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Posts posted by TheRabbit

  1. After some tinkering with this today I think I've figured out the problem.


    Mortar Volley on my Vanguard

    Tech Bonus Damage(combined value for Tech Skills) 479

    Tooltip: 3835-4213 damage


    DFA on my Powertech

    Tech Bonus Damage 476 (closest I could downgrade his gear to for comparison)

    Tooltip: 2860-3143 damage


    The math comes out perfect for DFA using the calculation, while pointed out in thread MV seems to be off a tick. In use on multiple different mobs and friends helping me out the 2 skills do the same damage per tick.


    The only conclusion I can make from this is that MV tooltip thinks the skill has 4 ticks, so it calculates that, even though it is still just 3 ticks.


    Wow, that seems like incredibly lazy programming lol.

  2. There are 2 issues here.


    1) Almost all attacks deal Kinetic damage, which is mitigated by armor.


    2) Almost all attacks count as "Melee" attacks, thus they can be shielded (reduces damage by tanks absorb amount) and they can be dodged based on the tanks defense rating.




    The only real way to itemize yourself at 50 is swapping around the enhancements in your gear. With enhancements you have a choice between Accuracy and Surge (alacrity ones are pointless). So the only way to raise your accuracy any higher would cost you even more surge. I'd suggest bumping yourself up to ~200 accuracy, that will drop your surge rating to ~250 (depending on what tier gear your using) which will drop your bonus damage down to 81% but will give you 97% accuracy before counting skill tree bonuses.


    Fortunately there's almost no high rating defense gear that's available. And even less available to PvPers. A fully pvp geared tank will have something like 10% defense chance, which means you'll still be landing 90% of your hits.

  3. I'm trying to make sense of the formula here and figured I would plug different skills in to help figure it out, but I can't get it to give proper results for Mortar Volley.


    On my character's tooltip at 49 Mortar Volley is 3303-3681. At 3 ticks that is 1101-1227 damage. His Tech Damage Bonus is 395. Standard Health Lookup table shows 1575 for a skill trained at 49, which rank 6 of Mortar Volley was.


    Using the formula:


    Coefficient * DamageBonus + StandardHealthPercentMin * StandardHealth

    Coefficient * DamageBonus + StandardHealthPercentMax * StandardHealth


    .. with Torhead readout of

    SpellDamage: SpellType=>Tech, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.128, Slot=>None, Coefficient=>1.58, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.188, DamageType=>Kinetic


    I took it to be:


    1.58 * 395 + 0.128 * 1575 = 825.7

    1.58 * 395 + 0.188 * 1575 = 920.2


    825.7-920.2 using calculator vs 1101-1227 judging tooltip.


    Am I messing up somewhere?


    You are missing part of your DamageBonus. DamageBonus for a tech attack = Aim Damage Bonus + Tech Power Bonus + Power Damage Bonus. At level 50 those 3 together should be somewhere in the 600-700 range. Tech Power Bonus is basically just the compensation for not including weapon damage in the calculation.

  4. I'm abandoning my 60 trooper and 60 sage to play on the side that can actually complete their pvp dailies, and I thought the Marauder might be fun. I'm planning on leveling this character with only pvp and facerolling through the story once I've outleveled it.


    It's looking like I want to go up the Annihilation tree for the Force Charge buffs (I hear extra interrupts are good). Would something like this in the lower levels be good:



    Or would I be better off spreading my points between a couple trees while low level and then respeccing at 40?



  5. I guess they are available as items in the databases, because they might be in some weapon (like other modifications from Rakata or Columi weapons). If not now, then in the future. It is unfortunately not possible to learn these recipes by reverse engineering the items.


    Uhhm, Augments don't have recipes and can't be reverse engineered. Are you in the right thread?

  6. The best part is when you see someone else fighting 1v1 against someone. After they lose, you can cherry pick the other injured guy for the Assassin medal since the person who died doesn't count anymore.


