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Posts posted by Shadowmoth

  1. Hello there,

    I played Annihilation Marauder on PTS.

    I kind of like the new abilities window, you can really change fast between different options in the ability tree and it is far less annoying than on live, where you have to reset first to change anything. However on pts while changing abilitiies, said abilities don´t go on the same spot on your ability bar and you have to move these around manually - but maybe this is going to change later with loadouts.


    The rotation (at least if choosing furious power) kind of feels the same as on live, exepct the fact that no tacticals are working so no refreshing of rupture with vicious slash. But if spiteful saber will stay in 7.0 the rotation will bei the same. Don´t know how exactly the rotation will change if you choose Draining Centre or Force Lash for example - remains to be seen and figuered out.


    Otherwise with the ability choices on pts Marauder feels pretty gutted:

    Depspite the choice on level 20 between snaring slash, overwhelming slashes und Predation being ok (at last for me since i don´t play PVP) the fact that predation requires Fury and only grants a 50% speed buff is definetly not. One will never choose Predation over Beserk, so in fact you can not use Predation at all. But for me Predation is one of the abilities that makes a marauder a marauder!!!

    Another difficult choice is on level 35: Choosing between interloper and defensive roll. As this may be boss dependent on what to choose it may be acceptable.

    Now for the impossible choice on level 70: Force caomuflage, undying rage and mad dash...

    Guess would always take force camouflage because of threat drop, but mad dash since its introduction functions so well as a gap closer once again adding a thing tthat is absolutly defining for being a marauder, which is speed + dps.

    May bei remotley ok to not have undying rage, but there are so many things missing now to avoid damage: no more force choke, no more awe, no more obfuscate, no more self cleanse...and that for a class which has also no off-heals at hand.

    Using all these different dcds on live is part of the fun. I raid on a regular basis (at the moment DXUN VM) - Can´t really imagine doing this with all of the restrictions that are currently on pts...


    Can´t say if the overall dps on annihilation marauder is still viable, have not tested this.




    FYI: the class buff Unnatural might on pts is missing. Guess thats not intended.

  2. What abilities make the Sentinel unique to you?



    Unique Sentinel abilities:

    Transendence, force camouflage, Rebuke, Zen, Inspiration, twin saber throw.

    (blade blitz in brackets as the gaurdian has it too).


    For me the Jedi Sentinel is the combination betwenn mobility/speed, dps an wielding two lightsabers. Besides dealing dps obviously this includes Force charge, blade blitz and transcendence for quick target switching.

    As the Sentinel not being "tanky" with medium armor I find it highly rewarding to use the right defensive CD at the right time, mainly in higher raid content. Disregarding the passive healing while applying dots with watchman-spec, the class does not have any off-heals thats why imo the defensives are clearly needed and are part of the fun.

    That being said having to choose between them and only having force camouflage, blade blitz or guarded by the force is not fun.


    Transcendence not only is a good raid utility but for me also a quality of life skill to move faster when playing solo (as is blade blitz^^). And if the requirement for using Transcendence is 30 stacks of centering, there is no use to it as any dps will always choose Zen obviously.


    Do these ability paths feel effective against enemies?


    On PTS I did the onderon dailys with both loadouts of Watchman, dps-wise both felt effective against Onderon enemies.


    If you have feedback on the different disciplines and loadouts, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.


    Loadout A Watchman:

    the quadruple dot- damage of force rend under zen and building focus with zen was fun.

    Missed Transcendence, force camouflage and blade blitz. Couldn´t use descent of the fearless as force clraity was missing - got kind of used on live in having it in the rotation. the only remotly good Set bonus was Perfect form.


    Loadout B Watchman:

    Not having cauterize needs getting used to. But having the alternative with force lash as a direct attack may speed ab the time to kill enemies with not much health, therefore beeing better suited for solo content.



    All in all Combat styles seem interesting, mainly the different kind of offensive playstyles.

    What I don´t like at all like is having to choose between defensive CDs. As an active raider I can´t see (yet) how this will work out. And I think having to change the loadout for every single boss encounter, might be slightly annonying.


    Last but not least: don´t make us choose between using Transcendence or Zen.

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