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Posts posted by ProtocolX

  1. Holy paragraph breaks, batman!


    Ok, trying to parse this ...

    If you have been buying 60-day time card, you are a subscriber.


    Yes, as a sub, you have RotHC. And even if you unsubbed, you keep it.


    Everyone gets GSF and strongholds. Not sure if there is a limit on GSF use for non-subs.


    Revan is NOT free to subs. It will be in October. I suggest considering the SWTOR Bundle pack at Amazon. SoR, 60 day time card and 2400 CC for $40.


    To get all those little "freebies" you have to be subbed on certain dates. As listed here.


    As to monetary help ... good luck with that.



    Good idea on Amazon. I will use that Monday but for now...


    I clicked on your referral link as a formal subscriber. (Yay for you & me, lol) Does this mean I will get Niko if I sub Monday, since I am subbed temporarily as of July 31? If you or anyone happens to know???

    Thanks in advance.

  2. nothing happens-- you just stop payment on your sub and everything is frozen until you pay again

    i've done it many times


    That would be ideal, but that's not the experience I've heard. Maybe it is because some people continue playing under p2p/f2p status? Also, I'm not sure if meant you officially canceled or just stopped paying. I canceled the sub.

    Otherwise, thanks.

  3. Hi -- I need to unsub for a couple months and have 4 +1 characters (the extra is a name I like) and know there are caps on money and character slots. I have read some things that say I switch to preferred status if I unsub and another message that says essentially f2p status.


    Just wondering what I need to do to protect my characters and assets (ship upgrades, mats/cargo, repair droids, comms etc.) until I resub. And I suppose money left over after dividing it 4-5 ways?


    Thanks in Advance.


    P.S. I suppose I lose a crew skill? :(

  4. Hi Everyone,


    I don't know if this is an exploit, hack, bad/good players or terrible PvP design -- or some combination thereof.


    While I'm familiar with the obnoxious amount of CC that can occur in PvP, I've never had the following experience:


    I took one of my <50 alts into a WZ and was unable to use my cc-breaker, not only that it never highlighted. I suspect others had similar problems as most the opposition had 20+ kills and our highest kill was 2. :eek:


    It was on the Alderraan Map and then the same problem happened again the next game on another map but to a lesser extent.




    I know there are bad/good players: so please save your breath about such unless it is relevant. I've been playing LV 50 PvP in WH gear for about a month, so am aware of how a general game usually plays out. I've been cc'd to death before but it wasn't the same and my cc-breaker at least highlighted, even if it didn't work.

  5. The fact that there is even notifications and not a lot of emergency downtime is a big plus. Also, the fact that BW sticks to a schedule -- when it states 5 hours, it doesn't turn into 10, is a joy.


    I don't know about other MMOs but the one I played was high quality and still had a fair share of server trouble. Albeit, it improved over 10 years.


  6. I finally got the nerve to do Ilum today, both PvE and PvP. I had read a lot of negative comments (imagine that), so didn't jump on the bandwagon immediately. But I too found it to be great fun. I got a solo kill, but then died from pausing a sec and patting myself on the back over it. :rolleyes:


    Also, sneaking around in the PvP zone trying to get objectives was a blast. :cool:


    I think it will improve my WZ play and I also liked the general attitude of players. I don't know how it will be when the event is over ... but hope it stays active.

  7. 2. People who stop playing and go defend a turret when we are losing on Alderaan

    This. ^^


    The queue... lack of selection/matchmaking whatever -- I don't like Huttball


    Quitters ... and Egotrippers yelling at everyone -- esp. because *he/she* died


    OP Stuns/CC


    Yes. That is more than three. Thank you.

  8. I have tanked in alot of MMOs and been tanking on my Jugg alot in swtor pre 50. In my flashpoints Im getting alot of healers that throw a couple heals and "try" to dps. Half the time Im struggling just to live poping all my cool downs and meds while I see the stupid healer attacking mobs and I have to spend all my time trying to get the aggro off them. Its making tanking 3xs harder than it should be and a chore.


    I just wanted to ask if healers are expected to dps in flashpoints? Im getting alot more healers attacking all the mobs than I do in other MMOs.


    Wanted to check before I start opening my mouth. Its driving me insane.


    This may not relate to you specifically but on the whole the lower level FPs and Heroics can really suck for a healer -- between poor tanks, poor dps, poor CC and poorly geared players.


    While I think a healer should focus on healing and staying alive (both attention and energy points) I've been in groups were my (appreciable, but not sustained) DPS was more effective than healing to help eliminate the aggro that I struggled to keep healing at lower level. Say when an enemy is close to dead, especially.


