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Posts posted by cipidani

  1. Don't know what you ppl do,but I moved to RIFT and subscribed there.I know it won't be that much of/as SWTOR,but better than this KOTFE bad expansion of EA/BW.Sick of too much hate and dispair and most of..... ignorance.I don't see progression tasks in "doing better".Whatever... see you all when the game will be better in old terms of what was.:eek:



    P.S.:IF there will be a "better".:mad:


    Mohishal "the imperial guy" out!!!:cool:

  2. Well...in the end...I will unsubscribe too...after I finish my last piece of story 1-50 from the last new toon.Don't want to be a machine farming the same content over and over...with all the bad things they are in game atm when I hit 65.Hope this game will change to something else or just close it.I will move to Warframe Online and pay there. Thank you for letting me down BW/EA.



    P.S.:Seems this is the only solution.:(:mad::confused::eek:

  3. nah now it's bad. just speed level to 65 to build your alliance, choices have zero impacts, companions are worse than before, the new ones from SF have zero appeal.

    at least design different SFs lol.

    devs are ignoring pvp since 2 years, now they are giving the final hits to raiders.

    once the last leave nobody will be able to do even HM beside EV/KP, look at zero pugs of EC, rav, tos, DF/DP hm, let alone players capable to clear the ninja removed nim.


    i can't imagine how they thought people would stay 8 months subbed for one hour gameplay with HK..HK lol i've 51 from ages and 55 is no different, especially now that they are all the same..HK healer..horrible.


    and considering how the casuals they try to cather at full effort are not the most constant subscribers i'm sure, it's just a fail business model.


    i know that raids are the most expensive content resourcewise, and that pvpers generate no big income, but that is the core of repeatable content that keeps people entertained constantly during a sub, solid content to buid guilds around and keeping players subbed..not chapters..not the alliance system. vanilla 1-60 is still a lot better. even rishi joke class arc is better than any kofte chapter.


    killing the MMO part is a mistake. the game is already an infinite chain of instanced, solo, retarded content, with around random planets from a dead past.


    I share your point! Too much desert around in the game... :mad:

  4. You saying this makes me want my Magpie from Allods Online. It's an auto-loot pet - when you kill something, it flies out and loots it. Immediately, while you're still fighting the other mobs. And it flies off and loots resource nodes if you buy it the right upgrades. Best of all, because it's a loot pet and not a companion, foes don't react to its presence.


    It's really great just riding along on your mount watching your inventory fill up with node resources as you go...


    I love the idea and want them to press on doing some fixes like this!:rak_04:

  5. He needed to make the caps bigger that flood the entire screen first


    Yea and I will continue maybe something will happen.I am sick of unfair play or cheaters/hackers/exploiters,...etc. Don't want to mention the stupidity around of throwing with bad fixes,unsolved bugs,nerfs,unbalanced classes/PVP/PVE,....etc.:mad::mad::mad:

    I pay just to play fair & have fun.

    On short note, as a fair player that work hard for their stuff, I demand you,Bioware/ EA or who is still in charge there to bring proof of this major fix/your fix on showing it to the large community that you take the right choice.


    P.S.: Stop using my words or try to be smart , because this is the one way trip I am going.:mad:Thank you!

  6. Neither. Last time they said they would be "severe" with an exploit they gave 4 days suspension to exploiters as far as I could gather. I'm pretty sure this is just an act not to lose the casuals as well after eradicating the last progression raiding players last night.


    Still was a very good comment. Made me giggle. ;):p


    If that is true and will continue to act ....I will go on the dark side of the game and play the game as ANTI-SWTOR:KOTFE.So let's make it final and perma-ban them with some show on the top of the forums.:mad::mad::mad:


    After all screw the 4 day ban.That means nothing to me, just a stupid delay of the main problem!!!

  7. Massive loss of subscribers, causing massive loss of revenue for the game, followed by massive job losses at Bioware Austin, followed by closure of the studio. How's that for an ending to KotFE? More in the spirit of the original question, I do not believe that they will finish the story off before the above happens. Is that optimistic enough for you?


    For sure that will happen. :mad:

  8. You know...Stefan..is right...Don't know how much time i will last too..as i intend to finish every little **** thing from old content and soon i will be stuck ...and this game tend to become borring from day to day...


    Try with cola ...try with pepsi...but it's still the same poison.:confused:

  9. Well "Happy Three Friends" everybody....as "Player(name),BioWare & SWTOR"...wish you clear mind and vision about this game...Don't fail the Force! :cool:


    P.S.:And just click on the referal link (already) ... to admit my originality.:rak_03:

    I will give it back..don't worry! ;)

  10. I agree..but even WoW has their stupid exagerated content...with big stats...and lot of levels...to farm/grind....that makes it quite boring after awhile.Don't want to mention the greedy Blizzard that is...when they deliver things like expansions...However "we"...as BW team ... have to learn some good things from other Gaming Companies. :(
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