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Posts posted by Kurj

  1. We need a crafting-style storage system for hilts/barrels/armorings/mods/enhancements, sortable by type and amplifier. Keeping all of that stuff organized is a massive, unnecessary headache. If we can't simply buy the precise piece we want and must wade through RNG to min/max our gear, adding a specialized interface to deal with the resulting massive clutter would encourage more people to play with the gear system.
  2. I was reading through this spreadsheet posted by Cease courtesy of Prum in this thread.


    Why do they list two points of diminishing returns for crit, one vs mastery and one vs power? And, how do you implement that in practice?


    For example, on a Vigi Guardian, the point of diminishing crit returns in comparison to mastery is 3053, and the point of diminishing returns in comparison to power is 3237. What do I do with that information? Why would I want to go with power vs mastery?


    And how do I use this information for a tank? The spreadsheet doesn't include info for Def Guardian, so what type of builds do PVP tanks use?

  3. But group ranked never pops because most ranked players can’t handle granked. Which means these are solo ranked players grouping up for regs instead of queuing into regs like they do for ranked. Then they use all the lame excuses to justify it. Imagine being a ranked player whose too intimidated to play group ranked, but trolls regs in premades 🤣


    You only need to look at how unsuccessful group ranked is to realise these guys don’t want competitive premade vs premade matches. They only want to stomp other players.

    So get rid of group/solo ranked and the seperate reg queues of lowbies, mids, lvl 75 and merge them into two new solo queues of Arena and Objective pvp. Give everyone access to max lvl abilities and gear, no matter their lvl.


    With all the pvpers together, there are more people in the one queue so that matchmaking and ELO should seperate the newbies from the top tier players. Without premades those games should be more balanced. And only the top 200 players have their ELO ranking published. Everyone else’s remains private so only they can see it.


    Either way, if ranked isn't popping, it's pretty difficult to troll ranked. I agree on the unified queue/hidden rating idea. If BW ever did it, it would be awesome.

  4. if the ranked premade groups are trolling regs, then just start signing up for solo ranked and troll them and their ranked score. They get really touchy about it.


    I like the s***s and giggles value of this, but it's not likely to happen because ranked players tend to premade regs when ranked isn't popping.

  5. The long story short on this is low population. DMers are an issue because the queue is tiny, forcing folks to play the same premade over and over again. Yes, sometimes you get ranked players doing it because ranked isn't popping, but - again - it's a population issue.


    If it really frustrates you, the best thing to do is form your own objective-oriented premade and fight back on a more even footing. Or just give in to the dark side and go for some of the PVP achievements, i.e., deathmatch.

  6. From a general story-telling point of view, readers root for the main character, and the main protagonist of this story is the character we play, so anything reducing the agency of that character's contribution to his or her own story wouldn't make sense.


    That said, does it require elevating the main character to a god-like status to maintain that agency? No.

    But I liked kicking Valkorian's butt even so.


    That's a a better way of saying it. We need to be central to our story, but not the galactic messiah.

  7. I like the KOTFE/KOTET storyline, I just wish they had made our character far less central, and focused on the Vaylin/Arcan/Senya aspect of the story. I mean, how many times is the same person going to save the entire galaxy from imminent destruction?


    I'm not too impressed with the "here comes Emperor Terminator again" approach since then, but not so much that I think it's bad. It's just lazy story-telling, and there's nothing particularly worth noting about it.

  8. 4 bad players in a group, whether heal+tank comp or 4dps, do not make new players quit PvP. The only thing you are concerned about is being matched against good players. This hasn't been and never will be a problem with people being grouped. It's a problem with people being better than others and the game not having the population to match them against players with similar skill levels.


    Low population makes everything worse, but that also means a knowledgeable player or two makes a huge difference. That’s especially true in Huttball, because any class can pass.

  9. Any class can be effective in Huttball. It's regs, and if you have even half a clue of what you're doing, you're 50% ahead of the game.


    I don't understand threads like this. If there's an a*****e premade in queue, I go find something else to do until they get bored. Does anyone seriously think any developer is going to exclude people who group up and play together in an MMO?

  10. The difference is minimal between the two options. I run 2 piece descent and 1 piece amplified because I have my 6 piece descent anyways. Since you will eventually get the 6 piece descent, by the sounds of it, you might also want to do and do a 1 amplified, 2 descent.


    I bit the bullet and picked up 4 pieces of FB, and went with 2 descent 1 amplified. Thanks for the tips, looking forward to giving it a go.

