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Posts posted by azaciek

  1. People in the internet are becoming impossible to reason with...


    "This means that Huttball and 3-pt control both have the highest odds of being selected since they each have 3 maps respectively (Novare could be argued that it is separate from Yavin/Alderaan though). But ultimately each individual map has the exact same chance of rolling here."


    This is what he said, i am thinking you are the one skimming over things like Trixxie. He said every map has the same chance of popping. If you consider huttball, void star, hypergate, odessen etc to be different types of gameplay, then as he pointed out, it has a higher chance. 3 point ones have the same chance.

    But, the chance corresponds exactly to the amount of warzones there are. You are making the false case that Vandin, classic and Quesh are all the same gameplay cause they are all Huttball. They are different maps and have different strategies. You are purposely making a biased assessment that they are all the same.


    The thing here is: Some people don't like Huttball and are exaggerating (regardless of wich map). Sorry but that is the truth and i am done with this, cause i am sick and tired of people distorting the truth in the internet to get their way. I did not contest that 3 huttball maps pop more than one voidstar. That is the skewed comparison you people want to pass. All maps have the same chance to pop. My feedback to the devs is maintained. I like variety of maps cause i don't consider the 3 huttball maps to be the same (nor the 3 objectives ones to be the same either). They are different experiences. Every map is a different experience. They all have unique points to them. It is not ok to pick and choose the ones you want to consider the same in order to move your argument.


    By your logic, at the moment, getting all huttball maps in an evening has exactly the same chance as having all 3 objective maps in one evening. Yet, i don't see anyone complaining about that. That reveals a bias. It's that simple. I dismiss it.


    To the devs i say: simply, keep adding new warzones, this "issue" will resolve itself as more get added and people pick a new favorite one to dislike.

    Personally, i enjoy them all. Props on making them. I just wish that the pesky delay problem went away. I do think that is what makes many people dislike huttball, cause it makes the most difference in wich direction you push or pull someone. Good luck solving that one, would be great to see if fixed one day.


    I agree that each map may have a different experience and skill required. But I think that its still a run ball to other team goal. so it would be more fair to put all matches in seperate categories. Just so there's less chance of getting 3 point capture matches and huttballs so voidstars and hypergates can be seen just as often. and i do consider novare different, since it requires 2 points to actully do damage, and u can make a clutch come from behind victory, not with yavin and civil war, if you are below half hp goodluck getting all 3.

  2. I'm Not Sure exaclty how it works now, but I think a simple fix would be to put each warzone into categories

    1. Huttballs

    2. civil war/Yavin




    6. Hypergate

    Sure you have a less chance to see a specific huttball map or civl war type map, but it puts each game type at an even 16.6%

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