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Posts posted by TakaAioko

  1. What do you mean with that? That you can get the space missions directly from the Galaxy Map (instead of the terminal on the ship)?




    Let's say you pick a non space mission, for example "[HEROIC 2+] The Lanar Question". If you go to the Galaxy Map and you put your mouse over the sector Coreward Worlds, you see it listed under Alderaan.


    In the other hand if you pick a space mission, say "Space Combat: Duma Strike", you have no indication at all when you put your mouse over the sector where that quest is located in, in this case Unkwon Regions. Many times you will end up searching in every sector, and that is really tedious.


    At some point you might memorize a few of them, but it's even more difficult when you play both republic and empire missions because the same quests have different names and sometimes they are in different sectors too depending on the faction.


    This shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

  2. I made a quick list of what I think the bare minimun KOTET must have to be successful (1), another list of really important updates (2), and a list (3) of stuff that would make it even more awesome. Nothing out of the ordinary really, it's basically more of what we have.


    I did add a fourth list of just personal ideas/opinions I'd like to see implemented in the game, but I don't think they're that important nor I expect them to actually come real any time soon.



    (1) MUST-HAVEs


    -> New Story Content (this one is a given, of course)


    -> New Operations (at least 2). This is very important, the raiding community needs new content too!


    -> New Warzones/Arena (at least 2).


    -> Endgame (At least 5 new levels, new tier of gear, ops and flashpoints scaled to the ultimate level, etc )



    (2) SHOULD-HAVEs


    Important cosmetic improvement:

    ->Add weapons to the outfit designer. With the use of legacy weapons you lose the chance of using your favorite (cartel) weapons.


    Improvements in playability:

    ->Character sorting in the selection screen, when you have 50 of them it's difficult to search through.


    ->Companion sorting, maybe a group shortcut for preferred ones? It's difficult to switch companions when you have too many.


    ->Space Missions indicator on Galaxy Map. It's the least you can do for a part of the game that's been forsaken for years.



    (3) NICE-TO-HAVEs


    -> New Stronghold(s) (Kashyyyk, Manaan, Alderaan, Dantooine, Korriban, Asteroid Hideout, etc, and I hope it's nothing lame like it might be Hoth or Zakuul)


    -> New Playable Specie(s) (Bothan, Nautolan, Kel Dor, Duros, Mon Calamari, etc) and/or planets (Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Telos, Onderon, Thyferra, Zeltros, etc)


    -> Minigames:

    --> Make the Nightlife event just run continuously.

    --> Add swoop racing and pazaak like in KOTOR.





    (4) WHY-NOTs



    Side content, give more life to the game:

    - Give more access and or excuses to visit a few planets like Quesh, Manaan, Ziost or Darvannis.


    - Touristic access to the galactic wonders. For example it'd be nice to be able to go to the Colossus in Dromund Kaas just like people visit the statue of Liberty in real life. Same idea for the statues of the Dark Lords in Korriban, the Ancient Temple's roof in DK, etc. It would be nice to also add a quest or some sort of challenge to get to those places, just to make it more interesting.


    - More NPCs able to interact, even if they actually don't contribute to a quest or just give information about the galaxy.


    - At the moment we are gathering many companions, but developing our relationship with almost none of them (ugh, lets not even get started with Niko). I hope this gets fixed.


    - I love references to old characters like the ones from KotOR. I'd love to hear about Mission Vao in a republic museum, hear about Visas Marr in the Jedi Temple, visit Atris' temple in Telos, visit Qel-Droma's tomb, etc.


    - I also love continuity, I hope the story reveals how it makes sense what happened in Ziost, with the Revan saga, with KotFE, etc. And I would also love to hear what happened to many characters we used to interact with, like Jace Malcom, Master Kiwiiks, Master Sumalee, etc.


  3. I guess the 500 or 600 coins you get every month for being a subscriber means nothing to you. *SMH*


    You're mixing apples with oranges, those coins are part of the subscription that I pay for and they have NOTHING to do with this promotion that one would expect to reward long time subscribers as well.


