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Posts posted by KnightJediShadow

  1. I am literally at the final stage with Theron, and I realized I still needed Aegis 1 at the landing zone.


    Do I need to head out of my instance to get back to the landing zone? Or is it safe to finish the main story (since I have time before the real ending)?


    I never played Ziost before and all videos of playthroughs do not include the order for the Aegis achievement.


    Also, did I miss where I am supposed to complete the Monolith Achievement? I have not found any more monsters since the first one appeared as part of the story.


    Thank you.

  2. DT: !%^#$^%#$@!^!#$^

    Wife [from other room]: Let me guess, the game just died.

    DT: Oh, no, oh no, everything's juuuuuust fine.

    Wife [still in other room] You Sure? Because the hydrangeas need hydrating and there's a wasp nest in the garage.

    DT: Everything's fine, I was just um... um...

    Wife [looking over DT's shoulder at empty screen] Don't forget to mow the grass while you're out there.

    DT: .....




    Meanwhile, finished my dailies and reached Lv. 84. Altuur wearing his superior armor now.

  3. I honestly feel bad for the team assigned to the game. Whether the game is going to the way of the dinosaurs or has a few more years left, there needs to be more people working on updates in order to avoid this. I trust the people working to maintain the game and thank them for all their hard work, but more staff would help with these issues.


    For years, I never used the achievement tracker. Now using it before I start a mission prevents me from completing it.


    Given that this is for Galactic Seasons (a limited time event), this makes no sense.


    Luckily, I progressed enough (with the extra coins from GS leveling) that I have enough tokens to get Master Ranos (which is the main reason besides getting Altuur for playing GS).


    Still, I was looking forward to maxing influence for Altuur without in-game or real money.

  4. The achievement tracker is not the only thing that is not working (missions get unclicked and need to re-click them).


    As another poster pointed out, all GS missions are bugged/broken.


    Daily mission for enemy defeats is not working.


    Another player confirmed that it was not just the planet I was playing.


    This is worse than the companion bug.


    I have progressed enough to get Master Ranos when she is available, but I was enjoying GS and wanted to max influence Altuur (and at least have the option to get one of the new strongholds).


    I feel bad for the Bioware Team assigned to the game. For all the complaints, they work hard but the project is understaffed from what others have said. Bioware should really consider increasing staff at least temporarily to assist in updates (for all their games).


    This is a massive MMO. You have to be geniuses in your area to figure all this out, and you still should receive additional help.

  5. Can you expand on this further please? I don't understand what RPM/OEM means. I know what tech fragments are and know of the vendors on the fleet which exchange them for gear and mods etc.


    I have the same question.


    I reached Level 75 recently and just started maxing out my companions' influence levels.


    So far, I was using tech fragments for legendary embers to sell, but if there is a better way, great.

  6. I am at level 80. A combination of cartel coins and playing (all weekly and daily missions 3 weeks into the season).


    While I will probably get the Republic Fleet base, collecting Altuur was the reason I even started participating and getting enough to purchase Master Ranos (only event / sub companion I need from those offered) to continue.


    I have found it tedious at times, but I have enjoyed it. Excuse to work on enemy count achievements (Altuur's and C2's). I also never played Czerka dailies and hadn't done heroics or visited planets in years (focused on WZs and leveling up as I played sporadically).


    I do not know if I will play Season 2 (if there is one), except to unlock the next new companion.


    I will get Ranos and likely get the Pub Fleet Stronghold (neither of which are being removed from the vendor).

  7. Returning player who is finally ready to play Ziost (and the expansions).


    My time is limited and I wanted to know if I had to play Ziost in one sitting?


    Do I have to remain on the planet until it is completed or can I travel for Galactic Seasons and other missions so long as I don't start KOTFE?


    I know that there are prominent players with walkthroughs but I wanted to get a better understanding (as I would like to avoid watching gameplay so I get to enjoy the story for the first time).


    Thank you.

  8. Hopefully the bug fix is uploaded sooner rather than later for those who are saving their tokens for the companions (luckily, I only need Master Ranos, so I should have reached level 42 or higher by the time Ranos becomes available).
  9. I only returned a few months ago, but I am not quite sure whether I need to purchase the bonus chapter from Cartel Market, and whether I have HK-55 unlocked already (I believe I was subbed the second time he was made available).


    1. Is there a way to check to see if HK-55 is already unlocked? If so, how?

    2. Is there a way to access HK-55 before KOTFE (just about to start Ziost Missions)?

    3. Is there a way to check to see if I already have access to Shroud of Memory? I know that it is listed on Chapters window in-game, but I would assume that this is the same for all players to track achievements.

    4. If I do not have Shroud of Memory, purchasing it is the only way to unlock Zoom?

    5. Purchasing Shroud of Memory will unlock HK-55 (i.e. alliance alert) if you do not already have HK unlocked?


    Thank you.

