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Posts posted by Stratosara

  1. That reactor scene in the second chapter of KOTFE was a missed opportunity for Koth to be like… "Get yourselves out of there! I'll fix the reactor!"

    It would've shown some heroism and his love for his people. He'd do it because he doesn't want that reactor to blow up and hurt innocent people, and he'd do it because he knows that we're not at 100% and we're not in the state of mind or healthy enough to do it ourselves. He would then allow us to flee to safety while he stayed behind to do the repairs and distract the Skytroopers and Vaylin. He'd slow them just enough to let us have a head start, but he wouldn't get himself ded. There'd also be no LS/DS choice to make. We'd just escape.

    Without a getaway shuttle immediately available, it would've been a good opportunity to introduce Senya and have her foreshadow her role of helping us later by helping us fend off the knights, skytroopers and Vaylin until Koth could get to another shuttle. We wouldn't learn Senya's name until later when she showed up to help protect the Gravestone and get it off the ground, but we'd see Vaylin react with shock, hurt and anger and wonder who she was.

    [At the same time, Lana gets incentive to reach out to her.]

    There was a missed opportunity here to tell a better story, and while it's true that Koth has empathy for his fellow Zakuulans, he really could've have extended some of that care and concern towards us.

    I feel like if it had gone like this, Koth would be more likable and relatable. A good guy just trying to do right by his people instead of the opinionated, selfish mess that we got.

  2. That single fight in that cave with Vaylin is actually harder and more annoying than fighting the REAL Vaylin at the end of KOTET. It took me three separate attempts and two deaths before I was actually able to kill her. Also, this was me playing in STORY MODE. She sticks you to the ground too much. She body slams you too much. She does too much damage over time.. It's nearly impossible to get away from her so your health will restore and prevent her from killing you outright.

    Isn't the vision in the cave supposed to be a glimpse of her power?  If that's the case, then why does it feel like it's the final boss of the two expansions?

    Anyways... Cave Vaylin needs a serious nerf. She should not be able to kill a person wearing Noble Decurion gear in less than 20 seconds.

    If you can't nerf her damage then at least reduce her health so she's not so ridiculously tanky.

  3. I want Lana to be killable because I'm sick of seeing her in every new thing we get. I'm angry that they killed off Theron so quickly and then Lana, the white fascist gets off with a little slap on the wrist and a sticky note to do better.
  4. It would be great if we could custom dye the Decurion gearset. If we are to be forced to wear this as the new endgame gear, then it needs to have ways to customize it and make it more tolerable. The muted blacks and grays make it look murky and dirty and it's kind of an eyesore to look at, but with the right dye job the same outfit can be quite striking. I noticed it looked universes better when dyed a colour with black.


    I also... don't get why everyone has to wear the exact same appearance of gear? If we have to work so hard to get the different decurion sets, they should at least be somewhat unique to each class instead of these cookie cutter outfits that we get now. Life is no longer fun when everyone has to dress exactly the same,

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  5. For me it was that Theron, Koth, Torian and Aric all lost their weapons, leaving only Lana with her lightsaber and Vette with her guns and me with my weapons and abilities. Vette's ai wasn't working so she stopped following me, and would stop healing me if i didn't stick to her like glue. Also the DOT debuffs the droids were applying made it impossible for anyone to surive longer than a minute. Even if i managed to kill the first group, dozens more quickly flooded the room and none of the weaponless companiions could stand up to them.


    It's very frustrating and I'm scared to bring anyone else into KOTFE or KOTET until it gets fixed.

  6. I like imprisoning her because of the super happy smile on Theron's face. Just think about it. She's in a cell on Odessen FOREVER and Theron gets to go snark at her and troll her all he wants. And I can see him doing that. He's got just enough of a vindictive streak that he'd love to kick her when she's down. Again and again until she's driven insane. XD
  7. Hmm, I have to say that in nine years I've never romanced an npc so I never realised the "approves" and "disapproves" related to that aspect of the game. You live and learn.


    Yeah. At some points when there's a flirt option and two non-flirts, and the character disapproves of both non-flirts. The disapproval is related to the fact that the character wanted you to flirt with them, but you didn't. It's rather annoying and I wish they'd change it so that particular scenario doesn't happen.

  8. Add a "You are a bout to begin a romance." warnings to all romanceable companions.


    At the same time, if someone doesn't want to flirt with that character get rid of the "[name] disapproves" messages.


    Some of the romances, such as the one with Nadia Grell or the one with Ashara Zavros, seem to shove the romance down your throat. They'll give you one flirt and then two seemingly normal options, but then the character disapproves of both non-flirt options if you don't want to flirt with them. Even if you try to choose the nicer of the non-flirt options, you still get disapproval. To avoid it, you are then forced to flirt with a character you don't want.


    Instead of the '[name] disapproves' messages it should say nothing at all. That, or if it breaks the code to have nothing then change it to '[Name] respects your decision.' Like real romances there should be an option to tell someone no and have that decision be respected. People should be allowed to say no.


    I'm tired of seeing "[Name] disapproves." when I'm just saying "No, thank you."

  9. I would like to have some warning when my character is going to become romantically involved with one of his or her class companions. That way if I want to avoid that outcome I know which buttons I should avoid.


    I like the later expansions because they offer some kind of warning, saying that your character is about to become romantically involved with that companion. Theron, Lana and Koth, for instance, offer warning.

  10. I passed that mission from second try.I admit I hated that part but that mission is playable.

    All you need to do is use walker's abilites for fit situations.

    For example there is an ability that puuls enemies together.U use that and afterwards you use mortar ability.

    Also different enemies.First ones need to be taken out is an rpg enemies because thet are mosr dangerous.

    But I admit i hate that part and wish it can be skipped.


    I was trying to do exactly that, but the controls for the walker were not nearly responsive enough.

  11. The player walker in the first walker mission on Voss is very clunky and does not respond to the player's commands fast enough. I have tried every possible combination of moves, but it always results in the same thing.


    My walker gets destroyed when I reach the enemy walker beside the healer's temple. It's overpowered, and the aggressive mobs it summons overwhelm and destroy the walker I'm controlling in a matter of seconds. There is no way to heal yourself in combat. The controls do not respond fast enough to the player's commands. Shields and weapons are too slow to be effective -- not to mention the fact that the shield itself is gone after a few seconds and doesn't do NEARLY enough to protect you from being damaged by overwhelming, unfair numbers of enemies.


    My suggestion for that mission, as it seems to be an introductory mission for the walkers, is to make it easier or make the player's attacks faster and more powerful. You could also nerf the enemies' health, reduce the number of enemies to get past, or make some safe areas with healing stations. I'd also suggest that you Nerf the enemy walker at the end so it's not so strong or make it so there are no further mobs to fight once you reach the walker, because really.... avoiding its high powered laser beam is enough of a challenge without having the additional threat of skytroopers and droids to worry about.


    I understand where you are going with the walker missions because walkers are a part of Star Wars' lore. but when the walkers are as slow and clunky and unresponsive and the enemies are unfairly difficult to defeat -- it turns playing SWTOR from a fun player experience into a torture session.


    I couldn't advance beyond that mission after twenty tries, and as a result I am discouraged from continuing the story!

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