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Posts posted by TheDuge

  1. So I had this problem for a while and it is starting to get really annoying, since I can't play the game properly. It's kinda hard to describe it exactly without screenshots (I'll try to provide a few if needed). This mostly happens in operations, warzones and in the eternal championships. After I play the game for about 30 minutes the screen turns black or at least some part of it and it behaves like slideshow. Some parts of the screen may turn black and some may stay, for example sometimes the background is there, sometimes parts of the UI stay and others don't, sometimes the screen completely goes black. The game and the laptop doesn't crash though and I don't DC, I can still move around and attack, use abilities, but like I said the game becomes a very slow slideshow with parts of the screen missing. The only way to fix it so far is to ALT+F4 and restart the game. Whenever I do an ops run or try to finish the eternal championship it's bound to happen. A few days ago I couldn't finish a DP SM run, because this would happen on every boss at least once.


    Here are the important specs I have

    Lenovo Y510P with 120 GB SSD (game runs from this)

    Windows 8 64bit

    i7-4700MQ @2.4GHz processor

    8 GB RAM

    2 x GeForce GT 750M


    I know how to google, so I tried to read a lot about this problem actually and I tried a lot of proposed solutions, but none of them worked so far. Here are the things I tried:

    1. Reinstalling video card drivers. Not installing GeForce experience, only drivers. Running GeForce experience in debug mode. Turning SLI off completely.

    2. I read somewhere that I should turn off the grass completely as that somehow causes errors on this video card, but it didn't help. I also tried running the game on minimal settings.

    3. It is not an overheating issue, I checked that.

    4. There is no spike in processor or memory usage when the error happens, like I said the laptop doesn't crash and other programs continue to run like normal.

    5. I tried running a command prompt in administrator mode and typing "sfc /scannow" and after it finished doing "Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth". Didn't help.

    6. I disabled LPM (Link Power Management) in the Intel Rapid Storage Technology program as I read that it helped a lot of people.


    I really could use some help, I can play the single player content and the error doesn't seem to happen on planets while doing normal quests. But the moment I enter an ops, wz or flashpoint it will surely happen.


    Edit: There was a customer service forum a while ago but I can't find that now. In case I should post this somewhere else please tell me where.

  2. People like you, I vote kick and then put on ignore.


    To each his own. I do the same to people like you.


    I think a very simple loot rule of 1 set piece per person (possibly throw in the MH or OH if your picky about that stuff) and the rest is free roll if you actually need it is the fairest system.


    Completely agreed.


    It's already been said, but I'll reiterate, because apparently some people have a hard time understanding this simple concept. If there is a pug run there is 2 options I can do: come with my fully geared BiS toons, or come with my alt (whom I want to gear up) who doesn't have good gear and/or I possibly can't play that well. Which one would you prefer?

    Hell, if I come on a fully geared toon for a pug run to help, then I can't roll on anything? Where is the logic in that?

    The ability to transfer armorings/mods/enhancements via legacy gear is what decides the op's question.

  3. What happened is that you are too fast, and the first Force Potency stack is used to make Turbulence critical, because at the moment Turbulence hit, you already have use Force Potency. What you can do to don't have this problem anymore is to delay by half a second Force Pontency and Telekinetic Gust , or to remplace your opening part by this one

    Force Speed -> Turbulence -> Telekinetic Burst -> Force Potency -> Telekinetic Gust -> Telekinetic Wave


    I see. But doesn't burst also have a travel time roughly the same as turbulence? Will this work if I don't have force speed up or does it only work with an instant burst?

  4. So if I understand correctly potency/recklessness was always bugged a bit one way or another. I remember for example that there was a time when you could make it like you have 3 stacks of them. But that doesn't matter now.

    I heard it is still bugged in some cases and I saw some explanations but I still don't understand the nature of these bugs. Can someone explain to me what happens?

    For example in the opener there is this part: Turbulence -> Force Potency -> Telekinetic Gust -> Telekinetic Wave. Here we want to have the potency stacks used on gust and wave, but sometimes for some reason I seem to not have any more stacks before casting wave. I know that before a potential second attack (telekinetic or mental momentum) could eat one stack of potency, but I thought that is fixed now and doesn't happen. So what is really going on?

