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Posts posted by foorg


    only wz gear is gone and its gone cos you no longer need it till max lvl 55 any way


    I see players in warzones now standing there with their elite war hero stuff, grinded it proudly but now fighting against naked people with higher expertise then they have. C'mon, this is the worst about the patch.


    Anything else I must change my opinion on. I think they should keep the level 55 and additional new skills for subs as well but its not the most important thing. If Biow/EA would have left the WZ untouched, I wouldnt have anything else to complain about. Thank you for showing me this, all of you who have given their opinion. Lifted the boycot and will ask now for a better pvp situation and the problem(s) are fixed imo.

  2. Hey guys, you know that other MMO? The super popular one, with four expansions? Yeah, WoW. And you know how, if you don't buy Wrath, you can't level beyond 70? And if you don't buy Cata, you can't level beyond 80? And if you don't buy MoP, you can't level beyond 85? Same thing here. Why on earth would Bioware make an expansion and give it to you for free? Bioware and EA are companies. They have to make money, or they shut down. And how does one make money off a good MMO year after year? You sell expansions. And why would anyone buy an expansion if they could just access the content for free?


    Content for free? Ridiculous statement. I have seen almost noone asking in this topic for free content so no idea what you are talking about.

  3. Correction you only want what you want to see not the other way around. See the fact of the matter is you are not entitled to anything unless you bought the the expansion before the date which in this case was the 7th of Jan. So your claims hold absolutely no water water whatsoever as early access was given as a reward to subs who pre ordered during the promotion. So yeah if you did not pre order bad luck, stop complaining and accept the fact that you like everyone else who did not pre order will get access on the 14th.


    Edit: Nice sig, good luck getting anyone to follow it.


    Please read my previous posts, you starting a discussion without being informed. But thanks for your response anyway.

  4. Although a little harsh I agree. Seriously if you can't spend a measly 10 bucks then MMO's are not for you.


    Plus the 122 euros minimum you spend on sub + possible cartel coins you have bought. But its not the issue of spending some money on an add on. Its about subs not having access to end game stuff anymore. You had something as a sub and they took it away but I keep repeating myself and made my point already. This topic can be closed. To bad a lot of people are not interested in a good debate, only see what they want to see.

  5. It's only 10-20 bucks and well worth the money i mean the Makeb story my favorite so far it actually feels like a war zone and you are part of the war they should of done that with more planets


    I would love it as well probably. However the patch is effecting the rest of the game to much and thats my concern.


    Silly story about the truck and trailer Phrase made. If you buy a truck and you dont buy the trailer, you truck should be exactly the same as before the new trailer came out and not run slower and with lesser gadgets you already payed for. To bad some people just respond on forums without actually trying to be constructive here.


    I was hoping for people to convince me otherwise and show me ways to enjoy this game with or without the expansion. Guess I was wrong in most cases. No offence towards the people who actually did made sense.

  6. We are running around in our underwear at this moment in warzones. Just saying.


    Glad to see people are doing so well even with this economy. Seriously I am happy for you.To bad for those who cant afford to buy expansions and suffer to get their subscription rolling and became 2nd ranked players because of this patch but what do we care, we have what we need, we can enjoy it all and thats what counts. isn't it?


    Glad that the game is perfect, bug free and lag free so subscribers are all happy and enjoying themselfs. Not to mention all the new content the subscribers can enjoy like the gree event and err.. forgot all those others things. Get back to you when I remember it again.

  7. But I would like to know in your opinion, what game did you mean by that statement?


    I dont know if its allowed here but heck, just for example: STO. This is a free game, totally free to play. Graphics in space are awesome. People say WoW costs more, but this example will cost you absolutely nothing and leaves you free if you want to sub or not. Last patch, your own guilds starbase, a total new sector with stars planets and missions, costs nothing at all. Strange dont you think that they can make money, upkeep the game and implement new things where Swtor cant without asking money for it.

  8. This. Ask yourself this question, would you rather have SWTOR, with all the things you don't like about it, or would you rather have Bioware scrap the whole thing because it's not makiing the money they need. If everyone cancels their sub because of a small issue they have, that's exactly what will happen. There aren't very many good SW games out there so lets be supportive of the ones we have. You can only go through KOTOR so many times......


