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Posts posted by bennimeistari

  1. 5/17/18


    Since you're looking at PvP WZs in particular, among other proposed changes, I wanted to preface this by bringing to your attention a relatively new issue that's been discussed recently here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=949124. From my perspective, this issue has a negative impact on player experience, and in some respects, is similar to the AFK issue in that players are ignoring objectives and not helping their team to win the match. In other cases, a premade will score twice in Huttball, then hold the ball while they farm the other team. However some players may rationalize this, it's toxic behavior that damages the player experience of other players on the receiving end of this behavior. Vote kicking will not work here, because these players are typically in a full premade and you can't simply kick half the team. Not to mention that vote kicking AFKers in a match has never worked in my long experience PvPing in this game. Certainly there are bigger issues you are looking at, such as the rampant queue exploiting in Ranked, acid teams in Ranked, and outright cheating/hacking. But since you're looking at PvP WZs in general, and economy of resources is an inexorable component of your development efforts at this point, it seemed that this was the perfect opportunity to propose a suggestion specific to regular WZs that may solve several problems all at once.


    Currently, you receive the maximum CXP in regular WZs once you've accrued 8 contribution medals. You also receive 8 UC (Unassembled Components) for a loss, and 20 UC for a win. The common denominator of problems in regular WZs, like many things, is player behavior. In order to affect positive change, you need to address the player behavior itself. My proposal to do this is to change the way contribution medals work in regular WZs. I'll detail those changes more below, but what I hope you'll find attractive about this idea is that it won't involve a lot of new coding or any new game mechanics. You'll simply be able to use the existing contribution medals game mechanic by making some adjustments to the existing code. There are as follows:

    1. Reduce the number of medals for doing damage or healing. This should be a one time medal, based on reaching a certain threshold that scales with the character level. Such as at level 70, if you do at least 1 million damage or at least 1 million healing, you get one contribution medal for that. That's it. This will help de-incentivize players from spending an entire match farming other players and ignoring the objectives.
    2. Medals for crit heals or crit damage should be removed entirely. It's basically redundant to #1. Reduce or remove other medals that are superfluous to the objectives. I believe there's even a medal for a solo kill. Whatever you decide to keep, players who do not contribute to the objectives, be it guarding, capturing, killing a ball carrier, scoring a ball, planting a bomb, disarming a bomb, etc. should be getting very few medals comparatively.
    3. Increase the number of medals for doing anything that is related to an objective. For example, if I guard a node the entire match during Civil War, Yavin, or Novare Coast, I usually get 8 medals total. Considering how critical it is to winning a match to guard an objective, this activity should be worth considerably more medals. It will also help incentivize this activity so that more players will actually want to guard an objective. If you spend an entire match guarding a node, you should be getting twice as many medals as someone who spent the entire match farming players off node.
    4. Increase medals for other objective related activity, such as capturing a node (Civil War/Yavin/Novare Coast), scoring with a ball or killing a ball carrier (Huttball/Quesh), planting a bomb (Voidstar), using a buff (Odessen). And so on.
    5. Tie UC to medals. So instead of 8 UC for a loss and 20 UC for a win, make each contribution medal earned during a WZ equal to 1 UC. So if you obtain 20 contribution medals by the end of the match, you'll get 20 UC. If you only get 2 contribution medals because all you did was farm players, you'll only get 2 UC. This will reinforce the incentives of playing objective based PvP WZs in the manner in which they were intended.
    6. Increase the CXP return based on medals. Currently, you do not get any more CXP for earning more than 8 medals. Once you have 8, there's really no reason in the current system to get more. If CXP rewards are also tied to medals, it is one more way to reinforce and incentivize appropriate player behavior in WZs.

    The basic idea here is to completely reverse the contribution medal scores so that players who are actually playing the objectives will get a lot more medals, CXP, and UC. Players who want to ignore objectives or AFK, will see little or no return on their time. Eventually, they'll stop doing it.


    I think this is something you can more easily do with your limited resources, and that it will have a good return on investment for your time/efforts in that it will discourage aberrant behavior in regular WZs. If you find this suggestion useful, and actually implement it, all I ask is that you give me a little credit for it. If you can't do that, I'll be content to see these types of changes as I truly believe it will make a tremendous difference in regular PvP WZs for everyone.




    I know you guys are reading the discussions carefully that are occurring on the forums surrounding the proposed changes that are coming to PvP in 5.9.2, but I feel I need to be more direct in my opinion about the changes as it pertains to premades. To put this in context, I'm the guild leader of a PvP guild that has been doing premades in regular WZs for almost 6 years now, but to be blunt, I believe you need to pull the plug on premades outside of Team Ranked. Regular WZs and GSF should be limited to solo queues only.


