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Posts posted by rosaphile

  1. I'm a level 39 Balance Sage, currently working on the Hoth missions. The last few levels I've been finding myself running short of force power a lot and having to stop after every couple battles to recharge. Is this normal or am I doin it wrong?


    My AoE rotation is generally Project, sometimes Force Wave to push them closer together if necessary, then Force in Balance and Forcequake. I use Project, Telekinetic Throw, and Disturbance (when Presence of Mind procs) to finish them off.


    For single target, or a Strong or better opponent with just one pal, I lead with Mind Crush, then Weaken Mind, hit Force Armor, then start in with Force in Balance, Project, Tel Throw, and Disturbance with PoM, throwing in a Force Stun and/or Force Wave if necessary. These battles are the ones that tend to suck the Force right out of me.


    I've been prioritizing Willpower and Power mostly, should I focus more on some other stat? Should I use Noble Sacrifice more often? Unless I do something stupid, I'm usually not hurting for health since I run with Tharan, but being so squishy I'm usually nervous about letting my health get too low, and it doesn't seem to yield much Force for the health it costs.


    I've always been more of a smashmouth player (melee, wielding large hunks of heavy metal) in MMOs, so maybe I'm missing something basic, and I'm not great at crunching the numbers. Any helpful advice greatly appreciated!

  2. Hi all, I am on the noobish side but enjoying slowly learning the game. :) I have played around with a few dps specs but I would like to try out the healing role. Which advanced class and spec would be best for a character that can fill the role of healer in heroics and flashpoints while also doing a lot of solo questing, without a lot of dying? Thanks for any advice you can offer. :)
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