  5. This is your personal opinion but i doubt that many players will share your opinion.


    Now my opinion : PVE Raiding is about killing a boss and by doing that you feel special because you achieved something. If however the bosses become a dummie fight and dps requirements are lower than what you would do with your auto attacks, there is no more use for PVE raiding, because killing bosses wont be an achievement anymore. If that is really your opinion I suggest you to quit raiding, it wont become more easy and yet your idea is controverse to the very idea of raiding : To find a tactic to kill the boss and improving ones perfomance after each try.


    You seem to expect raiding to be easy enough so that one can participate without knowledge of one's class or without any kind of training. Raiders are expected to perform good. Fundaments of training can be found at tactical flashpoint, where you dont need more than auto attacks. To improve one's qualities as a gamer HM60 flashpoints can be visited. They also give a basic overview about why dps are important and not only hps or tps. Tor has a pretty good learncurve. If you are not willing to follow it, don't expect to get further. Its like how it is in any other game. If you want to play the way you describe it, do tactical flashpoints, it seems to be the optimal content for you with your opinion.



    Underlurker is not harder than any other boss. There are plenty of groups who fail at Master/Blaster or Coratanni. There are also groups who fail at Sword squadron. Even prenerf he was not a hard boss. He was easy. After the nerf he is even less challenging for the dps as they can do 200dps less. What most ppl are dying of are the mechanics which are rarely bugged. Even with bads you can kill the boss. I know this bc I've pugged it hundreds of times because my guild is busy with HM content. We dont do Sm runs, so dont pretend to know that i would go with my guild.


    The dps requirement on underlurker can be achieved easily, if you dont protipp : Practice on the dummie, look up on guides, work on your character/gear.


    This is what i expect from anyone who wants to join a raid, those who do not want to put that much effort in their char, have to join other content. Ppl with the idea of "I WANT TO CLEAR ALL OPERATION BECAUSE I PAY MONEY!!11" should stay away.


    Note to self: next time make sarcasm more obvious.

  6. Why not? Are you jealous of something or what? If bad players quite the game, developers will just close it because of no funds. And your skill won't mean anything.


    Alrighty then. I fully support you now. I hope the next operations will be like this. In story mode all bosses should be clear able by using auto attacks only.

    I'm not sure about other current bosses though then, do you think they are killable with using auto attacks only? Cause if not I'm going to spam the devs with emails requesting for nerfs.

    Also I don't have much MMO experience, so I wonder if you can kill "story mode" bosses with auto attacks only in other MMos, like wow or wildstar for example. This seems to be the norm right now, so other more successful MMOs do it as well, amirite?

  7. I tried with 4 sorcs yesterday and they got such a huge ammount of aoe damage that 5+3k hps wasn't simply enough. One of them switched to healer and we killed him in 3 healers.

    To kill this boss easily just make a group from snipers/mercs and merc/op healer.

    Light armor players should just delete their chars as Bioware doesn't want them to do operations.

    Heavy armor melee are not that bad but never invite more than 1.


    So I give you some protip: if you are in group for ToS with two or more sorcs, sin or operative dps, just abandon it. This group will 99% fail on underlurker.


    Why didn't you uninstall the game already? They didn't nerf this now super easy fight in the last patch and they won't nerf it in the next patch either.

    Time to keep those promises.


    Edit: okay, here is a serious question. When I pugged this boss last time we killed it easily. But, we had one sentinel dps whose rotation was something like this: auto attack*10, occasionally a master strike, being interrupted halfway for a dispatch. Nothing else, seriously. Now obviously, if you have a group consisting of mostly people like this then you won't clear this boss. Do you think a player like this deserves the kill? Do you think someone who plays like this deserves to faceroll through an operation, even in story mode?

  8. Have done it yesterday with 5 dps pulling 3500-4000 each and with 8k hps combined. Last tank managed to take down his last 40k hp, everyone was dead. Don't spread the false information that 4 dps with 2.5k is enough here. Mechanic is still retarded and probably the most retarded I have ever seen. they could make atleast some last phase for him, where he stops summoning adds and just spawns crosses more often. it would be fun, but not this retarded ********.


    Obvious troll is obvious. You are lying.

    Still I give you a 2/10, because you made me reply.

    Also they didn't nerf it the last patch, so are you quitting already?

  9. Don't forget to use a grenade as well.


    Which grenades do you recommend?


    I guess the real question for the original poster is, since HM ToS and Rav basically finished in 3.2 when they were nerfed, will madness be a good choice when there is content to do? Personally I hope it gets a 5-10% boost in sustained damage while we wait for operations to be released.


    Totally agreed. Balance, as a ranged dot spec needs some buff.

