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Posts posted by Malachi_Bane

  1. It has now been ten months since Ossus, and the issue regarding Quinn and Elara still has not been addressed. After completing Iokath, it used to be possible to reclaim whoever did not join you from the Odessen terminal. But after starting Ossus not only is that option no longer available, but either one or both of them can become unavailable seemingly at random, independent on the faction I actually supported on Iokath (or Ossus for that matter).


    I have characters who somehow managed to keep both of them, Republic supporters who lost Quinn and Imperial supporters who lost Elara, but also completely bizzare cases such as non-Warrior characters who supported the Empire receiving a message that they reunited with Quinn on Iokath, but declined to recruit him. Which of course should not be possible, as everyone other than Troopers/Warriors gets the companion from their respective side automatically after completing Iokath - there is no option to decline them as companions in-game: https://i.imgur.com/t1yBDB7.png


    At this point I no longer care about the supplementary "interaction" text, but can you at least please enable both of them on Odessen terminal for all charactes who have Iokath story flagged as completed? That shouldn't ever be that hard - it was an option that existed for two years between 5.2 and 5.10 - and it would fix every combination of this issue for everybody.

  2. His Alliance Alert recruitment will come in an upcoming patch :)


    Thank you. While we're at it, can you please confirm whether no longer being able to reclaim Quinn/Elara from Odessen terminal is intentional? It was possible to do it since 5.2. and many characters still have it, but after doing Ossus the one who didn't join you in Iokath is removed from the companion list and no longer appears as an option in the terminal.

  3. In the final Republic cutscene on the Fleet I got a ghost voice-over from Theron despite killing him on Nathema and not even bringing him back via terminal.


    Also, I still cannot reclaim Elara/Quinn from Odessen terminal based on Iokath choices. It's been almost a year since Ossus - can Bioware at least confirm whether that is intentional now? We were able to reclaim them both before.

  4. Can't you bring back all comps now with some special terminal?


    That's the point. Ossus broke the terminal. Companions that could previously be returned were removed from your roster and no longer could be picked at the terminal. Some bugs have been fixed since 5.9, but for each companion who did Ossus I still have 1-2 companions that should be reclaimable, but aren't.

  5. Just a honest assessment here: as someone with well over 16 characters at or near the current cap, most of them will not be doing whatever Onslaught is. For the same reason they are still behind on Ossus: the companions broken by starting Ossus still have not been reliably returned.


    It's been 10 months now, and I feel like it's pointless to reiterate what's been posted on the Bug Reports forum in great detail so many times. After Ossus it is no longer possible to return Quinn/Elara from the companion terminal, which was and still is possible after making the choice on Iokath. SCORPIO still cannot be reclaimed by Republic characters even after completing the Ossus storyline (it was fixed for Imperials though). Moreover, some (but not all) Imperial characters who sided with the Empire on Iokath have Quinn available with a message that he decided not join the Alliance regardless - what's up with that?


    As someone who is very averse to losing companion characters, whom I invested time and credits getting to Rank 50 and dressing in cool outfits (not to mention the emotional attachment), the entire Ossus cycle has been one huge trainwreck for me. I had to deliberately withhold my main characters with the best equipment and Cartel unlocks from the new dailies and the top tier of gear, leaving them with pretty much nothing else to do. I could understand the issues for characters who started Ossus by auto-completing previous content, but it has been exactly the same for characters who reached Ossus naturally.


    Really Bioware, the decision to reset the entire companion roster for the sole reason of forcing us to use only Tau/Anri during the story on Ossus has been nothing short of a disastrous in terms of bugs that it brought. The same has been done on Iokath with zero side-effects, not to mention that you have other tools to force specific companions for story cutscenes (see: all of KOTFE and KOTET). I will be checking Onslaught with the few boosted characters whose companion roster has already been messed up by Ossus, but until the companion issues from 2018 are fixed, that will be it for me.

  6. Today I suddenly found that I am unable to join Warzones on any of my characters - Imperial or Republic, low level or at cap of 70. I can enter the queue and receive the popup, but when I press Enter Warzone, nothing happens. I don't travel anywhere and PVP icon on the map remains blinking, indicating that I am still in que. I have tried it multiple times, including after restarting the game. Anyone have any idea what could cause this?
  7. Yeah, people don't absolutely run premades, at all, never, ever.


    *looks at the many premade complain threads*


    When a premade is formed to dominate the opposing side in PVP, at least they are playing the game as intended, albeit with an advantage. But when 2 or 3 person on your team ignore objectives and run aside to be repeatedly killed by their friend on opposing faction, they are hurting the team and making experience worse.


    Achievements for a number of captured objectives or earned medals would be a reasonable thing to have. But if you're somehow making 55 Kills in Odessen or 10 Solo Kills in Huttbal, you're playing the game wrong. This behavior should not be endorsed.


