from moving or slow them down. This will continue to allow you to pummel them, but will take longer to get the kill.


    In retrospect, if you tag team an enemy, you should still be able to get the kill and overpower the healing of the healer unless you are hitting a tank. In this case, both of you need to divert your attention to the healer instead....and that shouldn't take very long to overpower him/her....


    You will never get a kill on the healer if you are only doing a basic attack. So never do that. Utilize your abilities and figure out a combo to whack the healers. Once you do this, a very effective healer killer you will be!


    If the healer runs away from you and you can't get the kill, turn your focus on the other enemies. Either he/she will come back in a hurry or they will be gone long enough for you to make a difference in the melee opening up the others to hunt down the healer.....

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