  10. I played sage for our main progression on Revan and just got the first kill a week ago after countless hours of wiping. I experimented with both specs, I'll try to summarize my experiences.


    For floors 1-2 anything is okay, you can put decent numbers with both specs.


    For the core burn you need to go away from the core a lot, because we don't have a hold the line/hunker down like ability to save our asses from the pull/push, so you'll be doing short or semi short windows of dps on the core. This screams for lightning/telekinetics, which works really well here. On our kill I got carried a bit, I had only around 330k dmg, but on previous tries there were pulls where I was above 450k, so I'd say 500k may be possible as lightning (all this with 192 MH). The huge disadvantage for me on lightning was that you pretty much can't do anything while turning to the aberrations, so I always stopped dps completely thinking survival>squeezing in a bit more dps. With the recent nerfs (and with 204 MHs) this is fine, but I imagine this would be a big deal in previous versions of the game. Of course if you want to be high on dps you can try to squeeze in one GCD between the aberration explosions, but I'd rather not risk it.


    Now balance is a different story. It has its advantages over lightning: you can do DF/FiB while turning to aberrations, and your dots will also tick during this, which is a dps gain.

    Unfortunately it also has many disadvantages, which imo make it inferior to lightning for the core burn. Your dots will not only not damage the core while you are outside of its range, but they will be reflected to you and you'll receive some extra damage. Also, in my experience you can NOT put dots on the core while you are outside. The shield around the core seems to work differently, because you can definitely dot for example HK when his shield is up, or that revanite commander whose name i can't remember with the shield, Calphayus on the council fight etc.


    Of course lightning being superior for core doesn't mean that balance is not be viable, it is just quite hard to put decent numbers. It also depends a bit on luck, if you have many 12 o'clock (or near that) aberrations then you will be able to continuously dps during the explosions and have higher numbers.


    Everything what I said so far is with considering having a 192 MH. If you have a 204 or 198 MH, then everything is viable.


    Now about Cora+Ruugar HM, balance is definitely okay there. On the cora+bird phase it's even better because of the self heals and the ability to dotspread. For the other parts of the fight lightning is possibly better, but balance is still perfectly viable.

  11. So, we are 9/10 currently on the new HMs and a quite small guild. We killed Cora about a month ago, now we are trying to do Revan. Only problem is we are forced to change people a lot and thus are not making any good progress. Currently we seem to have 7 very stable people and we are in need of an rdps. Our DPS composition right now is: sentinel, vanguard, sage. So a gunslinger or commando rdps would be perfect.

    What we ask:

    -please know your class well, be willing to spend a lot of time wiping on Revan, as it is the hardest fight in the game currently

    -gear is a non-issue, we can gear you up in one night basically

    -it would be nice if you had 9/10 or at least 8/10 progress on the new HMs as well, but if you know your class well then we will ignore this

    -raid times can be anywhere from 19:30 to 23:30 CET. we usually raid on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and sometimes on Wednesday.


    If you want, you can watch some of our kill videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDuge100/videos

    No need to be a nice person or respectful to others, you can be a total dick for all we care, just know your class well and be willing to commit. That is all.

    If you are interested just search for Technicians in /who on TRE and whisper anyone you find online.

  12. And the basic coms aren't worthless - you can ignore dailies and tacticals and start story mode ops right away with full 186 gear or have all leveling alts with up to date gear, especially with 2x XP when you skip some content.


    Well, if you do the rishi and yavin storyline quests I'm quite sure that you will get better gear than with basic coms. WIth the story quests you get optimized gear, while the coms one has bad mods and bad enhancements. But yeah, for story mode if you are a good player then I guess basic coms gear is good enough, although you are still better off with crafted or story quest gear.


    Fact is, PvE gearing is more convenient than PvP, and all the commendation caps are reasonable enough that they are never an issue.


    Disagree with this completely. Both are a lengthy and grindy process. PVP gear is grindy because once you bought everything (as in all armor pieces, implants, relics, ear) you have to optimize mods and enhancements, which cost a lot of ranked and basic coms.

    In PVE the situation is the same. It's not enough to get all the armor pieces, you want to optimize your gear after that, which takes a lot of time. Even getting all the pieces take a lot, if you have an 8man raid group where you get 1, maybe 2 pieces on average per week, it may take up to 8 weeks to get all the armor pieces for your toon. And then you are faced with the fact that many pieces are bad, and you can only use the armoring from it, because the enhancement in it is crit+alac for example. So after your 6-8 weeks, you have to take specific pieces to optimize your gear, and if someone else wants the same piece from your raid group, because it's good for his class as well it will take even more time.