    It is also frustating that I'm still waiting for Bioware to fix a bug since the RELEASE of KOTFE that affects the gameplay of my main character. It's a whole different topic but it helps to build up the feeling I have right now.

  4. Had the same issue.


    After reading this thead I tried finishing the last boss out of the fire and without the support droid but it didn't work.


    I did the flashpoint a fifth time and while I was finishing the boss outside the fire, he punched me accross the room into the fire, leaped to me and died. Talking about bad luck... but that time it actually counted for the event.


    I suspect it has something to do with whatever triggers the end of the FP. The only thing I did different that time was accepting the FP's prize BEFORE i gathered the loot from the boss.

  5. I believe it's really OP, especially in Hutball. By the time you target a scoundrel they already rolled all the way to the goaline.


    And also it looks really ridiculous. Seriously? people crossing the whole map rolling? It looks like something you'd see in Nickelodeon, not Star Wars.


    I'm really hating SWTOR right now, it's a pain to log in, there's some serious lag issues since the last patch and they managed to screw Huttball, if not to say the whole PVP.

  6. Sorry if this was suggested before, but recently I've found sages boosting their stats in Warzones by using Noble Sacrifice and then healing themselves when no enemies were around. It sounds a little unfair to get medals like that, encourages sages to sit in a corner instead of playing the WZ, etc.


    I started a thread in the PVP area, and a suggestion came up:

    Make noble sacrifice usable only in combat situation. Outside combat, you can regain force by using mediteta(/seethe), so you don't need noble sacrifice to anything but farming.


    This makes a lot of sense to me and sounds pretty easy to implement, I hope Bioware goes for it.

  7. Recently I've found sages in WZs who would just stand in one place all alone losing their health and then healing themselves. The first time I saw this I thought was "who the heck is attacking the healer?" because there wasn't any enemies in sight.

    Then I remembered that sages can sacriface their own HP and realized this person was just boosting his stats in the WZ.


    Now my question is, should this really be allowed?

    In my opinion it does sound like cheating and I don't think we want players sitting in a corner boosting their stats. And other classes don't have a way to improve their stats like that so it sounds unfair too.

    But I can also see this being hard to prevent for the admins, because I think selfhealing should count towards your WZ healing but how to discriminate when it's being used well and when it isn't?


    Sorry if this is a noobish question, but this recently caught my attention.

  8. In NC, cap two, keep two.

    Sure, if all your defender teammates died and you just respawned, just go to the other node which will certainly have less enemies, but other than that attempting a 3 cap will make it more difficult to defend the 2 other nodes. And this unacceptable in a tight game.


    Two cases that really frustrates me: Typical case of swapping nodes, we take a second node then 2+ people go for the third one. Obviously we instantly lose the second one before we get the third, which they get later and becomes our second node. And then again and again until we lose.


    The other case happened to me recently. Playing Republic in a close game we couldn't retake south, but suddenly one of our teammates took east. I go with my sage to help that guy and we kill one enemy. Then other two showed up, then 3 more.

    We held the node for a long time because they didn't focus on me and I could just heal my teammate pretty nicely, but we 2 were outnumbered so we eventually died. When I asked why noone else helped defending east the answer was "You idiot, east is too far away". And yeah, they failed at taking south too, so we lost :p

    Here's your sign.

  9. With my sage I hate snipers, they keep shooting at you making it hard to heal others.


    With my guardian tank I hate healers, because it's pretty difficult to kill them without help, and they make it really hard to kill their teammates too. So unless my team starts DPSing the same target, I can't kill much.

  10. I hate quitters and I agree a lockout is needed.


    For those who usually quit, If you're gonna be so picky about the group you're in, just start a group that is good enough for you and queu as such. If you're gonna be picky about the map, just quit as soon as you can and not in the middle of the map so a replacement can be found asap.


    It really pisses me off when things go bad people start leaving, which usually causes things to get worse. Replacements don't always come instantly, so leaving usually screws the game for the rest of the players who chose to stay.


    And it sucks for the replacement too, I don't think I have to explain why. Yesterday for example I joined 4 WZs in a row where the game had around 1 minute left to play, all of them were obviously a lost cause. Seriously I think I spent more time loading maps than playing them...

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