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Posts posted by Schanez

  1. Do they still drop? I've been doing HM FPs the last couple of days and none dropped. They used to have like a near 100% or even 100% drop chance on bonus bosses. Now I see none of them. And I failed to find any other means of aquireing some, like the Korriban Slave statues for example. Anyone had any luck with FP drops?
  2. That's something The Progenitor should read, especially the 'Be nice' part... I see so much anger and hate directed at my guild during any form of open RP on any of the worlds that it's just... I RP to have fun, but when I see some player taking his OOC beliefs into his IC character, I am done. Sometimes I wish to simply quit the game due to the excesive ammount of abuse other players throw at me for no reasons at all. Hence I would add...



    Think before you act.

    You are part of a community on an open RP server. So think what your actions might cause. If your character is an initiate, he won't backtalk to a darth, unless he wishes to meet a swift end. Do not do to other players what you would not wish to be done to you. Keep both the RP and OOC polite, unless the IC situation calls for diferent scenarios. At the same time, don't be afraid to point that to others. RP is like a huge story we all tell on the server, actions of your character influence those of others and the other way round. Know your lore and when in doubts, don't be afraid to ask for reasons behind someone else's IC actions. Sometimes it's you that did something stupid IC, so be ready to accept the consequences.

  3. Hi, I've been wondering, what's the exact period of the CC monthly grant? I have been checking my CC balance and the dates on which the grants have been delivered. So two months ago it was the 19th, one month ago it was the 21st, so I assumed this month it will be the 23rd, but it's not. Someone has any insight into that? It seems it's actually 32 days between the grants, but the current delay might hint on a slightly longer period.
  4. I was RPing a training in a guild SH. Me and two apprentices. I am quite sure not a single of my comments, posts, emotes or whatever was the same. I didn't even had to yell and insult the apprentices, which might have caused a repeating series of words to appear.


    But now that I think of it, if it's enough to post the same thing twice or three times in short succesion, perhaps some server lags might come into play? I opened a ticket to the support, but was still forced to cancel and void the entire RP via Enjin... Thank you BioWare I guess. I will see what the support answers me with.

  5. Hi, I suddenly can't type anything in the game because every time I try an error pops up saying 'You are squelched.' What in the name of (whichever god you belive in) is that? I am blocked from guild chat, I am blocked from emotes, I am blocked from normal /say chat, I am blocked from the entier event because of this. I tried relogging into the character, I tried restarting the game, nothing helps. IS this some kind of bug, hack or something someone attacked me with or what? I have an ongoing RP event that's important to me and I cannot participate becuase of this.
  6. Hi there, so I just finished downloading the 4.0.2 (after a full day of looking at the constantly freezing percentage values). So I was happy to play the game just to discover it will not launch it, when I press the Play button. The launcher just closes as normally, but the game won't pop up. Anyone knows how to check what's causing this and/or how to fix such issues?
  7. I am still curious how the community will deal with the 'only one outlander' thing. With SoR it was more or less easy, just a coalition between Republic and Empire. Something we could have just... Ignored, as not everyone was fighting in that war. But right now? Not so sure. There is a third power in the universe now and we have to play with it. Which is extremely unfair when it comes to those that did not play the expansion as the IC interractions will spoil the entire story for them.


    But I see now. Five year leap. Damage done in the first year and four others spent on rebuilding. Star Fortresses made it possible to revoke the Eternall Fleet from the empire and republic space. Thanks for the info.

  8. Hi there,

    here is my thing. In the trailers we see Korriban taking a huge hit, monuments crumbling, academy smoking, huge battle occuring between the Empire and Zakuul. We see what looks like Taris being invaded as well, with republic troopers falling to the invaders. I assume Tython suffered similar hit, as did most of the other worlds of both factions. Yet other then the Shield Bunkers on the various planets from the Star Fortress FP, there is no visible presence of any enemy units. And I wish to ask, they just invaded and then allowed both factions to rebuild?


    If that is the case, it has severly crippled the Roleplaying that's happening on the servers. Yesterday my guild touched down on Korriban after the five year leap, with informations of a major battle and the Empire shattered, just to see the Academy as it was before, with no signs of battle, no nothing. How are we to RP the entire expansion? What's the state of the Galaxy right now? Is the Eternal Fleet orbiting Zakuul or does it maintain presence in the Core Worlds and other sectors? What of the damage caused during the invasion? Those have been repaired or never happened?