    My sage dps was a good example of this, as in sage gear only the boots have acc+pwr enhancements. So if I'd want to have optimal gear I'd need 3-4 boots, assuming I took the acc+pwr version of the implants and ears.

    Also don't forget that in PVE coms gear is bad. Sure you can do okay with it, but at higher level progression you obviously want the best possible gear and coms gear is just not good enough. It also doesn't have set bonus.

    Taking all this together I'd say it's far from fact the PVE gearing is more convenient.

  13. Ontopic: no, not mad about it at all. Was a nice thing, but no biggie.

    Slightly offtopic:


    But what really ruffles my jammies is. PvE'ers can still switch coms between characters, while us PvP'ers can't.


    I see this argument all the time. But I think it's wrong. Can you tell me how can you transfer ultimate or elite coms between characters? Because I'm pretty sure you can't. Only thing you can do is buy the stuff you want, place armoring/mod/enhancement into legacy gear and send it over, but the same thing can be done with pvp gear as well. And obviously this doesn't work with implants/earpieces.

    Maybe with basic coms there is something you can buy that doesn't get bound while sending it over to another character, but what is it? Even if it is true, the PVE gear you get from basic coms is worthless unoptimized stuff. It's much better do buy crafted 186 rated gear.

  14. So for pve I think it's pretty much straightforward which utility points to pick. You know the upcoming bossfight, you know what to expect, and you can respec before each fight. It's not so straightforward for me in pvp. What are your preferred utility point choices for ranked and unranked pvp? I'm playing tele/lightning most of the time, but feel free to discuss the choice differences for madness/balance as well. Here are my choices so far: (these are for unranked, as i haven't played any ranked in 3.0 so far.)


    Empty Body/Pain bearer; Humility/sap strength; Oppressing force/Pinning Resolve

    It would make sense to take Jedi Resistance/Sith Defiance and maybe the shock/project dmg increase for some kiting situations where everything else is on CD, but so far I've valued these two less. I'm guessing the 3% dmg reduction should be more favored in ranked?


    This is probably the toughest choice. So far I've favored bubble stun and emersion/egress, but the root knockback is also very nice. The bonus absorption on force armor, the 25% dmg reduction on cloud mind, and the bonus healing for our self heal is also quite nice, but so far I think they are inferior to the other 3.


    Thundering blast/turbulence on the move is a must I guess, which leaves only 1 more to choose. For arenas I assume the 30% dmg reduction while stunned is a must as well, so I usually go with that. I guess for unranked one could experiment with others; healing while being bubbled/super bubbled and instant forcelift with stun sounds quite good. The 30% slow on weaken mind could also help kiting, it may be an undervalued skill, I don't know.

    Maybe madness has it better, because they don't necessarily need the force leech on the move, which frees up an utility point for the knockback root in masterful or one of the mentioned ones in heroic.


  15. Posting out of boredom at work...

    The TL;DR version of my post is this: the skill points are far from useless and in many cases you DO have to make a choice between more useful ones. The fact that the thread starter is not even level 60 yet says it all. If the only thing you are doing in this game is leveling and maybe SM flashpoints then no wonder you find the skills useless. You are playing the easiest content of the game. Try pvp or at least the story mode level 60 operations (not even talking about HM or NiM mode ops) and suddenly you'll want more and more of those skills.


    My main is a sage dps so I'm going to demonstrate how useful skills are in that tree. I'm pretty sure someone who mains another spec (and plays his spec of choice at an at least advanced level!) could do the same.


    Psychic Suffusion - Force wave heals you and up to 7 affected allies for x.

    If I was a sage healer this could be quite useful. A free aoe heal. If I'm in an operations fight which is healing intensive and my healers struggled a lot I may take this as a sage dps to help out whenever I can.

    Jedi resistance - Increase damage reduction by 3%.

    Bonus damage resistance is always nice, in many cases you take unavoidable raid damage as dps, but hey, you can mess up something, fail to move out of a circle because of lag, so it still may be useful. Every bit of damage reduction helps.

    Tectonic mastery - Increases the damage done by forcequake by 25%

    Here is something useful for you levelers. Force quake was buffed significantly in 3.0 and trash packs die quite fast even without taking this skill point. Don't tell me this isn't useful. And guess what, it even may be useful in operations, at boss fights which have lots of adds and in need of good aoe damage.