    Also, I don't know if some might be generating Tactical Advantage (which provides more heals) by using Shiv -- which isn't the way I approach it in PvE but it could be another reason.


    Otherwise, it could be people not playing their role, which is too common. I have had the same problem as the OP repeatedly with my Guardian -- not getting heals for whatever reason. Though sometimes the healer is incapacitated and no one is defending him/her.


    Also, too, if you're going to be the primary tank... say something. It's amazing how often that isn't established. As in "If you want me to draw aggro, I need regular heals."


    P.S. Advise the uniformed healer to concentrate on cc if they are bored and have energy to waste. Also, if people rush and get out of the healer's LoS, that's partly their fault.


    In any case, I don't think the majority really appreciates the roles in full and the tactical POV until you play both tank and healer.

  9. You should base your decision to be a tank around whether you like playing as a tank.


    If you choose to be a dps Guardian, you can do that. Generally good players just want you to do your job well, and Guardians can dps.


    My opinion is that Guardian is a fairly hard class to get the most out of no matter what you specialize in, but you should do the role you like the most.


    I like to provide both tank and DPS so that's not so much an issue. But I won't enjoy tanking if people have unrealistic expectations or it is above my skill capacity. (e.g. tank the boss and protect the healer from minors at the same time).


    I'll respectfully disagree though that good people just want a job well done, there are too many threads on this (tanking getting a bad rap) to support otherwise -- from "good people." And I've seen it myself.


    The problem is worse obviously in non-affiliated groups. However, there are people that meet this optimal standard of attitude at all levels., so I'll continue to look for the players that do.


    And, I may indeed pick another class ultimately but that will be some time, but I agree with your last statement. Thanks for the reply.

  10. Hi All, I'm approaching LV 50 (48) and starting to think of end-game for my Guardian. Currently I'm a Vigilance build and I like the skills (e.g. Plasma Brand, etc.)


    But I wonder if this is viable build for PvE/PvP (50+) and whether I should get DPS or tank gear when my class mission is complete?


    Also, I wonder if a DPS Guardian is very useful end-game from a group perspective....since I've never really felt strong enough. Granted I tend to use Soresu form and my gear is more balanced and yet felt squishy with mostly STR gear. and cutting defense bonuses short.


    That and I'm thinking being a Tank isn't that desirable, for now. given my limited Heroic/FP group experience (I will probably join a Guild when I can commit to one), and the tanking woes mentioned here as well as the need to kinda know the Ops for best results,


    ***So I'm a bit perplexed at what role I should take in groups? *** esp. if I don't have Doc / a dedicated healer to depend on as he/she will be focused on the tank. My thought is a support role -- with interrupts and protecting healers etc. with limit amounts of pulling aggro, depending on the healer situation.


    I think I could do a lot when group tactics were involved and with people I'm used to running with, but until then ...


    I suppose, too, my opportunities will be limited, not signing up as a tank, but are there decent tankers with a vigilance build or any decent DPS Guardians for that matter? Also, as a Guardian, I'm thinking many will expect me to BE the tank?


    Thanks in advance.

  11. Just wanted to say I appreciate both the replies here and in-game. I want to do my homework on this to best ensure a good fit. This may take me a few days or so.


    Also, I didn't intend to give the impression I had a lot of MMO experience, it's just that the MMO experience I've had was quite deep and involved. Oddly enough, while I've grown tougher skin from the experience and gained some knowledge, SWTOR-style play/environment -- which is probably more common as an MMO -- is somewhat foreign to me.


    Anyway, thanks again and hope to see you in-game regardless.



    -- AmarraX


    P.S. Shock and Jawa -- Gotta love that name!

  12. I love how there are people saying we should re-roll on new servers or get free transfers....well guess what. If that happens those people that leave are going to run into the same issues on the other servers since their populations are already maxed I'm sure. Transferring to new servers wont solve any issues they just spread them out and make life even more miserable for the other servers. Sure, this server might work a bit better after but the underlying cause are still present.


    What needs to happen (but probably wont of course) is that some of the old servers need to be brought back online to spread out the colossal amount of people on each server. Plus they probably need to upgrade the servers themselves, wouldn't surprise me if the company took the lowest bidder on buying servers.


    This is all well and good but I simply asked a question or two. I didn't demand anything or say I was going to do anything. In the meantime, until a long-term solution is found, I would like to stay happily subscribed.