  9. Crystals come from many sources. As for the most common ones, Ilum of course. It has been the origin of most jedi weapons for so long. Other then that, what you have to understand, not every focusing crystal is a crystal. Those can be various things. A few examples:


    - Dantari Crystal that's found in the eggs of kinrath on the planet Dantooine;

    - Durindfire Crystal is from Tatooine, but it's so rare and expensive that jst a few helped finance the Death Star;

    - Krayt Dragon Pearl is actually a natural stone that sometimes creates itself in the last chamber of the creatures gizzard;

    - Sapith Crystal was excreted by a Volice Worm;


    Those are just examples from wookieepedia. I am certain there are focusing crystals that are metal ignots, little rocks and so on. A focusing gem is more or less material that's capable of focusing the energy beam from the powercell into a desired shape. Just mind that some crystals will force a certain colour on the blade, like the durindfire will make it silver.


    On the other hand, sith used synthetically crafted crystals since ages, as they did not have access to Ilum mines, thus most of their blades were various shades of red, as this is the colour synth-crystals usually assume.

  10. Hi there fellow RPers.


    I recently encountered a rather frustrating situation, which brought me here in the end. It might be obvious to some, but I failed to sort it out myself. But the situation first:


    Nexus Cantina in Kaas City. My pureblood Sith Sorcerer, that is loyal to the empire and a fullblooded sith meets with a friend. We talk, we drink a little, normal private RP in a cantina. Somewhere in the process a duo stands next to us at the bar and starts talking, at first I did not pay much attention, but read their RP in case I had to react to it anyhow. And indeed I had, as one of the newcommers was a force sensitive that 'managed to avoid the sith Academy'. So I, as the faithful sith got up and approached them, demanding that he explains his words. He calmly repeated what he said earlier and here comes my issue. I RPed trying to force him into the Academy, as that's what a sith would do, if not kill him at the spot. I used 'attempts' and 'tries' of course, but the emote was clearly stating, that he should follow me and get inducted into the sith ranks. And the player jsut said I should focus on my RP and that I am violating his character and that I have no power over him. I saw it as an IC refusal and attacked, to which the player responed in a lot of laughter and fleeing the scene just like that.


    So here comes my question. How far does the consent expand? I mean... A normal citizen if asked by a sith to do something, does it or dies. I know one needs the permission of the player to kill the character, but I also belive that this cannot be used as a shield to act in ways that would 'normally' get the person killed on the spot. I mean, if a mercenary starts insulting a darth, he can/should expect a painful and quick death. What are your oppinions on that?




    On another matter, is there any valid source on diferent species culture and habits? Like the twi'lek, zabraks and so on. Only recently did I learn about the twi'lek lekku language, or about how violent zabraks can be towards their mates. Is there any source I could look up, or is it mostly fan-based creations?

  11. Your questions all more or less touch the same aspect of the game. So I will try to get to that particular matter, rather then answer the questions one by one.


    What you do while questing, leveling, PvPing and so on, is all considered to be OOC activity, with some exceptions. OOC meaning Out Of Character. It is important to keep track of what is happening OOC and what is happening in your RP, aka In Character (IC). A good RPer always knows the diference, having no issues of drawing the border between the two.


    In other words, the entire story you play during the leveling process is considered OOC. If you try to use parts of it for your RP, it will be considered lorebending or even breaking, depending on the way you appraoch it. Every FP, OPS, Warzone and so on are considered OOC, unless there is some IC explenation. For example my guild uses the warzones as a sort of simulation training for the members. Hence every week they queue for warzones as a for of event and they are completely IC.


    As for changing clothing, you wear what you wear. Changing from a bulky armor into loose robes requires time, private place and the spare set of clothing to be stored somewhere. I always walk to the side when changing from one attire to another. Be it my bed on the guild's flagship or some other private room. There I change my clothing, wait a second and return to the RP.


    As a new player, learn the diference between what you know IC and what you know OOC as it's very important. If another player tells you in a whisper, he wants to fight with your character, it would be in bad manner to suddenly become suspicious of the character IC, if you have no reasons to suspect their character of bad motivations. If you manage to keep IC and OOC seperate, you will be one of the good RPers.




    I hope it's all more or less easy to understand, english not being my native language.

  12. Force-Benders:


    As I call them... Technically a character that's an initiate/acoltye or perhaps a padawan/apprentice and knows one of the most advanced force techniques in the universe or is a battlemaster of all saber techniques. I put the seventeen year old Jedi Masters in the same box, as I have trully encountered them IC. I am not sure if it's caused by the lack of knowladge about specific skills, or simply by the intentional power-grabbing, but I trully, trully hate it.