    Pain bearer - Increases all healing received by 10%. Does not affect redistributed life.

    This is a good bonus your healers and even you yourself receive, in case you need to heal yourself. This definitely helps out your team.

    Humility - 25% damage reduction for 10 seconds on targets you used your stun on.

    Very good PVP skill. Not useful in operations but in any type of pvp this is a must. It may even help in leveling if you have trouble fighting some stronger mob.

    Pinning resolve - Reduced CD on stun, force lift affects up to 2 standard or weak targets within 8 meters.

    The reduced CD on stun is quite good in pvp. Also remember if you took Humility then this also means even more damage reduction. And once again, if you are having trouble with a pull while leveling, this may help you out.

    Upheavel - Project has and x% (on dulfy it says 5%, not sure what it is in game, can't check now) chance to project an additional chunk of debris at the target doing 50% of it's normal damage.

    Well, if that percentage is really only 5% then it's quite useless, but it possibly is only a typo. Project is not used in any of the sage rotations normally, it's use is situational. For example if you don't have any instant cast abilities and the mob would die in 1,5 secs anyway it's better to cast project on it. It is still useful in pvp for kiting, and then it's a direct damage increase.


    So we are done with ONLY the skillful skills yet and not one of them is completely useless. There are useful things here for you if you are leveling only and just smashing through mobs with forcequake or if you are pvping, or if you are doing operations. Also, you can't take all of them obviously, so you have to choose from them, depending on what you plan on doing. But even if you know what you'll be facing you still may want more than 3, how much you usually take.


    Should I go on and explain why the masterful and heroic skills are useful? I don't think there is a point, but if you really want to, I'll do it.

  16. I'm always amazed at low level FPs and the people that are in there. When I'm leveling an alt and queue for below level 30 FPs I almost always get bad players. The worst kind of players are actually the ones who are bad, but think they know it all and refuse to listen to advice. The fact that I'm leveling a dps right now just makes this worse. I wait for an hour for the GF to pop, then I get a bad tank who won't listen to advice, and I can't do anything, I have to get along, because if they kick me or quit I'm in for another 1 hour wait.

    Yesterday, Red Reaper, we get a guardian tank and a commando healer. Tank and healer wants us to attack the tanks initial target only. I point out that this is not going to work, since all the other mobs will go for the healer this way. No one listens, so I play along just to prove a point. We pull (we even CC some of the mobs) we kill the targets one by one, but as expected the other mobs go for the healer in the meantime and he dies. I do some offhealing and we survive somehow. After the fight I point out that this is exactly what I was talking about, but on the next pull they still expect the dps to do the same. The healer was basically tanking throughout the whole FP,. And I have to play along, cause if I get kicked or leave it's another hour of waiting for me.

    I queue for RR again then and I get the same healer, who is demanding the same tactics again. And he is tanking again throughout the whole FP and dying a lot of course.

  17. The recommended level for Quesh is 36-37. This means that you will have to be at least level 33 to get there. This is because at lower levels you won't be able to get the quest at Quesh spaceport, which gives you some type of immunity to the poison down there. And you can't go down on the planet without this quest. This is not so for other planets, which you can visit at any level, but if you are not high enough you won't get any quests and you won't be able to damage any enemies.
  18. I wanted to ask about current BIS gear. My main interest is PvE and the 36/3/7 build, but this question can be extended to all specs. So what about accuracy?

    As I understand with the new 78 gear we have the following options:

    1. Use 4 accuracy enhancements, which gives 376 accuracy rating resulting in 99,27% accuracy.

    2. Use 5 accuracy enhancements, which will make our accuracy go over 100%, resulting in a "waste". (100,43%)

    3. Use 4 accuracy enhancements and use one accuracy augment, which gives 408 accuracy rating, resulting in 99,67% accuracy.

    4. Use 4 accuracy enhancements and use two accuracy augments, which gives 440 accuracy rating, resulting in 100,07% accuracy.

    So is there a consensus on which of these options is the best? Or is this now purely a personal preference choice?

    It may seem that the option number 4 is the best, but that may be tricky. Since in options 3 and 4 you trade cunning for accuracy, while in option 1 and 2 you trade alacrity or surge for accuracy. And cunning is more important.


    Also I see a lot of mentions of having 188 alacrity. Is this the one that is only for dummy parses and is useless for real boss fights, because you can rarely do uninterrupted dps? Does alacrity have no place in a BiS gear, which is designed for real boss fights and not dummy parsing?

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