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Posts posted by Aderes

  1. No problem, glad it's helping.


    I did change the color coding on this one and going forward they will match with the in game colors since they didn't change them back after 5.9.



    Rakghoul Resurgence: Alderaan has been updated to 5.9.1


    Thanks all!

  2. Some Suggestions:



    • On Objective Point Values:

    Invasion bonuses for planets were taken away, then the base points awarded were DECREASED instead of
    them to compensate for the removal of guild invasion bonuses. These numbers need to be increased significantly to encourage players to have fun conquesting instead of grinding every day.




    • On 'Alt Conquesting':

    We have been encouraged to create alts throughout the history of SWTOR and now the conquest mechanics encourage us to leave alts that we have grown to love to play with on the shelf.

    Perhaps this is intentional because of character slot disparagement... some have 60 alt slots, some have 120 alt slots, etc... I can see how this could make for an unfair advantage if these people get on and someone with 20 or 30 alts tries to compete. That is certainly a concern.


    If 'Alt Conquesting' is something that needs to be gated, I propose that you limit the amount of alts that can conquest on a legacy to 8 or 10 or 20. The alt disparagement will disappear because the amount of alts allowed to participate will be something people can aspire to and achieve if they are competitive.




    • On Tiered Objectives:

    Please return to 2 classes of objective... 'Once per Legacy' and 'Repeatable', the 3 tier system doesn't work as you have stipulated in previous posts and only serves to confound rather than help.

  3. You missed the Critical Missions that are worth 7500 ea.


    No, I purposefully left those out because they are legacy oriented (not repeatable on multiple toons for conquest purposes) and will happen by doing this grind and will be extra points.


    I highlighted a repeatable method by which every toon would be able to achieve conquest without having to depend on a once-per-legacy item.

  4. [2cents]

    Ok so I have a plan worked out on how to do this on multiple toons, but it means I'm going to have to work my *** off... and that is EXACTLY what I DO NOT want to do in a GAME!!!


    I need to:

    (@150% stronghold bonus)

    Do the VM and MM Flashpoint Dailies for 6 days (thats 12 flashpoints) .......... 3900

    Do the SM and VM Uprising Dailies for 6 days (that's 12 uprisings) ................. 3900 (7800)

    Run Either 34 GSFs or PvP matches and hope for wins ................................ 7242 (15042)


    Each Flashpoint run will take average of about 30 minutes with a random group ... 1 hr per day (+ cue time)

    Each Uprising run will take an average of about 20minutes with a random group ... 40m per day (+ cue time)

    Each PvP match will take roughly ~20m to complete (34/6 = ~6 per day ................ 2hrs per day (+cue time)




    My Schedule:

    Work: 9 hrs... Teach Children: 6 hrs (some hours blend with work)... Daily Errands/Commutes: 3 Hrs... Sleep: 4-6 hrs... Effective Game time: 2 hours. (that's the 24 hours, weekends excluded ... more time to game, but only 2 days to get dailies, etc.)


    Before it was possible for me to get some conquest done for my guild... During some events, up to 20 personals sometimes because I could effectively manage the time and also do lots on a weekend with my alts.

    I consider myself a casual player.

    I guess the filthy casuals like us will be finding a better game, eh?


    People like me play a game to unwind and have fun... not resume the grind we just left at the work that actually PAYS US.



  5. So I get if the guild meets target they will get the corresponding reward, but last week showed that there may be cases where competition for a given planet target is just not as strong as it could be... meaning that some guilds could make top ten but still not meet the conquest target.


    So my questions are:

    If the guild doesn't make the conquest target but still makes top ten, do they still get the conquest rewards for that week's conquest?


    If not, will you be retroactively rewarding the guilds that would have made conquest target had you used the adjusted target marks that are coming in the 5.8a patch?



  6. There was an error in the math, but it has been corrected... multiple completions will now show the correct amount.

    I had forgotten to test that and the math was still trying to account for the guild bonuses.

  7. I was reading through the thread thinking of something snarky and mean to say when I read Keith's response to a post. What did he say, it it doesn't matter. What I remembered was Keith and Eric and all the people working at Bioware and EA are human beings. We owe them all the dignity that goes along with that. Dignity is a big word that when applied to humans means we have an obligation to say and do the right thing, the moral thing toward them. It doesn't matter that they "can take it or it comes with the job". We owe them much better. Think before we speak and if we have nothing moral to say don't say it. Its offensive in many ways.


    The problem here is that we as gamers haven't been treated like people either.

    Money grabbing, deliberate time sinks, releasing exclusive content people paid for as free gifts, not delivering fully on promises (where's our 3rd set of chapters?), baiting people with crafty wording to spend more, then under delivering.


    I'm sorry, but that's not right to do to anyone... and they need to stop.


    I'm done trusting it will be better... they need to actually DO IT instead of promising and blowing smoke while they release something way less than promised that we need to deal with and make sense of.

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