    One example? A recent sparr tournament between a couple guilds sith guilds. One between apprentices only, characters that are mostly still learning and far away from their lord rank. One of my first opponents uses a Force Storm, ok... Not -that- bad, but still advanced and dificult. I decided to let it slip and carried on, but when he attempted to use the Dark Side Tendrils, I clearly told them OOC it's a skill needing a mastery of sith sorcery and there is no way he could use it without harm to himself. I was told I break the flow of RP and that we should continue... I defeated him either way, but that was just stupid exploitation of bits of lore without paying attention to details.


    Another example was an Accolyte I was recruiting on Korriban. I understand no one wants to be the weak guy, but... She was a master of Niman, which requires a full mastery of the first five forms that come before it. She also used a lot of force techniques with it, like Force Blasts or Summon Darkness. Did I mention she was just past her 18th birthday? Not yet? My bad...

  13. Hi there SWTOR cummunity,

    I recently encountered a small problem with the universe we are living in. I am RPing a sith apprentice that got severly wounded during one of the unplanned trainings and my master got more then a bit angry at me due to the fact. He pulled my sorry butt from the kolto bath I've been put in the moment he knew I won't simply die right away and told me to bare with the results of my stupidity. So I had to emote a barely walking pureblood for the day's event. Now my master told me to stick away from kolto, as to not speed up my healing process. But being a clever hell of a girl, I later emoted ordering a bit of bacta injectors and a one use bacta tank. Having access to some good funds, I was able to afford it and due to the therapy got myself cured with an overnight bacta-bath and a series of bacta injections the day after.


    Now here is the issue. Some members of my guild claim that bacta is not yet in the universe. As it's too soon for it to be in use. Yet my sources indicate that it's already been around 400 years since it's been spreading through the galaxy. Also some other sources from forums say it's already here, but rare and expensive. So I was wondering if it's actually here, or if it's a mistake, or how does it actually look like?


    Sources I've used:

    - wookieepedia - specifically the start of the history tab;

    - swtor-rp - a small question as my own stating that bacta is indeed available;

    - the fact Commando gains "Bacta Infusion" skill on lvl 16;

  14. Hello, I encountered a problem today. I logged into my Sorcerer, played a little, then tried to leave a Stronghold. The loading bar stopped after a short while and wouldn't move further. Afer over a 15 minute long wait, I decided to close the game via Task Menager and try to relog into the character. But unfortunately I cannot, every time I try, the loading bar will stop in the same exact spot and won't let me log into the character. I checked all my other alts and they work just fine.


    Would be thankful for any help you can provide, as the ticket remains unanswered since the morning and the live chat option is not available.

  15. If you going to RP on the Progenitor, I can help as well. RPing can be really fun, depending on the way you do it. If you ever played any P&P game, you will be fine. If not, you will have to learn how to describe things, but you will be fine. There is nothing wrong that can go in RP, because when something like this happens you will get an OOC comment and the situation will be fixed.


    Characters on Rep side: Ikumi

    Characters on Imp side: Eleya, Naeli

  16. 1. She uses the race miraluka, but is human.


    2. I do not mind people listening to our RP, but when they approach us with an emote and a nice speach clezrly indicating they know a bit or two about RP and then just sit there staring... It's a little awkward.


    3. It could have been reported, but nothing happened in the end and that throwing around and groping was not much more what other RPers do. I have no idea if the sith would use the blackscreen or just eRP in the middle. If he did the later. As a player, I always have the ability to simply drop out from RP if it comes to that.

  17. The Amazing Rookie (Still working on the name...)


    These are the characters that's back story includes that in whatever profession they're partaking in, they are 'surprisingly' one of the best. Always hearing the tales of how shocking (Get it? Because SITH!) their trials were, how they easily surpassed every acolyte there and how they even brought the overseers to their knees. Why can't we have backstories built upon sucking? I much prefer characters that became stronger because they were very horribly flawed (Like an actual person) in the past and built their strength upon their mistake.

    Heh, I was acused of creating such a character. She is a master at sensing things while being rookie with other force uses, as she never had any major training. I had to explain over and over again that she is blind and that's how she sees the world. She is in a constant practice of that skill for the past four years.


    But the one trait characters. If I ever see another sith that's killing everyone who dares to have even the slightest diference of opinions, I am gonna commit an IC suicide. That's like... Meh. My only sith that I RP does not kill, just because she prefares other methods of gaining power and influence. She will torture if needed, bully, threaten and what else, but killing is a waste of time for her. Unless someone poses a threat to her family, then she is ruthless and does not stop untill her girls are safe.


