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Posts posted by OrdinaryImperial

  1. Nim ops with stacks were too easy for sure. However going overboard by removing them completely, without any balancing is not helping the raiding community at all. I wouldn't call people who were able to clear them easily in 258 gear and 6.0 with stacks bad, like some elitists try to suggest. They may not be exceptionally great (like the 2-3 groups who can clear them now), but not bad either. I've been lucky enough not to run into many toxic nim players in game, but seeing some of the responses here I can understand why people have that perception of the community.


    What do you mean 2-3 groups who can clear nims now? 20 teams managed to clear gods nim in 5.x, half of them did timed run. Do you think they cant do old nims without stacks now or you think those nims harder than gods on release?

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