    Imagine if we had achievements for having up to 50 total group wipes on each and every ops boss. Some people would just get them naturally, others would form a group with friends and suicide without gear over and over. But some inevitably would intentionally cause wipes on a regular PUG group runs, annoying everybody else and ruining their experience. Would it be possible to complete such achievements? Yes. But that doesn't mean the game should have them.

  8. So, we're back to where we started. The achivements are so terribly balanced that they're only possible in controlled matches where the other side runs into you naked to suicide. In any legitimate match, making 10 Solo Kills or 55 Kills Total in the allotted time is simply not possible. When people try and get those premade groups set up, any regular players caught in between are screwed because people will do everything except the intended objectives. This only hurts the PVP environment and frustrates other players. A significant lowering of the required kills is needed.
  9. Well, that's the case NOW, but wasnt the case before.


    We are getting class changes from time to time and with 6.0 coming they might introduce new abilities etc so that "something" changes and with that PVP will change again. Just look at what was added over the years, Sages got Wandering Mend, Reflect abilities, not to mention Utilities that enhance the game play. So overall before it was pretty much possible and now we will get new matchmaking limiting the number of healers and tanks. 6.0 is coming too with probable changes to classes. I would leave it as it is and see.


    But they are also making all of the matches shorter:

    * Alderaan turrets hit for 12 instead of 10

    * Ancient Hypergate Orbs give more points

    * Voidstar reduces the time of all casts, making a rush to the datacore much more likely

    * Yavin Ruins ships only have 500 health and deaths contribute to the score

    * Huttball matches are only 10 minutes (down from 13)


    The achievement objectives have been very hard to complete legitimately at first, and only became more and more difficult as time went on. Even if there is a mesasure of backtracking, it will be completely negated by the vastly reduced match length.


    Do you really belive it's possible to do 10 Solo Kills within 10 minutes in Huttbal? It probably takes as much when people run into you naked just to die, if even half of them fight back there simply won't be enough time. The above poster mentioned only having 55 kills 4 times in 350 matches. Not only does it mean the objective criteria are only possible less than 1% of the time, it is still a tiny fraction of 7 warzones multiplied by 50 times required to complete Elite versions of achievements.


    7x50/0,01 = 35,000 matches! That insane amount means you either have to play random warzones for decades hoping to progress them normally or team up with friends on opposing sides and ruin the match for everyone else. The change IS required, and a major warzone revamp is the perfect time to do it.

  10. Some of those are a bit too small.

    With that, I agree. Which is why I propose 5 Solo Kills, 10 Killing Blows and 30 Total Kills.


    Solo Kills - the current requirements of 10 per match are impossible, plain and simple. Even if you lure one player away and kill them a few times, it won't be long before one of your teammates comes along to throw a heal or attack your target, meaning that it won't count as a solo. With Voidstar, Huttbal, Hypergate and Yavin matches becoming shorter, this one will become totally unreacheable without dual-boxing with a friend or an alt. So what you need is 1 and 3 Solo Kills for one-time achievements and 5 for the one you need to repeat 50 times - it would still be hard, but at least doable before the time runs out.


    Killing Blows - getting 20 kills total doesn't even always happen, to achieve 20 Killing Blows in a match you need an opposing team of either clueless monkeys or friends who will suicide on you. But 10 is actually doable on a good DPS in a lowbie match, so it's OK to require 1 and 5 KBs for one-time achievement and 10 for repeatable ones.


    Total Kills - with the exception of Voidstar, this may be even harder than Solo Kills. Matches simply don't last long to get that many kills even on a healer because the fighting is spread out on the map. Even the current 40 required for a one-time achievement is extra hard. I've tried forming a group of 8 friends to ignore objectives and just hunt the opposing side - even with us staying alive and them dying like flies only a couple of people per match can hit the 40 mark - and even that is not the indended gameplay. For a regular match, 30 Total Kills is more than enough, with 10 and 20 for one-time achievements.


    It's especially egregious when other PVP achievements are downright trivial. Making a hit/heal for 10k requires a single crit even if you're wearing Level 1 gear at 70 because of bolster, while 400,000 total damage/healing is accomplished with just standing in one place and spamming the basic attack/heal. I know there are people who have completed 100% PVP and are proud of it, but even they would agree that these take a LOT more time and effort than even the hardest NiM Ops bosses, which should definitely NOT be the case here.

  11. The problem is, even IF you get those achievement legitimately, without dual-boxing or teaming with a friend on the opposite side, you are still hurting your team.The person who does 10 Solo Kills in Huttball or chases 55 kills in Odessen? They are purposefully ignoring objectives and might as well be standing afk as far as their team in concerned. No other achievements or objectives are designed to deliberately sabotage other players' experience.