    And one more

    The awkward sitters:

    People who join a group cantina RP and just sit there listening, never saying anything else then the first few words when joining. That's just... They usually leave without a word or even a tiny emote. It's frustrating.

  18. Angst Corner Sitters: AKA, the rper who doesn't want to rp. These characters just sit there throwing out brooding emotes and giving one-word answers to anyone who comes around and either ignoring or outright rejecting potential plot lines. Introverted RP characters are fine, but roleplay is a group effort, and your character needs to actually do something to be a part of the plot. If all you do is sit there and sigh, eventually people will stop trying to rp with you. And if your character is so shy/moody/anxious that they never really interact with others.... what's the point of rping as them?


    My current character is an introvert and I can assure you, it's nothing close to replying with single words, sights all around and overall corner sitting. To play an introvert properly you have to be one yourself. Otherwise you cannot understand the way an itroverts mind works. An introvert is more or less a person that feels good when alone, but it does not mean she or he avoids contact with others. An introvert will sit in a cantina on a party, but she or he will avoid directly influencing the conversation. She or he will answer when asked, the answer might be short, might be delivered with a huge blush or jsut a nod. But the character will act totally diferent when surrounded with persons she or he trusts, knows and feels comfortable with. Suddenly that shy and always blushed girl can turn into the joking and laughing charm of beauty. It's how we work.


    The players you talk about are the "I-Won't-RP-Guys". And I hate them. It's frustrating to write that long emote to see a single "No." as a reply.


    The Bad Guy "Good Guy": Basically, the guy who's supposed to a member of the Republic/Jedi/other good guys, or working with them, but acts so obiously evil that he (I see this way more often with male characters) should be killed, jailed, or at least abandoned by now, but haven't been because of PC armor. The same applies to Sith/Imperials/other bad guys who are not only not doing bad things, but actively working to prevent those bad things. Why are the bad guys keeping them around if they screw up all their plans?

    So, yeah, those are my rp annoyances.


    Not every sith is a "bad guy". Not every republic trooper is a "good guy". But there are limits. A trooper that goes on a rampage will be discomishoned, trialed and then jailed or executed. Sith that refuses to do what's needed will be seen as weak and killed. But I agree, a lot of people take the RP to an entirely new level of awkwardness...


    The Lore Ignorer: So, I really enjoy the SW universe. I could probably large chunks of the movies from memory, own dozens of the books and have read twice that, and will play games just because they're Star Wars. I understand, not everyone is like that. Some people have only just gotten into it, or aren't really even into SW at all and just like this game and rp. That's fine, and I don't expect you to know everything. But if you're roleplaying in an established fictional universe, I am going to expect you to know the basics about how the world works, thing' like what Force powers can and cannot do, what the basic ideas of the Republic, Empire, Mandalorians, Jedi, etc are and who's allied with whom, and who the main cannon characters are and their basic personalities.


    Not really want to start on this one. I spent two weeks combining a list of materials used in SW universe just to RP my trooper that's an armstech specialist as well. That trooper is a Staff Sergeant now and I am constantly fighting with lower ranks that are openly refusing orders, laughing at me and what else. If I would play it by the military rules, all of them would be flogged, jailed or scrubing the floor of the Guild Flagship for eternity, but... PC armor.

  19. If we are talking characters, then I hate the "rich kids", aka "iron mans". A character whos background starts with a long number describing the state of the account. It's a fast gateway to god-moding and I honestly hate it. One of my guilds had a new smuggler recently. He was carrying around a Cortosis Blade, which to my knowladge is quite expensive. The only explenation I got for him having it was, he's rich.


    As for the players, I find the emoting bastards to be super annoying. I am normally RPing with my guild, but sometimes I feel the urge to do something alone, just for myself. So one day, Slippery Slopes was the choice. I encountered a Sith Lord that decided to hit on my ginger trooper. As I take my RP seriously and already had a partner my character cared about, I said a firm "no". That's the moment when he started god moding emotes, there was no "tries to pin" "attempts to grab". He just pinned me to the wall, grabbed, pushed and so on. If not for some other guild that was RPing there, I guess that would be a rape or molesting at least.

  20. I am creating a civilian character that is ment to be a musician. I tried finding any solid info about the instruments used in the SW, but other then a couple of names, came up without anything special. I am hoping for something more then a drum or a clarinet. Would using the names of our instruments be a valid counterpart? Like a flute or violin?
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