  11. You actually don't need augments in bolstered PvP. Bolster provides you with the stats from 228 augments. So unless you want to min/max or looking for gold augs, buying augs isn't necessary.


    With that said, if you go into ranked with no augs most people will assume you are bad and tunnel you. But that's not the end of the world if you can handle pressure.


    I was planning on augs after I had 306 and set bonus. But now I realize that FB only needs 4 pieces for full set bonus. What do you run with it? 3 pieces of amplified champion? 2 pieces of descent and 1 piece of amplified champion?

  12. This afternoon had something really weird happen - on the defense side, the attackers got through the first door & I died right after. Respawned on the far side of the bridges like normal but before the attackers could extend the bridges, someone "accessed the core" and won the match. Anybody seen that before? Cheating or serious glitch?


    If your team was attacker first, most likely you folks never got past the first door, so once they did the match was over.

  13. Thanks for the further info. Your guides are awesome, especially the discussion of relative strengths of the classes and strategies against them, etc. I'm back after a long break, so for my first set I'm going with something I can pick up off a vendor (gotta save some money for augs), but I'll aim for FB once I can.
  14. I like HB. I like it. But the game is absolutely broken in the current state/meta of the game. The best ball carriers are ops and mercs (:rolleyes:). Most maps are dominated by DM with players actively spiking or dumping the ball off on any random person who isn't themselves.


    exacerbating the issue is that the carrier slow and the ball timer make it virtually impossible for anyone other than an op (who can even roll the electro plates that stop everyone else) from carrying from spawn to EZ with just the slightest amount of defense from the 1 or 2 enemy players actually trying to win. likewise, when a tank and healer or just an off-guard, carrier and EZ stealther play the objectives (a whopping 3 players) it's regularly impossible for the other 3 players on the enemy team who are trying to play to stop them (and vice versa).


    TL; DR: most games are not games at all:

    • the pit and quesh obstacles are not obstacles at all
    • vandin obstacles are fine (except for electro plates not working on lolroll) but not enough players play the map


    the movement abilities arms race has completely broken every HB map in one way or another. and now I cannot even leave the 3rd or 4th HB in a row.


    Those are good points. I just like the game mode. If you get 1 or 2 other players on your team who want to win and know how to play, it's pretty easy to make it a close game. If you're by yourself, so to speak, it's still pretty entertaining to play defense against the other team. /shrug, I'm a HB junkie.

  15. Theres no such thing as "win trading" in regs. This sounds like a small step above garden variety trolling. It's pretty common for players to play huttball using "turtle strata" where good players try to hold the ball in mid and win the match based on who is holding the ball at the end. Personally I think it is way more fun than playing it straight.


    Sounds like this guy just took it to an extreme.


    There's lots of folks death-matching or numbers farming, maybe the occasional ranked refugee headhunting the opposing team, but I haven't had anyone try to throw a match on purpose.


    Thats the problem.......... You should want them in ranked.... you should want all of them in ranked. You should welcome each player to ranked dosn't matter how bad they are. Dota, Overwatch, LOL, etc welcome all players. More players better matchmaking etc.


    I think the ranked players should try to "recruit" new players too, but BW shouldn't be providing any incentives to play ranked except to those who actually want to PVP. Regs is regs, so by all means encourage everyone. But a competitive mode should have a more effective gate-keeping system. I'm assuming expertise did a good job of that, but now they have nothing, and much bigger rewards for playing ranked.


    needs to go lol. Given the state of things and lack of population. I have character for example with 57 wins who isn't even gona get bronze. Wont even get a bundle of rank tokens nuthin. Such a silly system for a silly game. Explains alot though why noone plays the game mode. That's the incentive right there just to grind out games and swap to another character once one is in the depths. I wouldn't even be queueing so much if devs didn't make regs leaver lockout. Why do I gotta sit in Huttball when if I leave I would just get replaced immediately anyway? Its not like a MOBA where noone joins to replace.


    I feel for you, but keep in mind that it’s August, tons of people are on vacation, and lots of folks come back when the school year starts, whether they’re students or parents. I <3 Huttball, so I can’t quite relate to that one, but I feel the same when I get a bunch of Voidstars in a row.


    Does the ranked crowd ever consider putting on exhibitions at a Rishi SH? I think some players would come just to watch the play, and you might get some people who want to give it a go. Just a thought.

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