    This. Also works if the victim pops vanish and you finish him off right after.

  7. Future patch incomming...


    Im guessing patch 1.1.3 might effect which enhancements are BIS?


    but then again.. there really arent many choices in the enchancement mod for max dps... its either 34crit/48surge 19crit/48surge or 34power/48acc


    Exactly. This won't really change which enhancements are BIS, it will just make the ones that are currently BIS, slightly less effective.


    Because enhancements have 1 big stat, and 1 smaller stat, and there are only 3 choices for Big stat: Surge, Alacrity, Accuracy. The only one of those that directly affects dps (for the most part) is surge. So if you want to DPS, you're still going to be picking Surge enhancements.


    If the enhancements had a choice between surge and power, that would be a different story.

  8. Very nice thread ... thanks to taugrim for his tweet :D

    What tweet?


    If rated PvP in this game is ruled by raiders like WoW was (Shadowmourne, yeah?), I may have to check myself out; there's nothing more annoying as a pvper than getting your butt kicked by heroic trinkets and weapons.

    Fortunately, what we've found so far, is that the best in slot gear is craftable using components from Hard Modes. While it does suck that you have to run hard modes as a dedicated PvPer (trust me, it sucks, I've ran a total of 2 hard modes) at least it isn't as bad as having to do full raids or anything.

  9. So to experience the whole game, you actually have to participate in the entirety of the game? Shocking I know /sarcasm


    It's great that you choose to only PvP, you only want to play half the game, fine, whatever, more power to ya. But don't be suprised when you run into something that can't be accomplished when you focus on a narrow aspect of the game.

    ^ This is what someone that is either trolling, or stupid, looks like.


    If you want to be competitive in PvP you need consumables.

    Consumables are only able to be created by completing PvE content
    Thus, you are FORCED to PvE in order to be competitive in PvP content


    Next patch notes:

    Rakata consumables now require Valor rank 50 in addition to their crafting specific skill requirements.

    That would make it fair. Now in order to be competitive in PvE you are forced to complete PvP.

  10. I agree, it's dumb. I queued for warzones on my server (high pop, nearly instant queues) for 4 hours, and ended at 1/3 on my daily yesterday. I got home from my 9 hour work day, made dinner, ate dinner, started playing, played until well past "bedtime" and still hadn't finished my daily. I love that they helped smooth out gear progression with removing the RNG element from bags (Why didn't they make every BM bag have 1 BM token, and multiply all BM gear purchase price by 4?) but they really need to do something about being able to actually complete the things that you need to finish every day.
  11. I just made a thread not seeing this one.


    My suggestion was for buying Valor. Trade 20 to 30 centurion tokens, or 10 to 15 champion tokens for 1000 valor. I am basically full PvP gear, but still have 10 ranks to go before I can start to get battlemaster gear. Trading some tokens that are really just collecting dust on my currency tab for some valor would be sweet.


    That might be kind of a cool idea. PvE gear doesn't have any sort of arbitrary gated requirement to start using Rakata gear, I have no idea why they put that requirement in for Battlemaster gear other than to slow down the progression from T1->T2->T3. There are much better ways of forcing progression than the current valor farming method.

  12. I don't want to play DotA.


    I don't fully agree with this. Something like this might be fun with the persistance granted by an MMO. I'm not a fan of the MOBA genre at all, but a MOBA style map in my MMO wouldn't necessarily be terrible (depending on the implementation).

  13. so the dailies on Illum that give "daily comms" cant be traded for Champion bags? Are the daily comms worhless other than just for mods/hilts (or if you want the speeder)?


    Are there also daily and weekly PvP quests that give more WZ Comms than just doing a normal WZ?


    Daily comms can be used for (like you said) mods/hilts/barrels/armoring as well as Rakata (tier 3 pve) implants and ear slots, and the vanity speeders. For the most part they're useless for PvPers.