  10. For me, I dislike Ops, but that is mostly because (1) I am a solo player without a guild, (2) group finder does not help in finding you an Op to join like it does with flashpoints, and (3) the time it takes to finish 1 Op versus a 3 FPs, WZs or GSFs.


    Everyone is open to their opinion and I agree that you should not be forced to play PVP missions if you do not want to. There should be a way to select options you want instead of random, but limit how many times per week you can select your preferred tasks.

  11. Galactic Seasons has been fun so far. It has gotten me to do content that I never did before (always focused on the main stories rather than FPs and side missions). I also like the option of unlocking levels with Cartel Coins (as the Shroud Chapter for KOTFE is the only thing I am interested in buying with Cartel Coins, reallocating them to unlock Master Ranos is an option depending on when the companion unlock is available).


    My only problem with GS is the time commitment and accessibility of Ops and FP weeklies.


    With real life more important (waits for tomatoes being thrown at me), Ops and FPs can be too time consuming and I am finding it hard to allot time.


    The major issue with Ops is that the group finder is of no help for those who play solo (or those who are not able to meet with their guildmates). There is no way to complete the Ops weeklies through group finder as solo player.


    As for Galactic Fighter and Warzones, I enjoy them (I am terrible with the fighter missions, but still fun). Warzones I started playing for achievements (and companion unlock for KOTFE, which I still have not played). More importantly, both PVP options are much easier to complete via group finder than Ops are.


    Regardless, I will probably stop GS once I have enough to unlock Ranos (only companion character I do not have unlocked in collections.

  12. No guarantee the current classic items will return, although would be smart to bring them back at least one more season, if there is a season two. Several weeks have already passed without the ability to purchase the companions and there are those who already obtained the new fleet stronghold of their choice or only wanted the companions.

    Already switching out the vendor items once a week and notifying us of the actual groupings is a step in the right direction.

  13. I would like companions based on the other class stories as items on vendor.

    Maybe every season we get a "default" Sith Warrior, etc. Gender and appearance does not matter. I just like the idea that all the other great heroes that could be frozen somewhere in carbonite like the player ("Outlander") gets freed.


    Adding interactions with the default hero's old crewmates is probably too much, but great for roleplaying purposes.

  14. "where there was opportunity to increase engagement"


    Well if that wasn't clear as day lol. Well at least everyone knows they are not going to change anything until at least Season 2. So PVP and GSF for all those who are still grinding. No acknowledgement of difficulty getting OPS groups or people misbehaving in PVP, or spawn rates changes. No adjustments to credits for Premium players, and no date when next update that will fix companions purchased from event vendor. But at least someone finally posted something.


    The only thing good is they will be improving vendor rewards to a more predictable pattern.


    It is disappointing that they cannot give an estimate for implementation of 6.3.1 (even if the estimate changes drastically I actually prefer some for of timeline), but the more predictable pattern for vendor items is much better. It means that once the update takes place, we will know when to log back in (for those who can't participate everyday).

  15. Please correct me: so once 6.3.1 is released, Group A items will be available for one week, then Group B for one week, etc.


    When is 6.3.1 expected to be released (no release date mentioned), although the updated rotation for the classic item vendor eases any further delays.

  16. No way I will be able to complete Galactic Seasons. Real life is priority and I already missed the first 3 weeks due to Internet issues. Since I only started GS to get new companion and unlock Master Ranos, I will probably use my cartel coins to unlock enough levels if the Jedi is released with the vendor.


    As I have focused on the main stories, the POs are a great break and technically new content to me. Still, spending an hour everyday can be time consuming. Still admire anyone with the dedication to grind through levels.

  17. Sad that there is no update. The companions are probably the draw for many (as cool as the station residences are).

    I was lucky to have gotten almost all of them the second time they were available as Sub rewards (Nico might have been the only one I received the first time available).

    Master Ranos is the only reward companion I do not have and with real life more important, I don't expect to have a lot of time if any to play the game for the next couple of weeks.

    Would prefer not to use my saved cartel coins to reach Level 46 (saving for HK Chapter on Cartel Market, but since I haven't reached KOTFE yet, will probably cave if I don't reach the required level before Ranos becomes available).

    I admire anyone who makes the time to level up without unlocks.

  18. Was not playing when season first started, but apparently the alliance mission associated with Nico (first companion in rotation) was not unlocking after purchasing Nico. Apparently this bug affects all companion unlock items, so no companions in vendor until bug is fixed. Please someone correct me if I am misunderstanding the situation.


    Regardless, no word yet and would not mind an update myself. Real life comes first and may end up leveling up with cartel coins whenever Master Ranos shows up if I am short on tokens.

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