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Posts posted by Matrimthor

  1. Character Transfers vs Full Servers vs Losing Subscriptions

    Someone failed. Find the guy/gal at the top of the fail chain and Terminate. No bonus, no car ,no stock.. FIRED.

    Do not fill that spot.

    Use the salary and bonus savings from that one employee and buy as many servers as it will allow you.

    Allow Free Transfers at anytime, but with a time limit between specific character moves. ( moved once no move for 14 days)

    KILL Cartel Coins setup that you whored your game into.


    Add More content, then make a movie and advertise.


    Happy custumers will bring you more happy customers.

    Uunhappy customers will give you all the bad publicity you could ask for.


    Make speeders match the movie they came from . All the flapping butts waving in the wind trying not to fall off a speeder look so cool dont they. The speeder is anti-gravity. The toons are not.


    This should have been an awesome game. I waded , as did others, thru multiple MMO's; waiting for the rebirth of SW.

    Seems more like a funeral here.


    Just my 37credits worth.

  2. I too created characters on a 2nd server. Both servers are North America and PVE. Now I want to put all my characters on the same server, and find that BioWare, cant , wont or does not know how to allow transfers again.

    Are they afraid that I will learn how to play characters on both servers at the same time and destroy balance.

    Take a trick from Trion's RIFT : Transfers unlimited to like servers, only a time limit between moves. Clear AH and empty mailboxes and you are set. And the Transfer is FREE


    just my 2 credits worth

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