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Posts posted by fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg

  1. I've been thinking about this and I just realized that Valkorian's son and daughter should be a lot younger than they are.

    Think about it, the emperor disappeared at the end of SoR and the eternal fleet shows up at Marr's ship about a few months later. Then we are imprisoned for 5 years. So how did the emperor build the eternal fleet, raise a family of kids that are in their 20's and build all the infrastructure on Zakuul in a 6 year period?

  2. Why must everyone who "has been here since beta" feel the need to point out to new people why the game sucks simply because they added things that they are not used to? People don't like their normal patterns of life changed, in this case the changes in 4.0. To a new guy these changes are perfectly natural so instead of trying to make him hate something that he has no reason to, let him enjoy his happiness.
  3. Why must everyone who "has been here since beta" feel the need to point out to new people why the game sucks simply because they added things that they are not used to? People don't like their normal patterns of life changed, in this case the changes in 4.0. To a new guy these changes are perfectly natural so instead of trying to make him hate something that he has no reason to, let him enjoy his happiness.
  4. People didn't want KOTOR 3 people wanted a Star Wars MMO. When will all of you get that? Sure it's nice and fun for someone like you, but are you going to stick around until new content comes out? How many people are?


    I know I'm not, and I'm already seeing a ton of leaving posts in general chat.


    Really? I've seen plenty of people here on the forums that seem to want a KotOR 3.

  5. I do agree that KotFE could be a little more challenging boss fight wise. As an assassin with tank spec, I'm finding it very difficult to die in boss fights. The only time I came close to dying waw in a pvp skirmish with a Sentinel, but he didn't last long anyways because he lot lynched by a mob of more imp players.

    I do love the story though. I'm having to ditch my friends in the middle of Rust so I can play through the KotFE story:cool:.

  6. Prob is OP you are the "vocal minority" The very loud vocal minority as I have seen more threads like this than those that want it changed.


    personally on this issue I don't care either way. I preferred it how it was but can live with this far better than some of the other 4.0 changes.


    Umm...you see more of these threads from the vocal minority than the other way around. The people defending comps or are indifferent do not spam the forums every other thread begging bioware to change it.

  7. a youtube game critic by the name of totalbiscuit once said that, in his opinion, a game need to have a "state of failure". In other words, for a game to actually be a game, it needs to give a chance to player to fail (and try again obviously)


    i would sort of agree, though probably incomplete. Without the opportunity to fail, game is loosing much of it's appeal. Iff you are attack by an enemy, if the companion take over and kills it withtout you doing anything, there were never a chance to fail.


    Like one said, we need low to have high, otherwise, it's just a monotone flat line.


    Like I said, I have no problem with them changing things, just as long as their decision wasn't based off of a small group of players whining on the forums.

  8. Companion Definitely need to be turned on. especially in the KOTFE story line.


    Even if you nerf them yourselves by disabling their abilities right after a cut scene they go right back again. you can actually get them to a decent level when you nerf them yourselves. However for 90 percent of the single target enemies they can just tank them all themselves and there is no threat of losing anything.


    Probably why people are complaining.


    I know Bioware will look at the metrics but when people really start to get to work leveling up their companions they are going to be even stronger.


    Got Lena to level 11 just giving her some crummy gifts and her charge ability alone went up 20 percent of damage. Which in turns heels her for that damage and then she turns into ms invincible with a cooldown that is only7.5 seconds.


    needs a fixin.


    I do like that you are presenting metrics rather than pestering them to change it because someone says so. If they have a logical reason to change things, than it is completely understandable.

  9. so you say.


    More like they had evaluated the impact in the game, made a model to predict the future of the economy of the game, didn't like it so change it.


    They may have overnerfed it, i don't know. It could be a conservative measure to preserve the game. It's easy to be on the safe side, trying to preserve balance of the game. Introducing very powerful new concept into the game can disrupt the game (even kill the game if player leave because of it)


    Reguarding companion, i personnally don't think it's sustainable to have a subscription based game too easy, player will blast through it and without compelling gameplay, won't stay. The good ol' carrot and stick to make player go forward.


    But then again, i am no game designer, nor CEO of a game company, so i could be wrong. it's just my opinion.


    But look at it this way: if people never complained about the slot machines or even mentioned them, do you think that they would have nerfed it?

  10. give bioware some credits. If they decide to make change in the game, they most likely have discussed, tested, modified, re-tested many times before implementing it.


    you don't run a multi hundreds of millions dollars company, if not billion, by making decision on a whim, depending on your mood one morning. I work on a very small company, tiny in comparaison, and even then i have to go through 3 different service to change my desk chair.


    subscription number will be reviewed, player activity will be analysed, and action will be taken consequently.


    You make a valid point, but their last nerf decision was based on catering to a vocal minority.

  11. Well it's hard to see what you mean for a very simple reason.


    Who do you consider the vocal minority in the slot machine debacle? The people who complained about the slot machine as it came out or the ones who complained about the nerf?


    In the end there will always be people complaining about new stuff and it probably won't take long before this thread also turns into a discussion about whether or not companions should be nerfed.


    Sorry. I should have clarified. By the vocal minority I meant the people who complained about the slot machine when it came out.

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