    Yet, if there are issues with one particular server, I don't see a reason for me to support that product...*if* the problem continues to break gameplay. I don't know the status of the other servers' load and stability, -- and i see no statistics mentioned, just assumptions -- hence my questions.

  13. Not sure if this helps out but here is a list of what each plannet has for datacrons and matrix shards. From this list, you can pick and choose which datacron you feel will be usefull/useless for the type of character you will be collecting with.


    This is great; thanks for posting it!




    The Sith Warrior list is awesome too....I just can't use it...yet. :(

  14. Maybe a noob question: But how have you maxed out those 3 skills while still at lvl 24? I'm at lvl 31 and am around 250 with mine (artifice/treasure hunting/that other one i suddenly forgot the name from)?


    I'm just interested in how that's possible, and just asking for tips, since I personally always run in money issues to begin with.




    My guess is the player stayed on a Planet like Taris a good while. I'm not close to 400 as I've been slacking; but I have noticed how easy it is to level up Bio here. Besides the plants there are the Rhakghouls....I guess it works that way elsewhere too.


    I do know one thing, I'm spending far less on this skill set then the mission related ones which didn't seem to pay off well at low levels. I don't know about getting the Diplo to 400 that quickly though.



    I'm only level 24 so I haven't done enough actual crafting to know. Is there something I'm missing? :confused:


    I have maxed out 400 Biochem / Bioanalysis / Diplomacy.


    But seems every single mat from Bioanalysis is ridiculously cheap on the GTN, and missions are not profitable at all.


    So I'm worried it's just taking up space in my crew window, when it could be used for a more profitable gathering skill.




    ETA: As for the OP's question. I have another thread on crew skills myself and basically learned your skill set (and mine as well) are profitable from making and selling implants ....if you're able to do that profitably than I guess you're in good shape regardless of how you go about the mats.


    I'm new myself so I'm unsure if you would need to keep all 3 to do this or just keep Biochem since you want to purchase the mats anyway. One could infer that from the post preceding mine but it's not clearly stated.

  15. Is this the only server with frequent problems, or the server with the most problems?


    I'm wondering if I should re-roll on another sever and if so where? I don't really want to though but I suppose it would be better now (at LV 23) than later if this is a long-term issue.

  16. Hello Folks,


    I am new to SWTOR, with a (23) Guardian currently, an older player and female -- and am looking for a Guild that is compatible with my demographic.


    While I am very easygoing about many things, I don't suffer misogistic/bigoted or similarly-minded trolls/name-callers (and insensitive kids) much.


    Beyond that my gender and age are irrelevant in-game other than how it affects my perspective/preferences etc. --and yours-- when chatting etc. Ok, and maybe my reflexes aren't always uber, but I've respectable PvP exerience -- of a different nature -- in another sci-fi themed game.


    And, most importantly, I like to melt face and conquer as much as the next avid gamer. :)


    I took the Guild Test (below) and my results are a bit borked -- as the top recommendation is for teens. :p


    This is probably because I selected "family-friendly," though what I'm really after is conversations that are at least a few levels above WoW-speak as well as solid teamwork.


    What I can offer:


    -- Availability | (I play a lot, mostly late/early US TZ.)


    -- Teach-ability | I enjoy learning and improving my game


    -- Maturity | Qualities like patience, respect and tolerance for diversity


    -- Sense of Humor | Admittedly it can wax sarcastic, but I love laughing


    -- Loyalty | This is likely less of an issue here than my last MMO


    -- Leadership Experience | Once I get the game down I am fine with initiating Ops etc.


    --Teamwork | I try to give more than I take and be a fountain not a drain



    What I'm looking for in a guild.


    * PvE/PvP focus (crafting is OK too)

    * Friendly, mature and (preferably) entertaining environment

    * Active group with a balance of causal play, goals & efficiency

    * High tolerance for new(er) players & honest mistakes

    * Enthusiasm for the game while not turning it into a second job

    * Minimal comms requirements. I understand their need for PvP, though.

    * Prefer smaller guilds, but this is not a requirement

    * No major issues with solo play (I need my wake-up/chilling time etc.) as long as a member is active


    I can most easily be contacted on Harbinger (AmarraX), where my main character resides. I have an acquaintance on Shadowlands and a new character there as well.


    I'm not in a rush to join -- so if you're looking for higher level characters that is fine too.


    Thanks for your time.



    Guilds recommended to me by the IGQ:

  17. Slicing is a pretty good money maker while levelling, but frankly, it's of very limited use later on.


    While you're levelling, diplomacy would be more of a money sink though, since the green quality schematics for biochem don't take diplomacy mats, so it's not a bad strategy at all to use slicing as a money making tool while you're levelling and then ditch it at level 50.