    Perhaps you nailed it right there. Then the question could be, why can other games survive easy without milking it? Remember the part where subs are already paying € 122 euros a year for a single game. plus additional Cartel coins and now the expansion?

    I started this thread and don't mind that EA/Bioware makes money but their failure of making this game profitable or making a cash cow out of it (or else they wouldnt let subs pay for this upgrade/patch imo) is now landing on you and me again.


    True, I would love to see this game stay for a long time and support with my subscription but they way this is going, I dont expect it to have a long profitable future and if this will be the case there will be better game makers who can make this game work and even make it better with a sub of 122 euros minimum a year x many thousands. I think those game makers would even be able to make a decent space battle experience in stead of the arcade stuff it is now imo.

  9. Yes I did...Think maybe your need to check again. Also may want to check your comms, you should have used you comms before 2.0 dropped (bh comms), now you are just paying higher prices for the same things.


    All this stuff was on the forums before 2.0 dropped...


    Thanks again, but we are wandering off. If you pay € 122 euro's a year and subscribers (in a what Bioware/EA call a F2P game) to find out that you are locked out of a world, gear etc. isn't the way to go. Imo (read my previous posts please) subs should have full access to the game, the expansion limits it, no doubt about that.

  10. @foorg I really don't get your beef... You are upset that you cannot purchase gear above level 50, when your toon can not use gear above level 50? You still have access to level 50 gear, you can still do level 50 HMFP and level 50 operations and recieve level 50 gear. Think it was pretty clear in the advertisement that to progress from 50 to 55 you had to buy the expansion.


    Did you check the PvP and PvE vendors? I am sorry but I think you dont get the point but thank you for you response.

  11. I think they announced the cost of the expansion back in November? It was probably in December and it's been plastered all over the web site for the last 4 months right on the front page!!


    Thank you for your reply. I am sure they announced the upcoming expansion but let me be more clear. I subscribed and have access to the full game including end game gear etc. After 2.0 I can't buy any of the gear anymore, I am locked out. They didnt mention that in November/December.


    So its not about the little info we should have been reading about the upcoming patch but about subs don't getting value for money anymore.

  12. Love this game, some good things are coming and dont want to be all negative but as a sub I urge all subs NOT to buy the expansion.


    Subs pay € 122,- a year minimum and buying this expansion would suggest that subs only pay for the making of the game (more then a year ago??!!) and maintenance. Imo 2.0 is a scam and should be boycotted all the way.


    I understand if access needs to be bought by prefered- and F2P status players. Perhaps with some Cartel coins or credit unlock for subs but asking this money is a slap in my face. Even if this is ONLY € 7,-


    Very disappointing Bioware/EA, you are way out of line here. :mad::mad:


    Addition: see now that you can only buy PvP and PvE gear with the expension? This sub will be leaving the game soon if this stays the same!!

  13. I checked the FAQ for the new expansion and am missing a lot of info.


    -Will the level cap be increased throughout the game or only those who bought the expansion?

    **If the cap increase will only be available to those who bought the expansion; how does the effects of possible overpowering within PvP areas be countered?


    -Will the new "Hutt" gear be bound to character or can you trade it?


    -Will the Hutt expansion become available IN THE FUTURE for purchase in the Cartel Market like section X?

  14. The event mechanics are a lot of fun, but my real issue with it is that it's only a few week event with a rep cap? I mean the only way to go home with some cool rewards is doing every daily and weekly and probably even on multiple 50's. Plus the components are BoP not even legacy. I'm not sure if I do all the missions as much as I can if I'll even get 1 gree weapon.


    Seems like a shooty event if it's that short with no reward. I would say extend the event or raise the component drop a bit. I understand they will bring this even back, but if you want people to be engaged, might not want to shaft them on dedicated work throughout this event.


    I have the same concerns, well said!

  15. Didn't see much, on the main website it was advertised as game play vid, little to no game play seen. And this should be freely accessible for subscribers imo.

    Or do the subscribers pay for up keeping the current game only and not for the development and new content?


    I love the game but will never pay for this because I already pay € 144,- a year! Should be enough right?


    And what do you get? Another planet only? Little to no info on what to come. Sorry I will not support this but wish all a nice time on that planet and hope for them it is worth the money they payed.


    If the next add on will include a new sector with planets and new content, then I can agree with the additional fee.

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