    The underlying reason for this is that without the ability to create a separate matchmaking system for group queues, even with the proposed limits to group composition, premades will continue to represent an unbalancing influence in both WZs and GSF. There is no offsetting the advantage of veteran, skilled, geared players coordinating in voice chat, and since Eric already stated that premade teams will not be split up by the matchmaking system, it's very possible and likely to see a PUG team (players who solo queued) playing against a premade team. The healer/tank stacking limitations, while helpful, won't balance that equation.


    I understand the premise of an MMO is being able to play with your friends and guild mates, but honestly, that opportunity exists in Team Ranked and the entire PvE side of the game. If players want to form groups for PvP, and there is no group only queue system to support that, then they need to be limited to Team Ranked. The people who ultimately make the development decisions on your team may not see this if they aren't playing the game regularly, but it's the reality of the situation that in the absence of a more robust (e.g. cross-server) matchmaking system, all your great efforts and work toward making PvP more fair and fun for ALL players will continue to be undermined by premades.




    Coloured text on such a large scale is a massive eyesore.

    It is no wonder the Devs are still made unaware of your feedback.

  2. Hi. I just started leveling a new character, a bounty hunter. I'm almost lvl 36 and so I decided to stop by on Dromuund Kaas to check out the PVP vendor that sells lvl 40 gear. To my surprise however, he wasn't there and the bounty hunter class house was mostly empty save for the trainer. Pretty sad for me since I used to really like that armor and now it's gone! Don't get me started on the awesome flashpoint gear removal and replacemant of stale gear... but seeing this too is just disheartening to say the least.


    Another thing, I'm not sure if I'm just being lazy and inefficient but the way I did my leveling in the past was through PvP and story-content. I thouroughly enjoy the story in SWTOR but more than that I enjoy the PvP for my own reasons, so unsurprisingly I used to level through these and not bother with gear until I hit a milestone 20 and 40 where I could spend my well-earned warzone commendations to keep up to date gear-wise and continue onwards.


    Where did they go? I love PVP but looking stylish is also important, innit?


    Bioware why you do this, did this impact someone's gameplay? :sul_confused:




    (My suggestion on the flashpoint gear is to reward people who complete the mission related to the flashpoint given should reward a box of a unmodded/cosmetic full set of the old gear that they could choose for apperance purposes. Because it's fashionable armor that's in the database being wasted!)


  3. Hi. I just started leveling a new character, a bounty hunter. I'm almost lvl 36 and so I decided to stop by on Dromuund Kaas to check out the PVP vendor that sells lvl 40 gear. To my surprise however, he wasn't there and the bounty hunter class house was mostly empty save for the trainer. Pretty sad for me since I used to really like that armor and now it's gone! Don't get me started on the awesome flashpoint gear removal and replacemant of stale gear... but seeing this too is just disheartening to say the least.


    Another thing, I'm not sure if I'm just being lazy and inefficient but the way I did my leveling in the past was through PvP and story-content. I thouroughly enjoy the story in SWTOR but more than that I enjoy the PvP for my own reasons, so unsurprisingly I used to level through these and not bother with gear until I hit a milestone 20 and 40 where I could spend my well-earned warzone commendations to keep up to date gear-wise and continue onwards.


    Where did they go? I love PVP but looking stylish is also important, innit?


    :sul_confused: Bioware why you do this, did this impact someone's gameplay?





    (My suggestion on the flashpoint gear is to reward people who complete the mission related to the flashpoint given should reward a box of a unmodded/cosmetic full set of the old gear that they could choose for apperance purposes. Because it's fashionable armor that's in the database being wasted!)



  4. Another version of kneeling would be kind of cool! I'm talking kneeling with eyes averted in some iconic star wars-ish style!




    Galen Marek kneeling to Darth Vader


    Lord Vader kneeling to Emperor Palpatine


    Galen Marek being knighted by a Dark Lord of the Sith


    Vader kneeling to an unknown powerful Emperor from far, far away....





    Obi-Wan kneeling to the grandmaster of the Jedi Order


    A Padawan being bestowed the rank of knighthood during a jedi ceremony


    Can the Animator team handle the heat? Hell yeah. Use the Force :csw_yoda:

  5. Hey! Glad to get your attention. An idea came to me the other day as I was reading through the upcoming (teased) content updates for the expansion coming later this year. So far everything looks great and I'm psyched for it. I'm a major pvper at heart so naturally my first thoughts come to content related to that aspect of the game. So, here it is:


    A PVP gamemode with AI. It'd be the first of its kind but if you hear me out, it might not be so crazy after all. Lots of games incorporate the use of AI in pvp, for example Heroes of the Storm in which you battle for objective areas and if your team succeeds in capturing one of these, the enemy is bombarded with AI of some kind. And I feel this can be done here, as well. How and why would it make sense? Well, the Eternal Empire wants to destroy both sides and in this warzone you have the ability to either avoid an attack by them or cause one on your enemy. And while the AI is making the lives on the enemy team difficult you can complete the primary objective which can be almost anything, (capturing turrets, blowing up doors, e,t,c) I'm sure the primary objective can be anything.


