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Posts posted by TzhaarFury

  1. Too many damage chasing players who would rather use a finisher on someone than stop someone capping an objective. Sorc, unless in the hands of a very good player, is very easily counter-able in a 1v1. They may do a lot of damage, but focused burst? Nah.


    The pub v premade is very annoying though, especially since the majority of players are, as you've pointed out, not the best PVPers so its incredibly hard to turn things around single handedly.

  2. @Darth_Obvious


    Whilst I agree partly with what you're saying, your example is flawed. KDY required 4 people whereas a Warzone match requires a minimum of 8 and depending on which role you take up, the queue times aren't too dissimilar.


    However, its absurd to assume that the majority of players on this game are PVPers. PVP on this game doesn't require huge amounts of skill, nor a high end gaming machine but where it differs is the fact its set in the Star Wars universe. When I first joined this game, I found the actual PVE aspect very interesting and fun, as I wasn't that much into SW prior to this, however once I discovered PVP and found I was good at it, I was hooked. But, I started this game with 4 friends and 3 of those 4 play a handful of games just for the dailies and its because they are so engrossed in the Story.


    Very few games which have detailed story's cater have larger PVP populations and SWTOR is no different I believe.


    For all you and I know I could be completely wrong and there could be 100 regular PVPers to ever 10 PVEers, but common sense would tell me that on such an expansive game PVE would reign King.

  3. I was also pretty annoyed after finding many of the books I spent $$ on to be on YouTube for free, however reading in my own head allows me to paint my own picture whereas someone elses voice basically ruins some of the fun for me.


    The Bane trilogy is one of the best I've read and Revan was also a very good read which gave me reasonable insight into his background prior to the events in this game.

  4. I guess it really is a case of whichever is best for you...


    I've had so much trouble with my Assassin lately, starting off with using Darkness then Deception and then a hybrid of both, simply following the 'good' specs, but today I specced Madness and Lord knows I'm finally do some half-decent damage!


    By far and away the best build I've used, I'm having 20x more fun than I was using the other specs and now I can't wait for 2.8 to hit live servers :D!

  5. Hello guys, I came to SWTOR in 2012 but left to due to personal reasons and I returned about 2-3 months ago. My Assassin was the first character I started but when I came back I made a smuggler alt which became my main and my Assassin fell into the shadows, however recently I decided to give him a bash again, and leveled from 20-30 however I am severely struggling with this character so much so that I become frustrated and have to log off.


    Now on my Slinger I top damage easily in 55 non-ranked but I can barely hit 200K in a full Void/Alderaan game. Now I have asked about and people have told me Node guarding is where an Assassin needs to stick to as i'll just get mowed down if I go into the fray, however even when node guarding I seem to fail. I'll get the drop on a target, however I'll be down to 1/5th of my force bar after Discharge + Shock + Thrash which leaves me with no wriggle room. Force management is probably my biggest struggle dealing with this account as I seem to always be out of force in the most crucial moments.


    The tree I use is darkness and currently I'm like 3 - 20 - 0 and I'm geared using willpower mods + armoring. If anyone could give me any tips and whatnot on how to make myself better because I love the play style and look of the Assassin and on my Slinger I often see Shadows pumping out high levels of damage with one putting down 1.2K DPS.


    Thanks for all the help guys.

  6. 1 Assasin in the top 100 DPS rankings on TORParse. It's a jack of all trades class for sure, but its been nerfed so much that it's positively feeble in most departments and only has 1 viable DPS tree. Madness is a huge waste, Darkness doesn't have the DPS other tank specs do, which leaves Deception which requires a lot of luck and timing to ensure your burst isn't kak.


    Even though my main is a slinger, I HOPE they get nerfed soon and the proposed buffs to Sin's are actually half decent.

  7. his posts, your posts. hilarious stuff really.


    you should send some of your legal research to a lawyer....so he too can laugh as hard as i've been.


    You are incredibly misinformed/stupid/arrogant if you believe that harassing via a game isn't cyberbullying. There was an incident on Runescape a mere month or two ago whereby a 17 year old was sentenced to 18 months prison time because he threatened to kill someone as a joke over the ingame chat...

  8. I've known one person in real life that had a real life stalker. It was a truly mind-shattering experience for her.


    I ended up becoming more aware of what this can do to a person mentally, and to have more empathy for people in that situation. If she were playing TOR, and ran into a virtual imitator of the real life stalker? I can't say for certain what her reaction would be, but I wouldn't be surprised if it brought everything crashing back and sent her into a decline again.


    Some day, you may have kids. I hope that your view about things like this changes, for their sake.


    Spot on.


    You could be a hulking 10ft tall beast of a man who has never experienced anything adverse in your life and then have a kid who's bullied all the time. Will you tell him to man up and ignore the people bullying him? No, you wouldn't, you would try and find a way to stop the bullying.


    I feel disgusted that your friend has been forced to leave the game because of some sick person being hellbent on harassing them. Just remind your friend that if he/she came face to face with the person doing the harassing, they problem wouldn't say sweet fa to you.

  9. I find it extraordinary that people have gripes with minor things other people on a game do, I mean voting to kick if people don't follow one specific way around the flashpoint, wait I mean 'the best' way... Nobody takes into account that some people are just not as good at the game as others, especially in this day and age and unfortunately the problem seems to be growing.


    Just the other day I finally leveled my first character to 55 and was incredibly happy as I only manage to find time to play on weekends. Went to oricon and got my gear expecting to be able to run some HM's and OP's to get myself better gear, but what I didn't expect was the torrent of abuse I would receive from players who deemed my gear unsuitable. I was forced to start another character as I realised I don't have the time to do endgame stuff and frankly, if the MMO population at high levels treat all outsiders like that, I would much prefer to do things on my own than partake in multiplayer activities in a bloody MMO...

  10. I'm going to have to say no. I'm not a Star Wars fan, however, I am a huge fan of the ESO type of setting and story. Having played all the Elder Scrolls, Fables and those types of games, I have to say I was disappointed with the ESO beta...


    I've only played this game for a short while, subscribing 4 or so days ago, however having played the ESO beta I have no intention of leaving this game yet. The PVP on ESO will only get it so far IMO, whereas this game eclipses it in terms of story and general side-questing albeit the PVP in this is fairly muted.


    WIll players leave? Yes, of course they will, however at this point in TOR's lifecycle I think the majority of those that play it will be people who've stuck with it and only a small minority, such as myself, have joined recently and won't be too fussed to pick up and leave.

  11. It's worth bearing in mind that during the days of the Old Republic, there was much fighting within the Sith ranks and there were rival factions resulting in power plays becoming a common occurrence. On the other hand, post-Bane, every Sith worked toward aiding the next in the hope that they'd one day topple the Jedi, as they did and this makes them infinitely more dangerous.
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