  14. So I just did some quest out on Ilum where u kill droids and take the transponders and jam the signal, I turned it in and got some daily commendation or something - I looked in my currency and didn't see anything, is that 1 of the armaments or is that for something else?


    Under currency it's called a Daily Commendation. You get them from doing the dailies on Ilum and from the dailies in the level 50 area on Belsavis.

  15. When does surge start to diminish in its return? I'm at 80 and I'm primarily force spec'd for crits at 110... when should I stop putting into surge and move to power? (rage jug)


    It starts dimininshing at 1 point.

    The first point gives you more bonus damage compared to the second point and so on.


    Surge remains fairly linear though up through about 300 points. Anything over that has severe diminishing returns (especially when you factor in the 200+ point bonus from relic triggers).


    See my post over here about what stats to stack (acc/pow/surge/crit):

    PvP Gear Min/Maxing or: How I Learned to Love Champ Gear

  16. For god sakes, if the other team knows what they're doing it's a miracle if I can even get a heal off half the time. There's already too much crap preventing me from using my abilities as it is, but I think removing interrupts would at least make it more reasonable.


    Stuns, knockbacks, and ability lag from getting hit (I don't know the correct term for this, sorry) are all bad enough, but I believe interrupts are just the icing on the **** cake.


    I already feel like I have no control over my character half the time, at least give us some measure of control back by removing interrupts please.


    Nice troll bait. I think the people that are claiming that republics aren't imbalanced compared to imperials do it better though.

  17. In many years of gaming I don't think i've ever seen a larger group of babies than the republic in this game. Almost every MMO released inside of the last decade has had MAJOR imbalances that lended itself to 1 factoin being better than the other. In Warhammer you had bright wizards and massive amounts of CC available to the Order faction causing massive game imbalances. In Aion you had the Elyos with huge population imbalances and better high level world bosses providing more high level items to their faction than the Asmodians. Even in World of Warcraft people complained about racial abilities being better for the horde than the alliance eventually leading to Horde domination.


    All of these things pale in comparison to the Republic whiners in this game though. These other games had MAJOR gameplay imbalances and the republic in this game cry about......... ANIMATIONS? Are you serious? Directly mirrored abilities and you think that a split second of animation delay is causing you to lose?


    You're losing because you're bad not because your animation went off 0.25 seconds slower than the other guys.


    Population imbalance? You do realize this game has no open world PVP to speak of right? You do realize that even if the factions were totally balanced that open world PVP wouldn't exist anyway because the system they put in place in completely meaningless and hollow. The only reason to show up to Ilum is to complete your dailies, at which point everybody leaves because there is no purpose to the zone.


    You republics complain about some seriously stupid stuff. In all my years of listening to the complaints of the losing faction i've never seen one complain so loudly about stuff as petty as your complaints.


    Another Imp (you even have the imp logo as your avatar ffs) complaining that republic players have nothing to whine about.


    In many years of gaming I don't think i've ever seen a larger group of babies than the imperials in this game. There are major imbalances between what are supposed to be "mirrored" abilities, and the class that has the most overpowered abilities, and the most players, leading to the most imbalanced (in their favor) world pvp is the group that whines the most that Bioware shouldn't fix these problems.



  18. No, I think it's a bad thing as well.


    Doesn't really encourage you to play said character for more than just the dailies, then log off.


    However, it is what it is as it stands. I'm hoping they come up with something to encourage me to stay on my main.


    I think another big question is, other than gear your companions, what the hell do you do with champion commendations after you're rocking full BM gear?


    IMO, they should charge Champ commendations to rip ALL of the stats out of a piece of PVP gear and move it over to other orange gear or something along those lines.


    Short of doing something like that or adding another tier of PvP gear, I think for the time being were pretty much screwed.

    Here's my suggestion in the suggestion forum:

    Give us something to buy with Battlemaster/Champion/Centurion Commendations


    This way you can continue getting "cool" stuff with just Champ bags that you can buy from doing Warzones.

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