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Posts posted by CaptainWrex

  1. Bump. Yes this is utter nonsense indeed. I've already cancelled my suscription. Not gonna pay for a game which comes up with a retarded event and can't even ensure said retarded event flows smoothly. Well actually, its fine if the event has a bug or two; but they have the audacity to try to cover up the bug with a "simply a text issue" and take almost 2 friggin months to come up with a patch for a "simple" bug (which by the way might possibly even fail again considering the amount of effort or **** they give). Just compare the difference in terms of feedback, bug response and customer support services EA provides with games such as Eve Online.
  2. Hey folks!


    The "Missing Details Data" is simply a text issue with the Depths of Manaan Achievement. In 4.7.1 we are going to fix this, and it will update appropriately.




    *facepalm* Seriously? If its just "simply a text issue" then why doesnt the achievement for depths of manaan register for those who have completed it 10 times over!?


    Edit: hopefully they realize this before the maintainence later...

  3. Please try and actually look at the forums, this issue has been acknowledged for more then 10 days. It gives the impression that you lack ability.




    The issue is most likely going to end up fixed at the next maintenance window. Not sure on exact terminology, but My guess is 4.8 would be the most likely upcoming patch.


    Once again, learning to do research will help you greatly in life


    Lol what are you talking about? 10 days ago there wasn't a "Missing Details Data" issue it only cropped up after the 4.71a update. The thread you mentioned addresses HM Manaan for the Legendary tier achievement. We're now talking about not being able to complete SOLO/TACTICAL Manaan as well for the CHAMPION tier achievement. Before 4.71a folks could still complete the Manaan fp by making sure the last boss does not die in the fire. Now we we're uncertain if this workaround still holds true. This is an entirely different issue altogether.


    Edit: Moreover, the 'fix' they mentioned 10 days ago is actually the 4.71a patch which brought about this issue in the first place. So ZavienUK stands correct the devs have yet to address this new issue.

  4. Goddammit devs fix this already! Some of us are so close to getting the champion achievement for the extra exp gear only to be hindered by this silly bug. The event itself has already recieve negative feedback from veteran players, the bug is somewhat annoying but worst of all is the lack of a prompt response which makes it all the more annoying.
  5. Yep I'm having the same problem as well. Can this please be fixed ASAP? And please make it retrospectively count as 'completed' under the DvL achievement for those who did the Manaan fp after the 4.7a update, considering some have ran it multiple times but because of the bug could not complete the Manaan requirement for the achievement. This is real annoying.
  6. Agreed. They have some individual decoration pieces for sale now but it has been months since they were updated....


    And the devs do not seem to be aware that once the cartel packs are no longer on sale it will be near impossible (and costly) to find those decorations...


    This really defeats the purpose of decorating strongholds. I can understand if they want to reduce the avalibility of armors to make them more rare, but decorations too? Its like they're taking the fun away by limiting pur choices of decorations, considering now that we have like 4-5 strongholds.

  7. As you are all aware, the KOTFE expansion has introduced companions from both Republic and Imperial classes.


    However, there is currently no way (correct me if I'm wrong) for a Republic character to purchase customizations from an Imperial vendor and vice versa. As such it is currently impossible for a Republic character to change the looks of his Imperial companion (such as Vette and Gault). The same goes for an Imperial character whishing to do the same for his Republic companion acquired in KOTFE (T-7, Aric Jorgan). The only exception right now is account wide unlocks for cartel market customizations (Scorpio for instance).


    Therefore I propose two solutions. The first is to remove BoP restrictions, or bind to legacy instead, for both Republic and Imperial companion customizations so a player can at least have the option to transfer a customization from the opposite faction if he has a character there.


    The second option would be to have both Republic and Imperial vendors sell customizations from both factions.


    Considering how the line regarding a companion belonging to which faction is being blurred with the introduction of KOTFE, I believe this will add value to gameplay.

  8. Since the latest patch, I cannot search Augmentation Kit Mk-8s on the GTN. I know this becuase I placed a few on sale but they don't show up when I search for them. This doesn't seem to be happening for other augmentation kits; just the Mk-8s. A similar thing happened to the Roche mount but it has since been fixed. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem here?
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