    Even back when achievements were added with 2.0. these were way out of whack, but with the level increases, new defensive abilties and added bolster they are COMPLETELY unobtainable through normal play. I have been doing PVP for years, have "I am Death Incarnate" for 50,000 kills and was never, ever able to get even one of those, not to mention doing it 50 times. I inspect other people all the time and normal players never have any of those, ever. The only expection is Voidstar, where 55 kills is possible because the macth can last the full 15 minutes and all fighting cna be concentrated in one small area.


    On the other hand, there IS indeed a way to progress all these achievements. Que lowbies with either a friend or your alt account on the other side and have them run at you naked to get killed over and over. I know a lot people who do this all the time and make serious progress on all those achievements. There is still a lot of time and effort involved, no doubt, but in doing those they ignore objectives and deliberately hurt their team, making PVP experience so much worse for other players!


    This should be the main reason for Bioware to rebalance those achievements: not even to assist people who need to see the imaginary number go up to 100%, but to prevent them from hurting the overall PVP experience for other players. Adding new ones won't help - as long as those numbers stay the same there will be achievement hunters utterly ruining PVP matches for other people because those achievements are so badly designed.


    Lowering those numbers will only improve the PVP meta. Bring it down to 5 Solo Kills, 10 Killing Blows and 30 Total Kills and you're looking at numbers that can be realistically obtained in a competitive match, without requiring the other side to resort to aked suicide. And the upcoming PVP revamp is the perfect time to do it. Come on Bioware, this is a trivial code change, but a right thing to do!

  12. Hey folks,

    New Huttball (and Queshball) Changes

    • The match will now last for a maximum of 10 minutes (down from 13 minutes)




    Eric, will you at least consider changing Warzone achievement requirements? Making matches shorter will make getting 55 Kills, 20 Killing Blows or 10 Solo Kills even more hard to get than it is now. Hundreds of people who care about achievements have to either ignore objectives and hurt their team or have no chance of ever getting those achievements done through normal gameplay. Lowering the requirements along with lowering the match runtime is only fair!

  13. Eric, is there any chance this major warzone revamp can also include some achievement rebalancing? Currently, the only way to get 10 Solo Kills, 20 Killing Blows or 55 Total Kills in a match is to run a premade group and purposefully ignore the objectives, hurting the PVP experience for other players. Surely this can't be the intended behavior when achievements for making 10,000 damage/healing in a single cast or 400,000 total damage/healing per match are easy to progress even for an average player?


    The reasonable requirements for these achievements would be:


    Solo Kills: 1-3-5 (from 1-5-10)

    Killing Blows: 1-5-10 (from 5-10-20)

    Total Kills: 10-20-30 (from 25-40-55)


    When even dedicated achievement hunters who have Rank 100 in Valor, 50000 player kills in "I am Death Incarnate" and all operation achievements including timed NiM runs and HM Revan / Izax kills can hardly progress these PVP achievements without completely ignoring objectives and thus hurting their team, you know the goals for them weren't set correctly.


    The main issue here is time, with the current match length those goals can hardly be reached even when the opposite side just runs into you without gear to suicide. Since your other proposed changes including making the matches in Voidstar, Ancient Hypergate and Yavin Ruins even shorter, it only makes sense to rebalance the achievements as well. Otherwise you are forcing people who want them to sabotage the matches over and over, which cannot be enjoyable for either side.

  14. While you're at it, could please also look into rebalancing some of the PVP achievements? While making 10,000 damage/heal in a single cast or 400,000 damage/heal per match is trivially easy, some others are insanely imbalanced.


    I'm talking about making 10 Solo Kills, 20 Killing Blows and 55 Total Kills (in 50 matches, no less). In the current meta, it is nearly impossible to get any of those through playing regular matches (I haven't gotten any in 5 years of regular PVP). The only way to get those achievements is to deliberately ignore objectives, actively hurting your team. Not to mention that shortened match times will make them even more impossible.


    These achievements should not be harder to get than timed NiM runs without dying once, and yet they very much are. A player can have I am Dead Incarnate for 50,000 kills in PVP, but not a single one of those (I know, I checked!). And the achievements require to repeat them 50 times across each of the 7 warzones. That's 3x7x50 = 1050 feats which are simply unobtainable unless you deliberately sabotage the match.


    There is simply no need for such hard to accomplished feats to need to be repeated 50 times. Killing NIM Ops bosses for achievement is only required once, but even the best players have better chances of getting HM Revan/Izax kills and NiM timed run achievements than 55 Total Kills in Odessen Proving Grounds or 10 Solo Kills in Voidstar.


