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Posts posted by DuntaCoral

  1. Sweet this is exactly what I am looking for :p I run full tactics as well and love my damage output (especially the consistency) however I have been hearing the rumors that hybrid is a better alternative. Found a bunch of recommended breakdowns of the skill trees (I like the 22/22 one) but I havn't really seen a "How to" guide on how most people run that spec other then Keep gut up. Any suggestions/priority on it?
  2. Never realized so many people thought VG was broken? I run tactics and constantly out DPS better geared members of "better" dps classes and thought we were still parsing the best endgame but I guess I was wrong? I do agree with one earlier post though, having to rely on sticky grenade as my closing attack sucks, we need to make storm across all the trees.
  3. What side is your toon on? I am guessing Republic just cause all your other listed chars are but I was just wondering? Also, is there any diff between the 27 and the 27B, cause I can't find one.





    NVM my 27b link was broken

  4. Hello all,


    We have been working hard on the Master Crafters list and have made it into a easy to read and utilize tool. It can be found here. If you have any input, or even if you want to add to it feel free to do so, the tool is to help make Shadowlands the best server on the game!


    -Ev'an / Dunta

  5. Hey all.


    Recently we have moved our master Crafter list to a Wiki page, and we want to open it up to all of the Shadowlands server. This would be a great place for guilds to recruit and say more about themselves then you can in a post. Also no more spamming your own board to keep it on top, once you set it up you are good to go and just need to update every once in a while. A couple of us think this is a really good way to get an interactive area for the whole server, and would be an even better way to get up guild numbers, but just like you all are recruiting for the guilds, we need to recruit you to make our site work. Thank you for your time and hopefully we will see you all soon with your own fancy page!






    -Ev'an/ Dunta

  6. Haha, I love the bounty idea... that would make this a lot of fun! Server events to take down a couple of people >_<


    Also I made the first "guild" page, so give it a look see. It, like the rest is a pretty basic template but I think it will help us get the job done. Now everyone go post the wiki link in their guild websites so we can get this thing rolling!


    Thanks for all the help as well!



  7. I added my armstech toon's name for adv skill barrel 27. Using the template you had for that category I created an entry in cybertech for adv skill armoring 27.


    Is the intention of this list to keep it to the 27's only, or is it expanded to 26's as well?


    "Endgame" schematics are a relatively new thing to me here.


    26's as well. Blackhole level stuff just in case people are looking for it. Also are you Republic or Empire just so we can seperate.

  8. Thank a lot for the support! I know a little about how to use and set one up from past experience but I would love any help I can get. Also a shout out to whoever was the original idea wo/man on this, since I saw it in a previous forum.


    Also I have the first 2 sections of Crafting done so check them out and tell me how they look. Unfortunately the code is different from SWTOR forum code so I have had to make some changes but it still appears to be functional.




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