    The whole 3-factions-at-war is very appealing and why not integrate that into the PVP for all the glory. Of course ironing out the details and the mechanisms is the hard part, placing out suggestions without any idea on how difficult or impossible something may be is easy. But I really wanted to get this off my chest and see if anyone else thinks this is a good idea. Personally, this would be damn sexy.

  6. I don't know about some of you but this guy is just expressing his opinion and knowledge gathered throughout his years and especially voicing his concerns of the many Sith he believes to be role-playing inaccurately within the Star Wars Universe.


    I like how nice some of you are here and that's a good thing, keep at it. But sometimes you need to roll up your sleeves and tell someone what they're doing is wrong. And by doing that you're not only helping the lost soul but also displaying your respect to the world that is Star Wars.


    Do it in a friendly manner, of course. We've all started from the bottom somewhere and looking back you'd appreciate someone giving you a lesson or two.

  7. My unwavering loyalty to this damn class still remains but unlike many classes I actually feel like we Marauders/Sentinels received the short straw, shortest from my perspective. However, while we didn't get any cool animations or dynamic changes I still am able to deliver in Warzones almost each time but that painful itch from the shorthand we were dealt I can't help but to loath some of the changes.


    I thought Marauders were supposed to be the more mobile warriors in comparison to those havoc-like, heavy-armored Juggernauts yet it is they that received that significant speed boost ability enabling them to run faster than their lightly armored and squishy counterparts.


    Bioware. Ye U do dis!

  8. I understand your point but having that option would mean a lot someone like me. I mean, if a Mercenary is dumb enough to jet charge into a crowd of enemies, he'll get punished for it. But having the option and knowing it can only be used effectively at selective circumstance opens up new possibilities instead of closing them. Hell, I'll have a good laugh or two at inexperienced Bounty Hunters learning the mistake of jet charging into melee-based classes. However, a different way to see it. Is to perhaps open up a new kind of jet charge that allows you to fly/leap to targeted allies? Identical to Guardian Leap then.
  9. One of the iconic abilities you see on a skilled Bounty Hunter is when he uses his jet pack to descend into the air to reach a location or in this case an enemy. That ability, however, is lacking with mercenaries while their powertech counterparts are able to be enjoy its awesomeness. Why? Understandably, Powertechs are a more meele-centred class therefore it makes most sense they have the ability but why should that mean the Mercenaries get removed from the deal? There are other avenues we can make use of being up close to an enemy. Granted, our focus should always be to fire at a distance but that doesn't mean a intelligent player wouldn't seize the chance to 'jet charge' to an enemy, then send him flying down a cliff using 'jet boost'. Scenarios like that can really add to the Bounty Hunter experience.


    It has lots of potential uses that doesn't automatically make them more better. It's like an option that calls only when the circumstance is right otherwise you'll suffer dearly for going up-close and personal with a Jedi Guardian without an escape plan.


    TL;DR: 'Jet charge' should become a universal ability for Bounty Hunters.



    This applies to Troopers as well, of course.


  10. Star Wars inhabitants!


    To those that haven't checked out their twitch video showcasing the disciplines. Do it now! It's very informative and might shed some light and answer some of the questions that have been asked here. Trust me. I had some quarrels and irks about this thing but I'm starting to feel very positive about this whole thing.


    Take a look here if you're interested =



  11. Loving the idea behind this future installment. However, by the looks of it, it will look somewhat different from the system MMORPGS like WoW are using. Which, in my opinion, is a good sign. SWTOR needs to stand out. If every MMORPG were to be the same, it'd be quite a borefest wouldn't it? Anyway, I'll be looking forward to more information regarding this 'Disciples' and I'll remain hopeful that this will only turn for the better for the game because this game rocks.


    If nothing else, however.. I'll be able to fight the legendary Revan. One. Last. Time! :)

  12. Okay, hear me out. I know the technical meaning of it. Role-play + Player vs Player in the open world.


    But what I'm scared of mostly, is how many of you actually RP? And aren't here just for PVP. I hate to be caught up in role-play and then suddenly BAM! I get lolkilled out of nowhere. Are there a lot of trollers? I don't play often, but when I do I like to enjoy some role-play and on the side some fierce PVP. This does seem like the server for me. Yet I'm afraid that people view this server as a hardcore pvp server and all bets are off.


    Will I get any satisfactory RP?

  13. HOLY CRAP.


    I'm European and that doesn't really matter, but because of that I made a char on Progenitor. It's a great server but uh.. I became curious and so I checked on how other RP servers are doing on other continents and well! YOU GUYS ARE SO MUCH BETTER. LOL. A event and a community that just rocks makes me want to hop over! Say.. I just might!


    Question is: Will my MS (Ping) be terrible? D:

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