    Sounds like a good plan. I think I will do this as it's too hard for me to walk past a locked box. :D


    Also, I haven't seen the mats required for health items I'll need later and would have never guessed Diplomacy was involved. But I'll wait until I'm in the money though or when at least maybe I can use my bioanalaysis to start supporting its training in full or part.

  18. I read the last posts. Thanks again. I decided prior (after my last post) to go with Biochem/Analysis and so far like it -- I'm on Tarris now and it's pretty abundant. I don't know about later. It's hard to say if I'm getting my investment back on medpacks and stims just yet, but hopefully will make a profit later. I'm leveling up much quicker than on my prior skills I had chosen.


    The +5/25% crit chance companion is encouraging, too :)


    I also picked Slicing rather than a gathering skill which maybe is a mistake to do in isolation. Either that or I need to skill up a good bit to open stuff ...not sure if it's worth the money? So I might switch that to scavenging or something, as has been suggested.


    Otherwise, Cybertech sounds good for my presumably second character, when more of the game has become old hat or at least familiar. I haven't got a chance to get back to the GTN to see what biochem stuff sells for though.


    So, go orange, upgrade as you go (what else are you going to do with those planet comms??) and really, never buy from a armor or weapon vendor in planet, they are all crooks!


    No doubt - I've already wasted tens of thousands here at my low level and hope not to again, though on a big planet w/o GTN access not sure what to do if something decent I need doesn't drop. I think I'm about 60/40 orange/blue at the moment.

  19. If you don't really want to devote time to learning the crafting system, I'd focus on leveling Underworld Trading and run the "underworld metals" missions. You'll be able to sell those rewards on the GTN. Stay away from companion gift missions. The reason why metals sell better is because they are ingredients for player made armorings and modifications. There's a market for them.




    Of course, if you have specific questions, this is a great place to go to get customized advice. Have you posted what Advanced Class you are playing? That can be a factor in choosing a good crew skill.


    Hi, my first character is a Guardian so if that makes a difference that would be good to know....I read a good bit on the crew skills now but still have a good bit to go. Otherwise, I don't mind taking time to learn the crafting system, it's the getting hung up at the GTN playing 1 credit wars etc.I want to avoid -- at least at this early point in the game as I rather focus on the storyline, PvE and PvP and selling some of that loot maybe.


    Gathering stuff would be fine, I'm not sure how that works. I read something about Nodes (more reading to do). But yeah, I'm already losing money I think on companion gifts, lockboxes and failed missions, so I need to change what I'm doing, even if I change my mind again later. :)


    It would be nice eventually to have this character be good at something higher level supported by an alt though. I'm thinking my next character will be be Sith Force user (for the storyline) and then I'll go something non-force, likely.

  20. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this out so clearly and organized. I agree this should be pinned. When read it improves a new player's experience considerably or at least their understanding of how the game works and WTH people are talking about (see Acronyms) :)

    As far as crew skills go, I don't know what you picked but I would suggest Cybertech with scavenging and underworld trading. The reason being is once you get all orange gear (which as pointed out you want in as many slots as possible) you will need to fill them with Armor, Mods, and Enhancements.


    I picked Diplomacy, Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting -- I really just picked what sounded interesting (e.g. can I talk my way out of trouble?) not knowing there was a viable crafting system, until yesterday. Then I heard some people talking about making a good bit of money on it -- though it sounded somewhat time consuming -- which is OK if I enjoy it.


    If it is not my thing, it would at least be practical to make my own upgrades...so I will definitely look at this. I appreciate the welcome and the links. :)


    Also, Joesixxpack made a good point I hadn't considered about leveling up. The PvP is a bit of mass confusion for me at the moment -- such what I tried so far. I want to learn it though, hopefully I won't level up too fast in doing so, but I'll monitor it.

  22. Wow. You all are amazing! I've never seen such helpful and useful responses on a game forum. (Sad, I know). I could quote most all of you but will say collectively this information helps a lot. I really was way off base on crew skills and wasting money on that, so I'll read up on crafting, for starters.


    Also, commendation spending now make sense and I had no idea skills were that much to train later on...so yeah I definitely need to save money -- or get better at making it. It sounds like It might not be too difficult if I put these suggestions to work given I play quite a few hours.


    I think too I'm more encouraged about joining a guild. I think the group events would be better organized and I would learn more. Edit: I will check the servers forum etc. as I was looking for a Guild thread and didn't see it.


    Thanks again, and I'm still all ears if anyone has more to add.

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