    I propose the following changes:


    Solo Kills - lower requirements from 1-5-10 to 1-2-3, or at least 1-3-5. Making one solo kill is rare enough, to get even 3 in a match without anyone else tagging your opponent or healing you, you pretty much have to go out of the way from everyone else, meaning abandoning the objectives entirely.


    Killing Blows - lower requirements from 5-10-20 to 1-5-10. Getting 10 is more or less reasonable on a well-played DPS, but there usually simply isn't enough time to reach 20 before the match is over.


    Total Kills - lower requirements from 25-40-50 to 10-20-30. Even in a totally one-sided match, where one team never dies at all and the other dies over and over, it is extremely rare to reach 40, while 55 is pretty much impossible without win-trading, again due to length of the match.


    Rebalancing them across individual warzones could also be a good step. For examle, Voidstar is easiest to get 40 kills (never 55) because it goes on for 15 minues if both sides are even and all fighting is in one place. But in Odessen Proving Grounds, where a match is usually over way before the 12 minutes maximum and a lot of running is involved between the rounds, getting even 25 kills is out of reach.


    Without rebalancing those achievements, you force a lot of achievement hunters to try and get them by actively ignoring the intended objective gameplay, frustrating their teams over and over, and even then not getting them most of the time. Is that really the intended result?

  15. This is my only real criticism of this entire release.


    Darth Ravage and Darth Mortis are either alive or dead.

    They might as well be Schrodinger's Councillors, we will never be able to pin down survival or death in the Lore unless it is decided one character is canon.


    That bothers me.


    That's nothing compared to the fact that we don''t even know who leads the Republic OR the Empire now. Is it Empress Acina or Emperor Vowrarn? Chancellor Jebevel Madon or Galena Rans?


    Branching storylines are cool when you have resources to follow them, like in Mass Effect or vanilla pre-release SWTOR. But when you're making big changes like that in the game's current state, you reduce the possibility on them being followed upon. Just how much prominence did Koth, Senya, Vette and Torian have in all the recent new content exactly?


    omg I was wondering who the hell that dude was. Why is IA the one person who gets someone completely random?


    To be fair, he was pretty prominent in tie-in material and was mentioned enough times in the game as well. He also is a direct foil to the Keeper, making him the Imperial Agent's most resourceful enemy in-universe, although many players indeed may not catch the reference.

  16. Wow, thank a lot for the info but how do you find out all of them in just a short time?

    Datamining, duh. There are entire sites where you can view complete list of NPCs featured in the flashpoint and read the entire dialogue tree.


    P.S. I'm honestly not sure if it's allowed to even mention that. But hey, I'm not giving any links, so that makes it okay, right?

  17. There are always 3 victims that will be used as fuel for Zildrog:


    The first one is based on the choice of either sparing or killing Senya: Nautolan Chela Nayss from a world bombed by Arcann or Zera, former Knight of Zakuul.


    The second one is based on the Peacemaker/Dictator choice at the end of KOTFE: Darth Mortis or Indo Zal.


    The third victim is based on your choices from the class storyline:


    1. Jedi Knight: Servant One if Lightside or Bela Kiwiiks if Darkside
    2. Jedi Consular: Sophia Farash (Child of the Emperor Ambassador on Voss) if Lightside or Gaden-Ko if Darkside
    3. Trooper: Imperial General Essith (associate of Rakton) if sided with the Republic on Iokath or General Garza if sided with the Empire instead
    4. Smuggler: Nexia Kiril (daughter of Voidwolf) if Lightside or Master Sumalee if Darkside
    5. Sith Warrior: Darth Baras (if he was spared) or Darth Ravage if he was not
    6. Sith Inquisitor: Khem-Val or Darth Zash, depending on whom you put into Mind Prison
    7. Bounty Hunter: Malea Janarus (widow of the former Chancellor) or Lord Vindis (apprentice of Darth Tormen), depending on whom you killed at the end
    8. IA: Shara Jenn (Watcher Two) if you became a double agent or Marcus Trant (Director of SIS who appeared in tie-in novels and comics) if you remained Imperial


    All put together, there are 20 possible candidates for the 3 victims, 14 of which are previously established characters. The class story victim appears in hologram during the flashpoint, while the other 2 are featured in the holorecordings from the bonus mission on the Abandoned Listening Post.

  18. The Yavin Ruins Warzone will no longer pop at a higher frequency than other Warzones.


    Eric, is there any way to delay this change until the next update? Because the achievements for this warzone were bugged ever since 5.6., nobody could retain their progress on to them, even though getting them in the first place was not that difficult. But now the new warzone will pop only 1 time out of 8 or less, making achievements that require 50 matches ridiculously long to complete.


    If you could delay this change even for 1 week so that people could get the achievements while the warzone is still popping often, it would be most appreciated by so many of us!

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