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Posts posted by Atreidos

  1. I have a question. Some skill descriptions (one of sweeping blasters e.g.) say that it does x damage over duration, while others (unload e.g.) say that it does x damage each second. So is there a difference between such skills on how alacrity affect them. I mean if we reduce time channeling of lets say unload will it result in damage decrease ?
  2. I personally would like to have 1 on 1 arena in swtor. As for the question - i played a lot solo ranked arenas and can say for sure snipers have lack of survivabilty. We have no invis, 10 sec invuls etc. We have to deal with enemies without break and resolve bar and stupidness of teammates prevents us from controlling the situation often. Enemies know that and snipers are a primary target in about 80% matches.
  3. See there's the problem... Damage-wise, yes, we're in a good place. But then we run into the same problem arsenal Mercs have... We have to sit in one spot to be effective. As soon as we are forced out of cover, we become more than useless... We become a liability. In every single arena game I've been in, any team that doesn't focus me in the first round sure as hell will in the second and third rounds, and unlike Mara/sent, scoundrel/op, sin/shadow, we have no way to escape being focused. Flashbang can be effective in that situation, but we have no way to force a target swap away from us.


    Absolutely agree. We need more survivability.

  4. I think snipers need more survivability. I would suggest to increase duration of entrench for like 5 sec, increase the amount of dmg. absorbtion by shield probe and probably buff ballistic dampers a bit. Also while entrench is active, i guess it should give some damage reduction (not much of course).
  5. Sniper 55 here (decent gear etc.). I absolutely agree that sniper really lack the survivability other classes have. Not much things we can do under focus fire of the enemy team, and even if your skill high and you do things in the right time, you die anyway more likely. Devs really have to rebalance sniper so he wouldnt be considered by everyone as the easiest and first target to kill.
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